Be Nice
Legend Member
Thanks for the recommendation. I don't mind the occasional happy massage will keep that in mind.
What I am really after is genuine, reliable, not-too-far-away, remedial massage where we can negotiate for a booking and she actually is available at that time. (I am flexible within reason) No "wait for 45 mins", no "you have other girl and when I say no they insist I have the other girl", no "you want extras early on and the massage gets forgotten".
The best legit massage you will find SOR is with Thania in Lynwood, she gets very busy so need to plan ahead, but well worth it if you want a massage without any extras, as you won't get any here, and she has actually asked people to not come back if they persist with asking.
Thai Massage Therapy Services | Massages | Gumtree Australia Canning Area - Lynwood | 1271889571