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How do we stop illegal immigration?


Al Swearengen

I wonder if we do receive some sorta aide$ from UN for accepting this expensive charter.

We do as a matter of fact, my donut loving friend. I dont know how much but we do get a UN kickback for every SUCCESSFUL illegal immigrant we process. And therein lies the cause of many of the systems problems.



Originally Posted by Thatguy
Why is it whenever new technology comes out like this all people think of first is making weapons... Isn't the world dangerous enough without having to worry bout your neighbour printing guns in the spare room....

Surely the time spent on doing this could have been better spent making something productive and beneficial to society...

touche... however as I didn't print the weapon... nor think it up first... the quote you provided is rather pointless to this topic...


touche... however as I didn't print the weapon... nor think it up first... the quote you provided is rather pointless to this topic...

As is yours my friend - and that's why you say "touche".


oh sorry.. here I thought a forum was a platform for people to offer opinions on proposed topics..

apparently I was mistaken...


Don't be sorry. You're not mistaken - ignorance is a natural gift. No need to apologize. You're only human.


Gold Member
I doubt that many are opposed to structured refugee migration. WE have many Refugees that have settled and assimilated into the Australian way of life.
The distaste is for queue jumping commercial refugees that transit through culturally more suitable countries to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The main concern is the fanatical pursuit of world religious domination that comes with many of these people.
Religion is Religion and government is government, when religion over rides government we are regressing back to the dark ages.
The power of religious leaders is sustained by keeping the population ignorant and uneducated so they believe in their twisted interpretations and barbaric teachings.
I predict a civil religion based inquisition within 15 years. Let the killing and beheading begin, let the blood flow free. Death to the infidel and their children.


I doubt that many are opposed to structured refugee migration. WE have many Refugees that have settled and assimilated into the Australian way of life.
The distaste is for queue jumping commercial refugees that transit through culturally more suitable countries to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The main concern is the fanatical pursuit of world religious domination that comes with many of these people.
Religion is Religion and government is government, when religion over rides government we are regressing back to the dark ages.
The power of religious leaders is sustained by keeping the population ignorant and uneducated so they believe in their twisted interpretations and barbaric teachings.
I predict a civil religion based inquisition within 15 years. Let the killing and beheading begin, let the blood flow free. Death to the infidel and their children.

You're soooo right Whilom. After all the death, rape, pillage, robbery, economic mess, environmental destruction, religious wars, racial discrimination, genocide and stupidity we've bred - all us white people should return to our countries of origin and take our descendants with us. Mate, you're spot on. Death to us and our children.


Gold Member
I predict a civil religion based inquisition within 15 years. Let the killing and beheading begin, let the blood flow free. Death to the infidel and their children.

Hopefully we can dig this thread up in 15 years.
According to the 2011 Census, 2.25% of Australia is Muslim. And let's, for the fun of it, assume they're all hardcore. I still can't see that prediction coming through. But I'll keep an eye on it.


Hopefully we can dig this thread up in 15 years.
According to the 2011 Census, 2.25% of Australia is Muslim. And let's, for the fun of it, assume they're all hardcore. I still can't see that prediction coming through. But I'll keep an eye on it.

Thing is BigMike, if we go back 15 years to 1998, I'm surprised that we haven't been over run by all those Catholics, Christians, Buddhists, Jehovah's Witnesses, lesbians, homos and death worshipping backpackers already!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
If the whole world collectively stopped thinking about it. It may happen a lot less.


Full Member
Foundation Member
I predict a civil religion based inquisition within 15 years. Let the killing and beheading begin, let the blood flow free. Death to the infidel and their children.

...for f**k sakes!!!


Gold Member
Remember Kosovo, They didn't think they had anything to fear from the Albanians.


