Oh to have a job you can love.Hey Tania
How long did you spend thinking about becoming a W/L before you decided to act on that?
I had always been curious about the sex industry, even when I was in high school and I started seriously considering it once I had moved out of home for about a couple of months before I did anything about it! The reason I wanted to get into the industry wasn't necessarily because of money or uni, but because I really enjoy sex and I enjoy pleasuring people. I still work a couple of shifts at a straight job and I am completing my uni degree so I also see working at Langtrees as a bit of fun as well as work!
Did you know for a while that you wanted to get into the industry or was it more spontaneous than that?
Yes, I had always thought about doing it but I was very insecure about myself and my body as well as living at home still.
Was it a well thought out/researched venture or a decision made on a whim?
Yes, before I got into the industry I did some research:
Once I had made my decision and I called up the parlour and they invited me to come down and have a look. After that I decided to go ahead and after my first shift I have never looked back!
- I searched what support services there were for sex workers in Perth (such as magenta)
- I had a look at other working lady profiles to get an idea of what service/s I wanted to provide
- I researched all the different parlours there were in Perth to get an idea of where I wanted to work (Esquire in Perth was the first and only other parlour that I have worked at so far, but Langtrees has definitely been the best!)
Luckily for me one of the lovely ladies that showed me the ropes (she taught me some of the most valuable things I know about the industry!) and made me feel very comfortable on my first night, although I didn't get a booking that night it helped me ease into it and I knew I had made the right decision.
How much planning goes into your work or do you just "wing" it?
I plan quite a bit before any decision I make, for example before I moved out of home or before I decided what I wanted to study at University. Although sometimes I can be very spontaneous especially when it comes to travelling hehe!
Hope this gives some insight but this is my own personal experience