How long did you think about becoming a Working Lady?



Hey Tania :)

How long did you spend thinking about becoming a W/L before you decided to act on that?
I had always been curious about the sex industry, even when I was in high school and I started seriously considering it once I had moved out of home for about a couple of months before I did anything about it! The reason I wanted to get into the industry wasn't necessarily because of money or uni, but because I really enjoy sex and I enjoy pleasuring people. I still work a couple of shifts at a straight job and I am completing my uni degree so I also see working at Langtrees as a bit of fun as well as work!

Did you know for a while that you wanted to get into the industry or was it more spontaneous than that?
Yes, I had always thought about doing it but I was very insecure about myself and my body as well as living at home still.

Was it a well thought out/researched venture or a decision made on a whim?
Yes, before I got into the industry I did some research:
  • I searched what support services there were for sex workers in Perth (such as magenta)
  • I had a look at other working lady profiles to get an idea of what service/s I wanted to provide
  • I researched all the different parlours there were in Perth to get an idea of where I wanted to work (Esquire in Perth was the first and only other parlour that I have worked at so far, but Langtrees has definitely been the best!)
Once I had made my decision and I called up the parlour and they invited me to come down and have a look. After that I decided to go ahead and after my first shift I have never looked back! :) Luckily for me one of the lovely ladies that showed me the ropes (she taught me some of the most valuable things I know about the industry!) and made me feel very comfortable on my first night, although I didn't get a booking that night it helped me ease into it and I knew I had made the right decision.

How much planning goes into your work or do you just "wing" it?
I plan quite a bit before any decision I make, for example before I moved out of home or before I decided what I wanted to study at University. Although sometimes I can be very spontaneous especially when it comes to travelling hehe!

Hope this gives some insight but this is my own personal experience
Oh to have a job you can love. :)


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Most of the ladies who come in for the interviews that have never worked before are here because
1. they are in financial difficulties (either they have lost jobs / got divorced /
have had partners leave them with big debts)
2. they are travelling around the world & this is a great way to get good money fast & keep on travelling.
3. they are studying at TAFE or University and want to not have a HECS debt...
4. WHEN THEY ARE YOUNG, they think it is a great way to make big money just by having sex...
5. they think its the fastest way to get themselves a nest egg...

So after these Women come in for the interview what % of them actually come in to work as escorts? for each of the 5 points, what Group if you wish to group them in, would come in for interview then start working in the industry or even during the interview when it hits them where they are and what they will be doing, they turn around and say thank you but this is not for me, as it must be a very daunting experience and probably a very emotional one considering point number 1, The one major positive is if she needs cash fast she is paid for each session there and then, not like say starting somewhere else and may have to wait a month before seeing any payments, and its all cash there. But it must be a very nerve racking experience for women to enter this game.


Always thought of it as a viable line of work ! Even when I was a kid. It's been a bit of a shock to see the stigma around sex work, even from clients, because I was always so comfortable with the idea. Luckily for me I saw the industry first as a receptionist, then decided to take the plunge ! Honestly I feel like it's been a great start to my life. I've never looked up to many people, but working at Langtrees, I've finally met women who I really admire and aspire to be like.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator

Female wakes up today in Perth wants a job (Money) , Walks into LT's and asks to be put on the Roster and to work there... MAK says YES no worries, asks her about services, talks money, asks what outfits she has, lingerie shoes, what times she wants to work, takes some nice tasteful pics and that is it, advises her to get tested or MAK has a rapid test kit there, results come back all clear, she has a job... within 24 hours she may upwards to $2000 in her purse...


Man wakes up today in Perth wants a job (Money) Has to wait till Monday morning to start applying for jobs...... Gets depressed... ends up a LT's and puts a booking on his Credit card with the "New Girl" of course...

Think about this .....

Lena Black

Luxury Companion - Langtrees Canberra
Bronze Member
Always thought of it as a viable line of work ! Even when I was a kid. It's been a bit of a shock to see the stigma around sex work, even from clients, because I was always so comfortable with the idea. Luckily for me I saw the industry first as a receptionist, then decided to take the plunge ! Honestly I feel like it's been a great start to my life. I've never looked up to many people, but working at Langtrees, I've finally met women who I really admire and aspire to be like.

I totally forgot you were a receptionist first!
Much prefer you on my side of the counter ;)

English Rose

BBW English Rose Massage
Gold Member
I actually thought about doing this line of work when I left my ex husband over 10 years ago (very boring marriage in the bedroom). I guess, I should have just rang or gone in to Langtrees and asked about it but I thought because I was and still am, a larger lady, my body size would be considered not sexy.