Silver Member
All government is corrupt and spreads lies. Same goes for the media, all owned by one bloke and controlled by him and his puppeteers. Millions die each day from us white folk but we don't hear about that because its propaganda to get regular ignorant people to support wars on countries who have resources USA and the UK want. Religion is crap as is war. Unneccesaary a lot of the time. Why do we still have hunger and no clean water in some countries but we can spend billions on shit.


Silver Member
About 90 per cent of those who arrive via illegal boat entries have been granted permanent residence, yet the overwhelming majority have entered Malaysia or Indonesia by legal means, then destroyed their identity papers with the intent of making it difficult for Australia to check their bona fides.

The amount of workplace participation among refugees and asylum-seekers remains low for some time. After four years, only about 25 per cent are engaged in full-time work. (The issue is examined in a Department of Immigration report, Settlement Outcomes for New Arrivals, published in April last year.)

Under intense political pressure, the federal government is emptying the detention centres by issuing bridging visas which allow detainees to enter the community, work, and receive welfare benefits before their final status has been determined. This has slashed the average time spent in detention from nine months to three months but the quicker turnover has compressed the scrutiny process.

Some of the high take-up of welfare payments among asylum seekers and refugees is being recycled into bringing relatives to Australia, including via people smugglers.

The Royal Australian Navy is being used as a pick-up service by people smugglers who call navy vessels to advise them of their need for assistance.

Little wonder that numbers are exploding. In the three years before the election of the Rudd government, 71 people arrived on 10 illegal boats. It took a year for the impact of Labor's dismantling of the previous border security regime to kick in. Over the past three years 341 illegal boats have brought 20,248 asylum-seekers. Another 363 have drowned. Uncounted others have perished or turned back.

All these problems are personified by ''Captain Emad'', who fled Australia in June even though he had been under investigation by police. The man, Abu Khalid, was a people smuggler who came to Australia by passing himself off as an asylum seeker. He brought his wife, three children and a grandchild. All received refugee status, settled in Canberra and were provided with public housing despite using different identities to those they used to enter Indonesia from Iraq. Yet even after Khalid's activities were exposed by the ABC'sFour Corners program, he was allowed to leave.

Systemic deceit has been rewarded by systemic support. Even some asylum seekers who have avoided immigration control, destroyed their identity documents and not yet had their claims decided are eligible for support under the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme.

Among the benefits that can be made available to those granted protection visas, and those granted refugee status, is a one-off household formation package of up to $9850. Families can be eligible for education assistance of up to $9220. People granted refugee status become eligible for welfare payments immediately without having to wait the two-year period set for immigrants. Single applicants are eligible for a Newstart Allowance. Parents are eligible for Centrelink's parenting payment. Refugees, and some on bridging visas, also receive Medicare assistance for medical, hospital, dental, medicine and optical costs. Mobile phones are provided to those who arrive as unaccompanied minors.

In conjunction with the abovementioned there are currently these programs available;

A press article dated 15 November 2009, Christmas every day for detainees, by Glenn Milne in the Sunday Telegraph referred to a ‘purchase allowance points scheme’ whereby detainees at the Christmas Island facility can purchase snacks and cigarettes. The article stated that detainees on Christmas Island are given free food, health services and recreational activities, including yoga, fitness and art classes. [20]

Other services received by people in immigration detention centres include:
• Appropriate health care services;
• Publicly funded independent advice and assistance;
• Access to independent merits review of unfavourable refugee status assessments;
• External scrutiny by the Commonwealth and Immigration Ombudsman.
The Integrated Humanitarian Settlement Strategy (IHSS) assists newly arrived refugees and Special Humanitarian Program entrants in Australia.

Services provided under this program include:
• On-arrival reception and initial orientation;
• Information about and referral to other service providers and mainstream agencies;
• Assistance with accommodation and basic household goods;
• Short-term torture and trauma counselling. [22]

Services are generally provided for around six months but may be extended for particularly vulnerable clients.

