How long did you think about becoming a Working Lady?


Silver Member
How long did you spend thinking about becoming a W/L before you decided to act on that?
Did you know for a while that you wanted to get into the industry or was it more spontaneous than that?
Was it a well thought out/researched venture or a decision made on a whim?
How much planning goes into your work or do you just "wing" it?

I imagine that many people made the decision to start working as an escort because it’s a quick way to make money, I’ve always believed those who work in this field are those who were left without a formal job and have expenses to cover.
I don’t doubt there are also some people who make the decision to start out of curiosity or pleasure, but always the majority of these people have a reason most of us will never know.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I imagine that many people made the decision to start working as an escort because it’s a quick way to make money, I’ve always believed those who work in this field are those who were left without a formal job and have expenses to cover.
I don’t doubt there are also some people who make the decision to start out of curiosity or pleasure, but always the majority of these people have a reason most of us will never know.

Sexy Kangaroo this was a Question for Sex Workers male or female not a chance to express random opinions from Guys .


Private Escort in Perth twitter :ameliakennedyxx
Diamond Member
I imagine that many people made the decision to start working as an escort because it’s a quick way to make money, I’ve always believed those who work in this field are those who were left without a formal job and have expenses to cover.
I don’t doubt there are also some people who make the decision to start out of curiosity or pleasure, but always the majority of these people have a reason most of us will never know.
That's very assumptive of you.


Gosh I just posted an ad up on backpage a few hours after hubby suggested it to me. I think about 2 or 3 days later I was off to a 2 hour outcall with my first client - haven't looked back since!
Can I ask, as I’m curious. How did the conversation come up? Reason I ask is, I was going to suggest the same thing to my partner as weird as that sounds.

No idea what to do

Legend Member
So I know it's for the Lady's, But could help myself and added to the subject anyway HA HA oooop's

Conversation started in 2014 by DEZ, Must have moved on.

Interesting subject IMO

My WL tells me that she was talked into the idea, had a manager that was not very pleasant and then went to work for herself and make her own rules.
She has the right of refusal, and uses it quite well I think.
She also selects client's carefully now I think

The Frenchman 🥐 For the Lady's🌹


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I have found over 40 years that most ladies that are over 25 think about it for at least 6 months before they go for their first interview. Younger girls often get talked into working by friends and even conned by some some operators. One Perth Madam used to frequent the Hilton Hotel bar in 80's-90's and buy young ladies expensive champagne and even set them up with one special client to get them a taste for money, but you have to realise in every industry 10-15% are rip off merchants but most are genuine.
I often use Dentists as an example. Crowns cost $2,000 plus only 2-3 appointments of 30 minutes and the technicians that make them only get $200 for there work the dentist gets the rest.


Milf next door
Silver Member
Can I ask, as I’m curious. How did the conversation come up? Reason I ask is, I was going to suggest the same thing to my partner as weird as that sounds.
He just kinda suggested it and pointed out all the positives of why it would work for us (my high sex drive, he wouldn't need to worry about me cheating - past history, financial gain, more holidays/flexibility, and best of all that I wouldn't have to do as much housework cos we could hire a cleaner... I struggled to see any downside at first lol

No idea what to do

Legend Member
He just kinda suggested it and pointed out all the positives of why it would work for us (my high sex drive, he wouldn't need to worry about me cheating - past history, financial gain, more holidays/flexibility, and best of all that I wouldn't have to do as much housework cos we could hire a cleaner... I struggled to see any downside at first lol

A good strong relationship., not sure I could do this But you have pointed out so many good reason's

💕 I wouldn't have to do as much housework cos we could hire a cleaner.. 💕
Makes perfect sense

💕The Frenchman 💕


Milf next door
Silver Member
A good strong relationship., not sure I could do this But you have pointed out so many good reason's

💕 I wouldn't have to do as much housework cos we could hire a cleaner.. 💕
Makes perfect sense

💕The Frenchman 💕
The funny thing is, at the time our relationship really wasn't strong, there were a lot of trust issues... but we've now been together 9 years(5 of them me working) and our relationship is so strong and supportive now! Who'd have thought?!

molly rose

Silver Member
For a long time I knew I wanted to be in the industry! Though I was to young to start my dreams for most of that time. As soon as I became of age I started with an OF and started my private work journey. I felt that private work wasn't the right fit for me. I moved to Perth and got an amazing opportunity to work for Langtrees! I was overwhelmingly happy and proud of myself that I was finally pursing a career that I love and my dreams have finally come true! 😊

Lola Bunny

sex kitten
Silver Member
How long did you spend thinking about becoming a W/L before you decided to act on that?
Did you know for a while that you wanted to get into the industry or was it more spontaneous than that?
Was it a well thought out/researched venture or a decision made on a whim?
How much planning goes into your work or do you just "wing" it?
For me it was just one of those things I wanted to try.
I knew I was serious the moment I gave myself a SW name, then I did my first shift at an establishment and I absolutely fell in love with it

Anisa Sage

Gold Member
Hey Tania :)

How long did you spend thinking about becoming a W/L before you decided to act on that?
I had always been curious about the sex industry, even when I was in high school and I started seriously considering it once I had moved out of home for about a couple of months before I did anything about it! The reason I wanted to get into the industry wasn't necessarily because of money or uni, but because I really enjoy sex and I enjoy pleasuring people. I still work a couple of shifts at a straight job and I am completing my uni degree so I also see working at Langtrees as a bit of fun as well as work!

