Kylie Middleton
Gold Member
I'm glad to hear that
I've never attended sex therapy but you could always try that down the track if you ever have problems again. I've heard it's effective as long as the couple is willing to put in the effort
I'm in a relationship with a sex worker, and I believe she has lost interest in sex with me, and she just has sex with me, and goes through the motions to try and keep me happy?
She works regularly, so I'm thinking she is bored from sex due to the men she sees at work?
Interested to hear what you think? Thanks.
sounds like its over, sorryThanks for the reply.
We have talked about it nearly a month ago, and we came up with a few ideas, but unfortunately when I tried to implement them, she didn't take to them. So I'm confused, she seems to nagg as well when it comes to sex, like complain that I kiss her wrong, or touch her wrong.
It's hard knowing that she is passionate with other men, but can't seem to put the effort in with me. It does seem like a chore from her part.
I'll keep trying and see where it goes![]()
do you make it exciting or do date nights? maybe your pushing it to much so she will just do it to shut you up.
How is the rest of the relationship?
Why no try to book her through her Agency?
That will tell her that you interested and you can see her response!
I'm certainly not being judgemental... each to there own. but for me personally in my relationship it would be cheating![]()
Listen, if your wife or partner is not putting out at home there may be a reason for that......could be cause she does not feel appreciated, loved or is tired from work and doing house work......fellas girls like to be romanced, made to feel special, made to feel like the most beautiful girl in the world and that you only have eyes for them thats all girls not just married ones but it gets harder when you are married and had take the wife out so her some romance or even just help around with the housework and you will be surprised at what can happen
Yes and no. The woman has been busy all day, cleaning up after kids, maybe working as well. No longer feels sexy. Going for the grope does not make you feel sexy. In my marriage foreplay is all day everyday, we both constantly make each other feel good and special. Our sex life is awesome. If we went for a happy ending massage we would both be present. A little bit of spice keeps things interesting and we don't have trust issuesThis is a very popular train of thought quoted above, draconian but still regarded as relevant and many people would agree with these ideas, particularly women.
When relationships are new and exciting its easier to go the extra mile and make her feel special, its fun and as stated the rewards are forthcoming however...
Why is it always about what the woman wants and needs? Why isnt it about consideration for the needs of both partners equally?
Given that sexual release appears to be so much more important for the males in our society why is it frowned upon when males seek this outside, particularly if its not available at home regardless of the reasons? If it were equally important for females we would see hundreds of male sex workers advertising to cater for demand, but no it isnt required is it?
Why? I will tell you why, its inequality between the sexes.
Heres a scenario for consideration its one i know well,
What if, as in more modern and less traditional households, the man comes home from slogging his guts out all day in the sun or at the office where ever, physically mentally drained, then he for example-services the nice car he has bought for her,which she cant be bothered washing, fueling up, checking tyres etc she just drives it , then he mows the lawn she asked him to plant, which she cant be stuffed watering, this way he will have more time on the weekend to do all the other jobs she has on her list for him to do, hes such a lazy prick, then he plays with the kids to give her a break, goes inside and cooks cos its his turn then he does a load of his work washing, gets it on the line, does the dishes and helps get the kids to bed, she has had a tough day doing the shopping, cos those coles car parks arent air conditioned you know, and her useless man doesnt treat her right and take her out to nice places enough, so why should she put out for him?
Then out of desperation if he gets hand relief after a massage once every other month or 3, 6 or 12 whatever, to try and help himself cope with the stress hes labelled a cheater? He probably already feels bad enough for a host of possible reasons about having to do this as it is.
This is not equality not even close.
Believe me theres plenty of the above mentioned scenario going on out there, i see it all the time. It cuts both ways or at least it should. Lots of guys i know struggle to get laid at home more than once or twice a month, and they have to bribe their life partner with something nice to get that. That is just wrong on so many levels but completely accepted in our society, it must be, as i hear it so frequently. Its a freakin cliche.
Yes and no. The woman has been busy all day, cleaning up after kids, maybe working as well. No longer feels sexy. Going for the grope does not make you feel sexy. In my marriage foreplay is all day everyday, we both constantly make each other feel good and special. Our sex life is awesome. If we went for a happy ending massage we would both be present. A little bit of spice keeps things interesting and we don't have trust issues![]()
Active8 i reckon your spot on in your opening comments , humans arent supposed to be in monogamous relationships, if we were then why do mens ejaculate carry killer sperm cells designed to track down sperm from other men and destroy them?It is in men to spread there seed and procreate, fundamentally that's what we are designed for. Personally I believe to be in a relationship with one person for a lifetime one has to seek companionship with others sometime or another. Doing it via business is best because you are not pursuing an emotional connection just a purely physical one. It does not mean you do not love your spouse it is purely the nature of things. Women do not have the physical urge as much as men that is just fact, so for women the connection is mainly emotional. You can justify things as much as you want, but in the end if you feel guilt personally then you have to answer to yourself and your partner.
That is something women tend to discuss with their close female friends.good points tania, but i have quite a few friends, and quite a few guys complain of the wives not wanting sex anymore, but i cant think of one wive/girl that complains about the husband/bf not wanting it enough
I look at it like this. When I was married, I worked in IT. I liked computers but I worked on them all day and when I got home I wanted to relax but instead my partner wanted me to work on her computer. I was getting paid to work on them all day and had a time limit per computer, then suddenly the person I loved was asking me to do it for free and who knows for how long. I'm not suggesting that you pay her, but my guess is that she's not going to be anywhere near as enthusiastic as you are as she's been doing it all day.
You know what, in a relationship it's not all about having sex that makes you both happy.But "Friendship" is the secret to a long-lasting romantic relationship.![]()
I understand that, it takes a lot of factors in a relationship to make it work and make both partners happy, but my question was mainly directed at the sexual relationship between a couple when one is a sex worker.
Having one partner go off and have sex as a job, even though it's a job, it's still sex. And when the other partner feels that they're not being satisfied at home, creates a problem. I think that if she was working in a cafe and didn't do sex work, this would still be a problem, but due to her sex work, it highlights the problem ten fold.
We got on well, but her work bothered me, in the fact that I felt she was putting more effort in at work, than with me. I tried romantic teas, romantic get aways, special love notes, massages, and doing all I can for her to try and create something special between us intimately, but it didn't work.
My relationship failed most probably due to other factors, but I know it was dam hard dealing with her working and not putting effort in with me. This just added to our issues.
No no I often feel like I'm lecturing on this site so it's nice to have someone else take over sometimesI actually shared your post with my partner who is a fact sponge and he found it really interesting as well