Do you prefer shaved vagina's or al la natural?



I really don't care. once I did till i realised they all work the same at the right time, I guess a "helmet" head does look better than a "beanie" head though much prettier on the slack...IMHO....but as I said I don't care either way when it gets down to business ;D


i've never had a cut one

I dont know how or why but all the men i've ever been with have been uncut. I dont think it would bother me anyway. If he wants head he cleans immediately beforehand. I dont care how clean you were when you washed this morning. You been in sweaty pants all day ( we live in aus most likely its sweaty) therefore you clean before any tounge.

Mary Anne PA


Definitely round head, down with cavaliers. Sweet , fresh and inviting. Has to be chopped.

Dark Love

After reading all the posts above, I had this thought.
Most women prefer CUT, but most guys want to be
UN due to the loss of sexual pleasure. So I was wondering
if guys where guaranteed more sex by getting done, if they
wouldn't be chopping it off themselves? It is an interesting subject with
thousands of opinions depending on culture, control, fashion, religion,
personal preference, tradition, etc,etc. Where does one begin to know the
right answer. Which is what make the word a more interesting place. In the
long run for the guy's who have been done, it is always good to think about
the old saying, "you don't know what you are missing". And I think good sex,
no fucking great sex depends on the person you are with and the emotions
involved. With that kind of sex it doesn't matter if you have a cock or
not, because you cum with your whole body. But don't cut my head off,

Sorry in a strange mood!, lol @ self!!!!

*Prefer them done, 4 a set of whole other reasons.
*For those into BDSM, lucky you!
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I absolutely love going down on a girl and there is one thing that will make me go back for more.....
shaven haven, you cant beat it!
it makes the whole experience extreemly enjoyable, the smell, the taste, the look and the wonderful soft skin feels soooo good on the tongue and lips!!

Sir Stefan

Jerome, where do you hunt?

Jerome said:
I have not yet come across a woman who is totally shaven. But I'll tell ya, the day I do, is the day you'll here a womans' cries carrying across the warm summer winds. I can imagine myself drooling helplessly over a shaven pussy and I could spend much of our time together just enjoying the taste, the warmth, the swelling and the taste of her pussy and juices. I love to go down on a woman like I like to kiss her mouth; starting slow and tender, carefully and feeling her responses to my heat and movements.
But hey! An unshaven pussy can be friggin hot too. I've no complaints to make yet! And no complaints.

Jerome, where do you 'hunt'? Planet Earth is virtually covered with fully shaven girls and hundreds of thousands more join the throng DAILY, Yes, DAILY. Fully Shaven is now fast becoming the norm, why? The advent of the internet, DVD's and Video's... girls now can see how their Sisters around the world look and are shaving in their multi millions DAILY and it is 'Oh Soooo Beautiful' my past Partners/Lovers/Mistresses have ALL been FULLY SHAVEN. Both myself (Sir Stefan) and my Mistress (Mistress 'O') are Fully shaven and often we shave each other... it makes our lovemaking absolutely wonderful... Jerome, get out and find yourself a 'Fully Shaven Woman' and experience the joy first hand..... Sir 'S'

Sir Stefan

What a 'Dreadful' word....

maryanne said:
I was asked recently on talking sex what Australian Men and Bi Sexual Woman prefer.Would like some feedback from members so I can reply to the letter.
Fully Shaved
A La Natural
Partially Shaved
Oh Maryanne, what a dreadful word 'Twat'.... The Shaven Female Genitalia is a joy to behold, but when one calls it a 'twat' it is a real 'turn-off' ..... Sir 'S'


OK. well I have never been with a girl so i can't say anything about that, but personally i have had Hubby shave me quite a few times,and i have also been waxed a couple of times.the waxing definately hurts like hell...but the end result is much smoother,and it lasts longer than shaving does.
I definately think smooth is better for me anyways, sex is soooo much better with no hair to get in the way.



i had the snip when i was a baby for medical reasons, not for fashion, looks or cleanliness. Having been snipped for longer than i can remember i cant tell you if sex is better or worse without a beanie, its still sex and it feels great.
Hood or no hood, respect your partner and wash your dong.
I had the unpleasant experience of going down on a girl with cleaning problems, it was horrible, if i want head i shower!



Foundation Member
My thoughts.

