Do you prefer shaved vagina's or al la natural?



Expectation versus reality

I have had both and my experience is that if a man takes pride in himself and enjoys giving and receiving great sex, he keeps his tools clean and learns to 'master his domain'.
Anything else you both get short changed.
To date, my best ever romp was with 'un cut' despite my belief that 'cut' should be better, the reality based on personal experience is contrary-but I am still hoping I have a memorable 'cut' to undo the lingering memory of a truly spectacular and sensual 'uncut'!!!.??? lol


I think cleanliness is the key. I was always taught to keep it clean. It does mean you have to wash that little sucker a little more often, but a cheesy dick is bad news for anyone. The worst issue is on the cold days you can get the last chicken in the shop look. But when its time to party its does look pretty much the same.

Maybe some kind of cut v uncut contest at LPs would be the go. :)


round head or cavalier

Ladies do you prefer the look of a circumsized penis or uncircumsized.And in you opinion is there any differnce in feeling for the women.And what about you lovely ladies in the sex industry do you think it is more hygenic to have a cut one?



Personally, I definately appreciate circumsised! :icon_blow I don't think it's more hygenic. If a person - male or female, washes properly there's no difference.
When you you think about it, it's only what we are used to. Our sons dad was cut, and his dad before him ( I assume ) You don't want your son to be 'different' to his father, and so on. A lot more parents are choosing not to circumsise their sons these days, as it really is unneccisary. :whip2:


Who Know's???

Well yes this was an issue when our son was born and all who I asked said they did not do the cut with there own sons, so we left it...Did we or did we not do the rite thing???...Who knows???...My hubby is cut and yup I luv it, but I not been wiv a guy who isn't so can't really compare on this...I guess it up 2 the individual and as long as u know how 2 use it and enjoy it...Dus it really matter???...Just my opnion anyways....


It's amazing when one thinks about it! Cosmetic surgery before you have time to blink,right after you join this world! No wonder there's so much of it when one gets older?! And as for the mater of hygene,well, soap has been around for quite some time now! It amazes me how, in this day and age that question keeps popping up! Learn to deal with what the human body is supplied with, only my view, but you got it anyway! :icon_tong :hello:



So now we know: You're ...........still intact Oscar mate. :icon_blow :laughing1



I am uncut and have never had any complaints, I keep my Dick clean. I never had a woamn cpmplain....that's when and if I vea get sex again though.


:icon_lo70 Ai'nt noooobody choppin bits offen my fishin' tackle !ai'nt that the truth :tongue3:

Ozy Blue

Gezzz Mate .I myself have had the snip and have found women to like it.It's not only more hygenic, but the ladies love it.It can be Very attractive to a woman looking at a mans cut swollen helmet, than to look at a loose piece of skin.Dont you think so Ladies?Also being cut gives us the heads up so to speak , as there is less sencitivity , making the ride longer.


Member Forever
Foundation Member
Over the years Ive been with and or seen guys both cut and uncut and have seen hygeine problems in both. So that is all just about the owner (Mum's teach youre sons)Im surprised at the amount of guys that dont realise that the forskin is suppose to move back and that cleaning underneath is a good idea
As for visually well when erect they tend to look the same
Its all good!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I prefer uncut, for the following reasons.
Uncut has more sensitivity which I think gives both parties more pleasure.
They look the same erect.
Uncut does tend to cum quicker but they seem to have deeper orgasms.
For oral especially on the larger boys the uncut skin actually helps get a nice even motion, where I often feel very gaggy with the cut boys of larger dimensions.


Foundation Member
OUCH brazillian waxes

As i was a brazillian virgin ( and b4 all u guys get excited im talkin abt waxing) :p i have a question for the girls....:angel12:

Just had my first brazillian last weekend and well it was EXCRUTIATING.....does it get better each time? I mean do u build up a tolerance to the pain?

Can any one offer some advice on how to lessen the discomfort other than bomb urself out with a bottle of scotch beforehand? ( im a wimp and i admit it).....:tongue5: (probably wasnt the best idea to choose to have my belly pierced the same weekend LOL)...


Sorry honey

I don't think it does get better over time. Hubby does mine for me (God Bless Him) and does a wonderful job but he calls me a wuss every time. I break out into a sweat and sometimes can only just hold back from whacking him one after he pulls a strip off cos of the sensation.

