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Legend Member
From memory, workshops were run in Perth several years ago. They may have been advertised here on TS. There is a rope made for this purpose. Don't just go and buy Bunnings rope. It's an art form
This one looks interesting


Jade Stone

Jade Stone Perth
Gold Member
Yes, but make sure you have lots of time. It's something that needs care and time. The right ropes really help, i.e. softer the better I find.

Lots of good videos out on YT etc.

A good tie will be comfortable but also inescapable. Lots of fun
Oh yes lots of time needed! I have this amazing silky rope but not sure if it’s long enough

Angela "R"

Langtrees Digital
Staff member
Legend Member
Introduction Animation Gif


Petal is a small size 6 with perky breasts, a big smile, and a bubbly demeanor. Allow her to delight you in more than one manner, and you'll never want to leave. She is really open-minded, well-educated, sexually adventurous, bisexual, and overjoyed to be invited to join others on their unique sexual exploration trip. She is here to put your mind at ease, and she is really skilled at getting people to open up.

Check out her link for more pictures.

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Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
And similarly, ladies, what’s your dream location to be taken away to?

Mine would have to be a beautiful remote island off Australia somewhere, similar to Hamilton Island or the like 🌺🌴🍹🐠🏝️
Daydream island is beautiful peacefull tropical island otherwise Stradbroke island is beautiful not isolated in the ocean lots to see and do or just lounge in the tropical beauty.
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