Did you know for a while that you wanted to get into the industry or was it more spontaneous than that?
Yes, I had always thought about doing it but I was very insecure about myself and my body as well as living at home still.

Was it a well thought out/researched venture or a decision made on a whim?
Yes, before I got into the industry I did some research:
  • I searched what support services there were for sex workers in Perth (such as magenta)
  • I had a look at other working lady profiles to get an idea of what service/s I wanted to provide
  • I researched all the different parlours there were in Perth to get an idea of where I wanted to work (Esquire in Perth was the first and only other parlour that I have worked at so far, but Langtrees has definitely been the best!)
Once I had made my decision and I called up the parlour and they invited me to come down and have a look. After that I decided to go ahead and after my first shift I have never looked back! :) Luckily for me one of the lovely ladies that showed me the ropes (she taught me some of the most valuable things I know about the industry!) and made me feel very comfortable on my first night, although I didn't get a booking that night it helped me ease into it and I knew I had made the right decision.

How much planning goes into your work or do you just "wing" it?
I plan quite a bit before any decision I make, for example before I moved out of home or before I decided what I wanted to study at University. Although sometimes I can be very spontaneous especially when it comes to travelling hehe!

Hope this gives some insight but this is my own personal experience

Yes100% I also same here really enjoy sex and pleasuring people .

Anisa Sage

Gold Member
For a long time I knew I wanted to be in the industry! Though I was to young to start my dreams for most of that time. As soon as I became of age I started with an OF and started my private work journey. I felt that private work wasn't the right fit for me. I moved to Perth and got an amazing opportunity to work for Langtrees! I was overwhelmingly happy and proud of myself that I was finally pursing a career that I love and my dreams have finally come true! 😊

Molly is holly amazing and very kind person ever i ve seen
Blessed to be friend with her
Love you Molly and miss you so much


Bronze Member
As soon as internet advertising took off I was planning in. Regrettably was way busier than I expected in the first year and stressed out until I set boundaries and my daily guest limit.

Dee Dee

Bronze Member
All of 3 minutes, went to interview in naive state thinking it was massage, got read the riot act and told go home and think for 24 hours but as I was leaving interview 2 girls called in sick so she asked if Id like a trial shift. For a nearly 18 year old you are going to say yes if you have any spunk - 18 is legal here but it was the weekend so...


Bronze Member
I am not a LoP but certainly have an interest in the people that work in that branch of social services and I find all your replies to Dez's question enlightening. (Now, there's a duffy word eh...)It looks as if most of you were quite willing and ready to go into this line of work and that you enjoy it. But how do I square that with the messages that most prostitutes are forced (by circumstances of force) to do the work and are exploited? Are there reliable industry figures about how many women are forced to work (and would like not to) and how many do it not just for the money but also because they like/enjoy sex?


Silver Member
Most of the ladies who come in for the interviews that have never worked before are here because
1. they are in financial difficulties (either they have lost jobs / got divorced /
have had partners leave them with big debts)
2. they are travelling around the world & this is a great way to get good money fast & keep on travelling.
3. they are studying at TAFE or University and want to not have a HECS debt...
4. WHEN THEY ARE YOUNG, they think it is a great way to make big money just by having sex...
5. they think its the fastest way to get themselves a nest egg...
5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Silver Member
seperation can leave you in ruins, being a devoted SAHM, all trusting seperate accounts and half-bill paying - while they work for themselves 6 days a week. when you are suddenly on your own with NOTHING but your kid, your fprced to get resourceful. you'vee got nothing but good looks so may as well make hay while the sun shines. Life brings you to knees sometimes... so fucking stay there & own it 😜😁💲


Bronze Member
That bit of bastardry that you suffered is thought provoking and although I don't know you, I am sad that you had to go to a job that was not your first choice, unlike most of the other ladies in this post. But I imagine you learn a lot which will serve you well outside the bedroom. Poor solace, I know...


Silver Member
That bit of bastardry that you suffered is thought provoking and although I don't know you, I am sad that you had to go to a job that was not your first choice, unlike most of the other ladies in this post. But I imagine you learn a lot which will serve you well outside the bedroom. Poor solace,
oh i didnt mean it to sound like woe is me lol, you live and you learn. relationships get ugly and often 1 half is often suddenly with nothing, apparently it happens a lot to guys... nasty stuff. but at least its felt by both genders, and not exclusive to either/or. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️
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Yorkshire Lad

Gold Member
I was once away on business and as I frequently did booked an outcall to my hotel, at the time of the appointment I got a call with a male voice Eastern European accent saying the young lady was on her way to my room, sexual exploitation is fairly rife in parts of the UK so when the girl (Rumanian) arrived I politely quizzed her regarding her circumstances to check she was comfortable with what was happening assuring her that I would not reveal anything, she was grateful for my concern but confirmed all was ok. Since that time I wondered if some kind of ad campaign could be made announcing a safe word/ phrase that could be used by girls when they are in a coercive situation which also tells the punter not to act at the moment but alert the authorities, this might help some women escape the clutches of a violent pimp or even organisation obviously the authorities would need to intervene and provide the appropriate support for this. Not sure how appropriate this is over her but I’m sure it must exist in some form