Hey all, it's the gf part of fordfiend here.

My man is uncut..we've been together for nearly 6 years, and when we first got together I had never been with a guy who was uncut, so yeah when it was soft it looked kinda funny, but when it's hard, it's a sight for sore eyes :love76:

And also for my own personal preference, it's much easier to give an uncut guy head, because you're using your lips to pull the foreskin down....and as he's said countless of times, it can become really sensitive if the skin is pulled down during a whole headjob session, turning it into a not so pleasurable experience.

And as for women who think that uncut have cheesy dicks and what not... Just think about the guys that are cut, fluff, rubbing on their undies or pants all day, dirt and whatever else makes its way there. As long as all males whether cut or uncut are cleaning their cocks properly there should be no problems. O0

Hugh Jorn

Lets look at this one for a while.

The reason cutting the foreskin came about was a religious practice, so the boy enjoyed
masturbation less. It was done to the boy at about 13...

The reason the boy would have less pleasure, was because as some one mentioned before, the knob becomes less sensitive. And you loose the sensation of skin passing over the knob.

Yes it is less clean, if you dont clean it, the problem is that we dont teach boys to pull the skin back and clean it. Girls on the other hand are taught to keep them selves clean.

Let me ask you ladies this ... When your partners were erect, could you tell if they were cut or uncut?

We are appalled at the tribes that circumcise girls for religious beliefs, are we any different.

Please note I mean no offence to any religious beliefs or practices. I am just stating what I know.



my "baby boy" of 11 is uncut, and i have always taught him from the start how to clean himself and be hygienic.......not that hard really ( pardon the pun!!) it was never an option for him to be cut, totally unnecessary.

education from an early age is all that is required. as for looks, isnt it irrelevent if you luv em????????
personally havent had an uncut version, but can honestly say it wouldnt determine my relationship either way.

Dark Love

The Directors Cut! I just like the look of one done, it is pretty.

Please cut them all, all we need is more over sex guys walking around rubbing their foreskin over the end of their knobs all day, lol. Maybe the religious groups had it right.

My 11 year old is done, thank God!, but my 3 year old isn't. As soon as I save the money, he is next. hahaha (evil laugh).

My partner who is done, keeps coming back for more, that is sex not foreskin rubbing.

Anyway why do girls starve themselves? to look better for the opposite sex. Why because they think it looks better. It is amazing what we do to our bodies to look better for the opposite sex or lover. Waxing is another! I am guilty of all this, but I also like doing it for myself aswell.

I know I am generalizing about all this, but if I have to give up chocolate to lose weight to look better for my man, then a few days of pain when they cut the end off, big deal. I know what I would prefer. Also circumcision can be done quite pain free these days, through cropping.

Female circumcision removes the clit which takes away more than just a better wanking session. And it is also used as a control mechanism over women, not for hygiene issues. It is so they will not stray, not to stop wanking. It is usually done in cultures where it can be sliced off with a piece of broken mirror. In a dirty hut, with no pain relief. Many girls die from female circumcision.

Circumcision goes back to bible times, when hygiene was an issue. 40 days and nights without a shower, you work it out. Put your hands up if you think God is dumb, lol.
Humans have made it religious, that is what religion is - something that is man made.

Honestly, I like the look of a circumcised penis, it is just a personal preference. And if my partner wasn't done and knew that, he would be the first inline for the chop if it meant more sex for him.

There is also the issues of cervical cancer, which is reduced in cultures where circumcision is compulsory. Penile cancer is also on the rise and is only noted in men who are uncircumcised. I suppose we could debate all day about it and nobody would win.
Too many variables in this debate.

My advice is, if your not getting good sex, do something to improve it. Don't blame your missing foreskin.

And if you have one, start rubbing that sounds good fun. For me, I suppose I will never know what one feels like, because I just wont go there.

But men, if you really are pissed, blame your fore-fathers for the missing foreskin. I believe it was a man who made the directors cut.

Dark Love

(The gospel according to me based on the knowledge and experience I have to date. And I am not looking for any followers. Each to his own!)
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Uncut.../ Cut....

Personally I prefer Cut, I think it looks nicer, all of my partners have been cut. I do remember one that was uncut, his penis always smelt really funny. I always found it really awkward when it came to oral, I was always hesitant. But I guess that varies between people, some are more hygenic than others.