Joey Dee 289

Legend Member
I actually thought about doing this line of work when I left my ex husband over 10 years ago (very boring marriage in the bedroom). I guess, I should have just rang or gone in to Langtrees and asked about it but I thought because I was and still am, a larger lady, my body size would be considered not sexy.
Body size has nothing to do with weather you are considered to be sexy... A bbw is exactly that.. A big BEAUTIFUL woman...


Never thought about it really till a friend got me in on doubles and sugar baby dates, we started working together then she introduced me to a few of her regulars. After that I loved the money and entertaining. Then started my own brand. And haven’t looked back.


Legend Member
How long did you spend thinking about becoming a W/L before you decided to act on that?
Did you know for a while that you wanted to get into the industry or was it more spontaneous than that?
Was it a well thought out/researched venture or a decision made on a whim?
How much planning goes into your work or do you just "wing" it?
Dez love the tats 😀


Legend Member
How long did you spend thinking about becoming a W/L before you decided to act on that?
Did you know for a while that you wanted to get into the industry or was it more spontaneous than that?
Was it a well thought out/researched venture or a decision made on a whim?
How much planning goes into your work or do you just "wing" it?
Dez...... love the tats


Legend Member
It didn't take long at all. Honestly, I needed the money. I was, and still am, an absolute tart, so I found it quite easy to be a WL. I used to be super secretive about the job however nowadays, I openly admit my vocation. Love the shock factor of people's reactions for I certainly don't even trigger the inkling of doing that kind of work! All who know me knows what I mean ;) :cool:
reading some old post, love your answer. You are a trooper 😀

Luckypete 08

Legend Member
I was always curious about it and it was a way of making quick money when I needed it.

Maybe it was something I always wanted to do and it was satisfying to me to be wanted and desired by men. That you learn quickly disappears after they get what they want and tell you to leave.

For me, curiosity gave way to need and so I did it. I knew I'd crossed a line and could never go back once I did it. I saw and experienced things that changed me forever.

ill admit it was fun at first with all the attention and the money, but what I was doing became quickly repetitive and boring.

A long shift and a 5 or a 6th customer will quickly make you realise that it's a tiring and an emotionally involved job to attend to someone's sexual desires and get them off. It's very satisfying when you give a customer the relief he needs but for the most part its tiring to have to play a role and a fantasy that your customer has paid for over and over again every night.

If you can mentally distance yourself got the work, escorting is very lucrative. But if you let your guard down, it can and will affect you.

Sex work involves surrendering yourself physically to a customer who can get out of control and be unpredictable. You physically vulnerable and it can be nerve wracking.

I don't think anyone can distance themselves from the onslaught of emotions you face when you're working and eventually, if you're not feeling the best, a customer who repeatedly calls u a slut will get to you.

I started escorting and just kept doing it being a little lost. I found a way to keep doing the impossible by numbing myself. Everyone I know does and not everyone I'll admit it but that's just part of the industry.

The raw reality of sex work is to have to live out a custiner's fantasy over and over again. It's physically an emotionally draining to give your body to strangers and submit yourself to someone's desires and eventually it creeps into your personal life

Sex work is not for anyone that can't distance themselves from what they do.
That was such an interesting insight and reading this I cannot begin to imagine the highs and lows of this profession nor the trauma that can be associated with doing this job......I tip my hat to you ladies.


Private Escort in Perth twitter :ameliakennedyxx
Diamond Member
I had a normal job... I had worked my way up and still struggled to get annual leave and made to feel guilty if I was sick at the time I was reading a novel and the girl was an Escort on the side and I thought fuck it I am gonna try.. and went to a brothel it was completely diff to what I had expected but I really enjoyed it! The only downside for me was the long hours, originally I was able to do less but then it changed and I struggled sitting around for 10 hr shifts through the night and then driving home exhausted (dangerous as I lived far) so I decided to try and make a profile for myself and see how it went. I got an air bnb (that didn't work well but all a learning) and gave it a go with my best friend. I loved being in control I loved answering my own messages and getting a vibe on the person I was seeing I loved advertising myself and being in control of my hours and money. I haven't looked back.. I work through the day and drive home at a reasonable hour!
Can I imagine going back to a normal job? Not right now but I am fully aware this can't be forever I've heard many times that we all have a shelf life in this industry whether it's burn out or something else but I'm hoping to do it for as long as I can.

I really recommend when starting out to start at a brothel just so you have other girls to learn from and learn the ropes before jumping straight in yourself.

I have learnt so much since December and I'm sure I will keep learning.

