Diamond Member
just BS.EVEN if you have been fully vaxxed,. Mark is nothing but a dictator..
Funny when the shit hits the fan we are all in the same boat. however when things are good, they the top end of town arseholes don't share that now do they? the whole system is rigged and the sheep can't see it.....
But then again The good folk of Rockingham have so much to look forward to after all Mark looks after them for voting for him like f**k he does, Youth unemployment is at crisis levels there, not much to do there except sit on the beach drink piss and have kids, it's the Liverpool of the South...
14 days Isolation I have done that you are treated like some mass murderer in Prison, however the claremont serial killer has more rights than a returning Australian citizen to either Australia and WA.... The food is shit, the way you are treated is shit, but Mark thinks that's all okay.... but look here..
Straight off his private jet from Colorado and no isolation nothing and he is in the high risk category group, but he's big business with a dick that needs sucking and by the way Marks head is pointing he can't wait to finish that meal and do CIMWS to his good mate Kerry!
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they had to quarantine for 14 days in their own private residence after flying in from colorado.
this can be arranged, like my mates daughter and husband, if you have a place to stay and you don't leave the building or interact with anyone.
but don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.