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Legend Member
Well given how long some have been working there. It would be impossible for them to be some of the advertisement age. I see the same thing in Adelaide. I will never understand the dishonesty in age and dress sizes. It's an industry problem in all states. Men like ladies in a variety of ages, shapes and sizes. You men pay good money for us ladies. You deserve to be given honest and accurate information.
I don't understand why the photo's are of young women in there 20's or 30's but in reality they are in late 40's or 50's, they certainly don't look like there photo's. Nothing against the older ladies, don't get me wrong as I'm 66 but if I book a lady in her 20's or 30's then that's what I expect to see or get. They do have a few younger ladies who are good looking & slim but good luck in booking them, plus the $500 per hour is way too high for me, I'm on $25 per hour before tax so you won't see me there.


Legend Member
No, and I think I might like to.
They can be amazing especially with big breasts and especially on the old fella. But ymmv and the lady must have the expertise. Otherwise can be a bit clumsy. New massage and Susies in nedlands are good. Mandarin in mount hawthorn. Also the owner of CN massage. I havnt tried Sakura but Shannong used to provide that service. once with a lady who was pregnant!


Gold Member
I don't understand why the photo's are of young women in there 20's or 30's but in reality they are in late 40's or 50's, they certainly don't look like there photo's. Nothing against the older ladies, don't get me wrong as I'm 66 but if I book a lady in her 20's or 30's then that's what I expect to see or get. They do have a few younger ladies who are good looking & slim but good luck in booking them, plus the $500 per hour is way too high for me, I'm on $25 per hour before tax so you won't see me there.
$25 an hour that blows. I would have thought security wages would have gone up to at least $30 an hour minimum by now. Last time I did that sort work it was over that. I get 3 times or more an hour doing what I do now hence why I won't be doing that work again anytime soon.

Jade Stone

Jade Stone Perth
Gold Member
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