I disagree Fudd
And this is how to get in the Q
You can make a request to the Minister by writing a letter which explains your situation and any important information about you. If you have someone helping you with your case, they can help you write that letter in your own name. If you have a migration agent helping you then they can write the letter to the Minister about you and your situation. Please click on the headings below to find out more information about how to apply to the Minister.
What should I put in the letter?
You should make sure that in your letter you explain how your situation fits into the Minister’s guidelines of what he will consider in a person’s case. You can find a copy of the Minister’s guidelines, which will help you to understand what to put in your letter by clicking here.
If you do make a request to the Minister it is really important to provide as much information as you can. If you just send a short one or two page request without providing evidence which supports your request – then usually your request will be refused. To give your case the best chance it is a good idea to try to gather as much evidence as you can to support your request to stay in Australia. It is a good idea to include these things in the letter you write.
Please click on each heading below to find out more information:
Include a statutory declaration
Include evidence about your integration in Australia and any special skills you have
Include references and letters of support
Include information about any risks to you if you return home
Include information about your medical, psychiatric or psychological conditions
It is important that any information you provide to the Minister is real and genuine. It will not help you to provide false information or documents.
Where do I send the letter?
You apply to the Minister by sending your request to the Minister to:
Postal Address:
Chris Bowen MP
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Remember to send it by registered post so you have evidence of having sent it that you can show the DIAC.
Do that and you will be in a Q if accepted for a very long time . fly to Indonesia Hop an a old fishing boat and if you get to Aus your chances of living in the best country in the world are excellent