

Gold Member
Call me the odd one. But I disagree with the (very) common notion that people who constantly selfies themselves are "insecure".

I wrote numerous times that I am against social media (still in a lot aspects) when money, fame and wide-spread status-seeking are altogether involved. But within the context of sharing and exhibiting your freewill as an individual, especially if one is very much indeed considered themselves to be attractive or good looking; I see nothing wrong with it.

Let's face it, we are all attracted to an ideal "set" of qualities. And most of these as much as most don't wish to admit - are mostly external. Why? because it's the very first thing we gather indirectly about such a person. There is always a grain of truth to why these people feel the "want" to express how good looking they are. Of course, what sort of truth that is remains personal. Some express it freely for the sake of personal fame. Some express it freely to promote an ideal fitness image - through lifestyle & commitment (Jen Selter,, basebodybabes, etc).

Again, I don't think there's anything wrong in flaunting yourself if you believe yourself as good looking. Once expressed within the right frame of mind & substance, anyone would do it.

Hence,all this trend to me - fits in the context & simple purpose of attracting and tittilating one another just fine. Why? it's just a reminder part of human nature on things we just simply find attractive. I see nothing wrong with it.


Legend Member
Insecurity is like a mind game. It has the potential to trip you up for a big implosion. It keeps one on edge if he/she can't cope with it. You know how we all like to walk on solid ground and not planks with couple of sticks propping it up. So if one can't build up enough trust as the foundation, insecurity builds up. You just need to whack it with your disco stick.

Try to always look at both sides of the coins.


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Legend Member
Men are more insecure than women. Women can change everything. Its too small BOOM blow it up. Its too big shrink it down. Men are unable to change. Men can change everything else though.


Forum & Administrator
Legend Member
Well....if men are more insecure than women then they hide it better..........but that in itself might be already a sign for insecurity ....... ;)


Legend Member
Dallas and I were chatting about something similar over a coffee (Well he had coffee I'm more refined I had a cup of tea) This being insecure can be a weird thing
Dallas and I are both quiet type of guys Yet do not think twice about getting a taxi and going to visit LT's But on arrival see a group of 3-4 young macho types egging each other on whilst having another sip of dutch courage to just get up the nerve to walk through that sliding door

Are they insecure or just scaredy -cats

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Dallas and I were chatting about something similar over a coffee (Well he had coffee I'm more refined I had a cup of tea) This being insecure can be a weird thing
Dallas and I are both quiet type of guys Yet do not think twice about getting a taxi and going to visit LT's But on arrival see a group of 3-4 young macho types egging each other on whilst having another sip of dutch courage to just get up the nerve to walk through that sliding door

Are they insecure or just scaredy -cats
Just young


Gold Member
I don't really know but just from talking to lots of people I think men are over all.

Many men are definitely more pathetic than women when their heart is broken, particularly when the girl says, "F off and don't call me!" So what do some of them do??? Worst still is that they consider it their entitlement..I'm a terrible listener...But what can you say when told that, "I called her 20 times and she didn't answer. She hasn't even sent an sms." apart from, " Well, she did say to you 'F off and don't call her!' So WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? You've really pissed her off now and you've completely blown any chance of reconciliation."
And upon delivering that pearl of wisdom, I've witnessed hard men shed tears...much to my amusement...
Nothing hurts quite like love, but for Gods sake, retain some dignity, particularly if you are a man!

Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
Babble....Left for love and right for spite.
Hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil.
If fate has rendered you to be bashed by envious, jealous or spiteful babble, roll your eyes, sigh impatiently, and make rude noises.

Oh So True..................:happy::happy::happy:


Legend Member
Well....if men are more insecure than women then they hide it better..........but that in itself might be already a sign for insecurity ....... ;)

What ya talkin about Willis? Of course men are less

It is fueled by jealousy...this insecurity.

You need to put out the fire of jealousy, not with rum. Your insecurity index will go limp like a bizkit.