P.s when I was 13 or 14 I used to watch Billie piper in secret life of a call girl and loved it so it's always been something I've been open too!



Legend Member
I had a normal job... I had worked my way up and still struggled to get annual leave and made to feel guilty if I was sick at the time I was reading a novel and the girl was an Escort on the side and I thought f**k it I am gonna try.. and went to a brothel it was completely diff to what I had expected but I really enjoyed it! The only downside for me was the long hours, originally I was able to do less but then it changed and I struggled sitting around for 10 hr shifts through the night and then driving home exhausted (dangerous as I lived far) so I decided to try and make a profile for myself and see how it went. I got an air bnb (that didn't work well but all a learning) and gave it a go with my best friend. I loved being in control I loved answering my own messages and getting a vibe on the person I was seeing I loved advertising myself and being in control of my hours and money. I haven't looked back.. I work through the day and drive home at a reasonable hour!
Can I imagine going back to a normal job? Not right now but I am fully aware this can't be forever I've heard many times that we all have a shelf life in this industry whether it's burn out or something else but I'm hoping to do it for as long as I can.

I really recommend when starting out to start at a brothel just so you have other girls to learn from and learn the ropes before jumping straight in yourself.

I have learnt so much since December and I'm sure I will keep learning.

P.s when I was 13 or 14 I used to watch Billie piper in secret life of a call girl and loved it so it's always been something I've been open too!

Thanks for sharing Amelia you seem very well grounded and know what you want.


Gold Member
I was always curious about it and it was a way of making quick money when I needed it.

Maybe it was something I always wanted to do and it was satisfying to me to be wanted and desired by men. That you learn quickly disappears after they get what they want and tell you to leave.

For me, curiosity gave way to need and so I did it. I knew I'd crossed a line and could never go back once I did it. I saw and experienced things that changed me forever.

ill admit it was fun at first with all the attention and the money, but what I was doing became quickly repetitive and boring.

A long shift and a 5 or a 6th customer will quickly make you realise that it's a tiring and an emotionally involved job to attend to someone's sexual desires and get them off. It's very satisfying when you give a customer the relief he needs but for the most part its tiring to have to play a role and a fantasy that your customer has paid for over and over again every night.

If you can mentally distance yourself got the work, escorting is very lucrative. But if you let your guard down, it can and will affect you.

Sex work involves surrendering yourself physically to a customer who can get out of control and be unpredictable. You physically vulnerable and it can be nerve wracking.

I don't think anyone can distance themselves from the onslaught of emotions you face when you're working and eventually, if you're not feeling the best, a customer who repeatedly calls u a slut will get to you.

I started escorting and just kept doing it being a little lost. I found a way to keep doing the impossible by numbing myself. Everyone I know does and not everyone I'll admit it but that's just part of the industry.

The raw reality of sex work is to have to live out a custiner's fantasy over and over again. It's physically an emotionally draining to give your body to strangers and submit yourself to someone's desires and eventually it creeps into your personal life

Sex work is not for anyone that can't distance themselves from what they do.
Wow, what a beautifully put, honest response. Kudos to you.
The perception a few years ago was that many in the industry were servicing a habit. From many of the responses this appears to have changed to building themselves a better future. I hope this is true, the girls deserve no less. I often wonder if the constant subjugation takes a mental toll that causes long term trauma?


I had a normal job... I had worked my way up and still struggled to get annual leave and made to feel guilty if I was sick at the time I was reading a novel and the girl was an Escort on the side and I thought f**k it I am gonna try.. and went to a brothel it was completely diff to what I had expected but I really enjoyed it! The only downside for me was the long hours, originally I was able to do less but then it changed and I struggled sitting around for 10 hr shifts through the night and then driving home exhausted (dangerous as I lived far) so I decided to try and make a profile for myself and see how it went. I got an air bnb (that didn't work well but all a learning) and gave it a go with my best friend. I loved being in control I loved answering my own messages and getting a vibe on the person I was seeing I loved advertising myself and being in control of my hours and money. I haven't looked back.. I work through the day and drive home at a reasonable hour!
Can I imagine going back to a normal job? Not right now but I am fully aware this can't be forever I've heard many times that we all have a shelf life in this industry whether it's burn out or something else but I'm hoping to do it for as long as I can.

I really recommend when starting out to start at a brothel just so you have other girls to learn from and learn the ropes before jumping straight in yourself.

I have learnt so much since December and I'm sure I will keep learning.

P.s when I was 13 or 14 I used to watch Billie piper in secret life of a call girl and loved it so it's always been something I've been open too!

thanks Amelia great post