I think the time it has hurt the least is when there wasn't too much 'regrowth'. The thicker and longer the hair is, the more it's gunna hurt.

So...bottom line is. If you're going to go Brazilian, do it often and as soon as the hair is long enough. I think that will help minimise the pain.



Foundation Member
I'll say something for you Sioxie, you certainly are brave!!! Me, I get hubbie to shave me on a regular basis, he loves it and I enjoy lying back relaxing. As for pulling strips off my pussy, no



with the brazillian it depens on what time of the month it is the closer you are to that time the more it will hurt

also to it depens on what you or they are waxing with. if it is hot wax it will hurt more where some places use this hot putty and this will hurt less

it will get better after a lot of waxing and the hair gets softer


Every 2 weeks is good as the hair is not very long, and do it in small strips. The bigger the area the more ouch!. There are lots of different waxes. From ones that use cloth strips to just the wax itself. I found the green one awful. It was like it was being pulled through from the other side. eeekkk!!! I don't have the luxury of a nice guy to do mine for me. My lady uses a red wax which is pretty good. I used to use a natural beeswax which I found the best as it pulled off cleanly and didn't leave any colour behind if you took it off too early.


been there ouched heaps

have had the brazilian thing done for years and it did seem to lessen as the time went on....better still now is i have discovered IPL (intense pulsed light) zaps the hair at the folicle and it drops out about 2 weeks later...they ice the area first and you feel a little hot zap but that is really works, is slightly expensive but worth it in that the hair doesnt come back after being have to shave the area no waxing or pluckin and you have it done every 6 weeks, with about 6 to 8 treatments being the average..if interested can fully recommend a lovely lady in wembley...very experienced and nice....

go the smooth one tho...



For those of you who are curious how it's done, I've found a video of a woman being waxed...

PR, can you post up the info for that lady in Wembley? I know I've asked you before (but I've lost the info!), I've talked about it with a few other ladies over the last few weeks and we all want to get it IPL done now!



Senior Member
Foundation Member
Ive been getting waxed now for over two yrs it still stings a bit but the stinging goes after a couple of seconds.I get mine done every four weeks and each time the hair is getting thinner.Im getting mine done this friday morning so im nice and smooth for friday night.I use bikini saver to get rid of the ingr:hello: wen hairs.


Reveal... are the details you are after...Its called REVEAL 3 Essex St Wembley ph 92872944 Stephanie is the her to death...very nice is not enough to say...


We need a Brazilian....

Hi all,

My partner and I like the Brazilian, but after many attempts with a razor, she ended up quite sore (especially around those very tender and very sexy bits) and also it was very uncomfortable as the regrowth started.

There have been a few ads lately for various other methods - I am wondering if anyone has come up with the perfect long term solution to maintaining the Brazilian??

Bad Bobby

Bad Bobby
Foundation Member
I agree with you. Love to be total shaven but the rash after wards and the regrowth is a little uncomfortable for both of us. If you find ultimate answer let me konw. Bob :3some:


Another thing you can try, if your game!, is laser hair removal takes a few treatments but once its gone, its gone ;D

Bad Bobby

Bad Bobby
Foundation Member
Frightened they may laser the wrong thing off then what would I do with my spare time lol Bob:3some:


Laser is the better way. but remember when your treatment is its finished, its Gone !!! And so is, a lot of your money.
They usually charge by the area.
Also, a point to remember is, It is not usually affective with light colourd pubes, so if your a true blond it may not be as affective as it will be if your pubes were black.
I have had it done, and I was very impressed. But I will say that my pocket took a long time to recover. ...
Now, I just touchup with "Nair" about once in 4 weeks just so its like a baby's bum. (to get the fine ones)
Oh the things we do for pleasure !
Take care


OUCH! tried the waxing and found there are areas that are just toooo sensitive, I take my hat off to those of you that do it regularly! I was my bikini line then get hubby to shave underneath now & to keep that landing strip though LOL


There Is Also A Mild Anethatising Ceme Available, It's Been A Long Time Since I Used It, And I'm Sorry Honey I Just Can't Remember The Name, Sex Shops May Be Able To Help You Track It Down If Chemists Can't Help...good Luck