Mercedes :3some:


to cut or not to cut.

A Good workman keeps his tool clean and ready',whether he keeps it wrapped or in the open!!!!! :icon_blow :wave:


wow looks like i'm a minority here. I'm cut and i've had no problems with sex or sensation. I can see how i may be a bit more desensitized to sex but it just means i generally last quite a while, but if i'm turned on enough it wouldn't matter how much i feel as sex is as much mental as physical for me. Just have to be in the right frame of mind.


Senior Member
Foundation Member
Im cut to and ive lasted two hrs no wories and sometimes only five minutes depends if ive had a one handed massage. :hello:



ive experienced both, and i have found no real difference ....
justcurious :cya:


Foundation Member
"education from an early age is all that is required. as for looks, isnt it irrelevent if you luv em????????
personally havent had an uncut version, but can honestly say it wouldnt determine my relationship either way." quote cutensexy

I hate to say it cutensexy but not all of us are fortunate enough to be in a " long term relationship" and be "in luv". So yes i do have a personal preference for uncut and its the same as men have preferences for girls with big breasts or slim figures its a personal choice.......

How many men have got into a relationship with a woman only to ask her to have breast implants because he deems that her breasts are too small? Plenty.........but if we make a comment on their penis shape or size or we are shot down in flames?


To Cut Or Not To Cut...

Well where do i a junior niave i had never experienced an "uncut version" before and must say i had to hold back on the laughter when i first encounter one..elephants trunk was the first vision that sprung to mind....along with you want me to suck on "that"...the next was what the heck do i do with the extra dangly bit....well over the years i have become the master of the dangly bit...the things you can do with a foreskin..mmm...hubby is of the "cut type" (dont tell him i told you) so have also decided that cut is fun too, but must say that i do love "playing" with the "uncut boys" at lps when there...
as everything goes...each to his own really... and again you dont know what your missing until you try it..
my son is of the "uncut" not initially by my choosing but italian, no way was circumsion ever discussed..anyway, i have learnt from him over the years that why deprive a boy of a very handy reqadily accessible toy....the time he has spent stretching that little piece of skin as far as it will go is endless...and then there was the time when he was in the bath and i noticed this large bulge at the end of his penis..instantly visions of things poked into the end of it came to mind and i screamed his name scareing the poor little bugger...he lets go of the foreskin to realease the "pee" he had been holding in swelling up the foreskin he had pinched together...much to his digust he told me i had frightened was then that i realised how could i have deprived him of that extra little bit of skin to play with....then there was the time he proudly showed me how he could roll the skin up and down "like this mum" he says...wearing a big you see its not just for looks or comfort that that little bit of skin is there...its also for entertainment purposes...and i dont mean sexual entertainment...

then there is the "so called fact" that i once heard that an "uncut" man actually ends up longer than the "cut" version as he has that extra bit of skin to you can't judge the size of a man laying down he needs to be standing to get the true length...

so there you go..a lover of all types and sizes is my decision...and hey with a condom on who is to know whats underneath...

but for all those doesnt hurt to try something new either...


I am glad I came across this topic, as this was a BIG issue when our son was born...What should we do???...In the end we did nothing...And to this day we still did not know if we had done the right thing...

I have found it very interesting to read everyones point of views...
And now I can say I am feeling much more comfortable about this...
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naughtybuttnice said:
I am glad I came across this topic as this was a BIG issue when our son was born...What shuld we do???...In the end we did nothing...And to this day we still did not know if we had done the rite thing...

I hav found it very interesting to read everyones point of views...
And now I can say I am feeling much more comfortable about this...

But what do you prefer? I never got cut as a kid, did think about it when a bit older, and at times due to the tightness of my foreskin, wish I had.
I've never had an erection that pulls the foreskin all the way back, does that mean I have still length to grow?
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But I have never really experienced that kinda full on, belly button touching boner!

melly bear

Well, over the years I have experienced both and both work perfectly!

It's not really a preference compared to large or small boobs, or slim or cuddly girls. I think it's more like a comparison to labia minora that are innies or outies.....they both work the same and it's really just a difference in the way they look.

Are there really people out there that are so shallow that they would decide whether they wanted to spend some serious time, and possibly the rest of their lives, with a person purely based on the amount of skin they have around their "private parts"?

MB xx