The IHSS Accommodation Services helps entrants to find appropriate and affordable accommodation and provides them with basic household goods to start establishing their own household in Australia. In summary, Accommodation Services provide:
• Fully-subsidised rent and utilities for the first four weeks after arrival;
• Suitable and affordable accommodation;
• A package of basic household goods;
• Tenancy training.

The Department of Immigration lists a number of additional Settlement Programs to assist eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants, including:

• Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) – providing free English language tuition to eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants;
• Complex Case Support (CCS) Service – providing specialised and intensive case management services for eligible persons with exceptional needs;
• Settlement Grants Program (SGP) – providing grants for organisations that provide settlement services;
• Torture and Trauma Counselling (TTC) Grants Program – providing torture and trauma counselling for humanitarian entrants on a needs basis during the settlement period;
• Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) – providing migrants with limited English skills access to translating and interpreting services.

Money is often sent back home to support families so who takes up the responsibility of providing assistance?..our charities, red cross , salvos etc they are all under immense pressure to provide assistance to this particular community group. Is it because they cant afford to live on the payments? or is because sending money back home is more important because there is always a safety net here? I dunno about you but i do see alot of nice gold jewellery on these folk..especially when lining up for food parcels....


Silver Member
Yes imagine that...easier to get in illegally then legally...crazy system...

I worked in a detention centre for a couple of years. I saw some ugly sights.
One of the reasons I went to work there is I wanted to see for myself what happened without being subjected to different opinions put forward by different groups all with their own agendas.
Illegal Immigration is one of the most complex issues facing any country. Its not as simple as "kick all the bastards out" or, alternatively, "let all the bastards in"
As it stands, I think we're doing all right. But we need to review the process in a huge way and tighten it right up. We need to not be afraid to stand up for the rights of our country and actually send people home if they dont meet the criteria for refugee status. Endless appeal processes DONT work!
As it stands, we accept refugees because we're signatories to the UN's charter for human rights. If we stop accepting refugees (not live up to our end of the charter) that can have a range of effects elsewhere. The plus or minuses of being a UN member is a BIG discussion for another time.
Accepting refugees is the right thing to do but we need to be tougher about who we accept. And we certainly dont make it easier to get in illegally then what is legally!!


Silver Member
A man with balls...big balls haha....i could imagine everyone shouting racism, discrimination and so on should our prime minister stand up and say such a thing!

If Julia took notice and copied this line of thought and speech she may just beat both Abbot and Rudd


Diamond Member
A difficult problem.
I believe it depends how many we can accept. After that enough is enough.
We all have boundaries we have to follow.

I do not believe any government will find the answer.
If they were shot at sight it would soon stop it happening.
Of course it would not be agreed upon unless 1 million turned up on our door step overnight.


About 90 per cent of those who arrive via illegal boat entries have been granted permanent residence, yet the overwhelming majority have entered Malaysia or Indonesia by legal means, then destroyed their identity papers with the intent of making it difficult for Australia to check their bona fides.

The amount of workplace participation among refugees and asylum-seekers remains low for some time. After four years, only about 25 per cent are engaged in full-time work. (The issue is examined in a Department of Immigration report, Settlement Outcomes for New Arrivals, published in April last year.)

Under intense political pressure, the federal government is emptying the detention centres by issuing bridging visas which allow detainees to enter the community, work, and receive welfare benefits before their final status has been determined. This has slashed the average time spent in detention from nine months to three months but the quicker turnover has compressed the scrutiny process.

Some of the high take-up of welfare payments among asylum seekers and refugees is being recycled into bringing relatives to Australia, including via people smugglers.

The Royal Australian Navy is being used as a pick-up service by people smugglers who call navy vessels to advise them of their need for assistance.

Little wonder that numbers are exploding. In the three years before the election of the Rudd government, 71 people arrived on 10 illegal boats. It took a year for the impact of Labor's dismantling of the previous border security regime to kick in. Over the past three years 341 illegal boats have brought 20,248 asylum-seekers. Another 363 have drowned. Uncounted others have perished or turned back.

1. About 90 per cent of those who arrive via illegal boat entries have been granted permanent residence, yet the overwhelming majority have entered Malaysia or Indonesia by legal means, then destroyed their identity papers with the intent of making it difficult for Australia to check their bona fides.

IF this is true Naomi - Wouldn't anyone desperate for a better life resort to this?

2. ]The amount of workplace participation among refugees and asylum-seekers remains low for some time. After four years, only about 25 per cent are engaged in full-time work. (The issue is examined in a Department of Immigration report, Settlement Outcomes for New Arrivals, published in April last year.)

How dare they take time to settle in! For someone to get into fulltime work after four years is admirable - especially if they can't find Australians to do it. The Vietnamese, the Italians, the Croations have had the same problem. 10 years from now, they contribute like everyone else.

3. Under intense political pressure, the federal government is emptying the detention centres by issuing bridging visas which allow detainees to enter the community, work, and receive welfare benefits before their final status has been determined. This has slashed the average time spent in detention from nine months to three months but the quicker turnover has compressed the scrutiny process.

And the problem is?

4.Some of the high take-up of welfare payments among asylum seekers and refugees is being recycled into bringing relatives to Australia, including via people smugglers.

And you know this... how? And if they did, wouldn't you if you were desperate?

I could go on but I've just given up on this topic. There's so much being said as hearsay. And there's so much presumption that the Liberals are going to do a much better job and I suspect many of us would have no problem if the asylum seekers or refugees were white.

Finally, I'm amazed that people really think that if the whole problem didn't exist - all the money saved would go into worthwhile projects for Australians. There's never been any evidence to show that... squandering and wastage is quite a political artform in Australia.


Gold Member
I somehow don't think this thread has changed anyone's mind on the subject!

When presented with facts that conflict with your well set opinion, you get emotional. By you, I mean people, people in general. Me included. But if you resist the Amygdala Hijack, take a second to engage the rational part of your brain and process and access the information... you may just change your mind. And there's nothing wrong with that!

Farm Boy

Carr flags overhaul of refugee tribunals

The federal government is set to overhaul Australia's refugee tribunal system in an effort to counter the recent surge in boat arrivals, claiming many are not bona fide asylum seekers, but actually economic migrants.

Evidence has shown that Iranians are the largest proportion of asylum seekers eventually deemed to be economic migrants, and the greatest number in the recent spike in boat arrivals.

So the ALPs Bob Carr a experienced POLITICIAN in a long marage to a nice Asian lady now agrees with Wilson Tuckey amazing how grappling with a Intractable problem brings one down to earth


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
There are 13 times more illegal immigrants than there are asylum seekers in detention who have arrived by boat.
Figures obtained by The Advertiser from the Immigration Department and under the Freedom of Information Act show plane arrivals from the United States (5080) and Britain (3610) are near the top of the list of those in the country without a valid visa.

Three in four of the 58,400 visa overstayers came on tourist or holiday-working visas; one in seven arrived as students and one in 15 disappeared after being granted temporary residency.

PS: Obviously, Australian embassy in USA and England doing shit job by selecting wrong people and granting visa. I went through selection process myself, i was grilled for 6 month. Glad to come to Australia to become THE EDUCATED sex worker!-))

Farm Boy

The the 58,400 visa overstayers will go home ether under there own steam or with a Aussy boot up there ass. they have no legal defence to there tardiness .


My biggest pet hate is people who don't take the time to understand the concept of "seeking asylum".

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1. Sink them at sea
2. Shoot all the lawyers and bleeding hearts
3. Export the ones in detention back to where they boarded the boat by throwing them out of a plane over indonesia.

Problem solved


Legend Member

1. Sink them at sea
2. Shoot all the lawyers and bleeding hearts
3. Export the ones in detention back to where they boarded the boat by throwing them out of a plane over indonesia.

Problem solved

Redneck alert !!!!!!!!