I have several more, simply genius ideas to share.
1. Purchase kitty litter tray. Fashion fictitious turds out of wet toilet paper tube. Bury your cash as a cat would bury its excrement. It is fun!
3. Liberally smear a pair of underwear with a brown substance. I recommend Crunchy Peanut Butter. Place cash inside. Best to leave on floor by toilet for realism. (Guests will be disgusted)
6. Purchase a copy of Cats (2019) on Blueray. Simply nobody would ever want to watch this film. Place money inside cover. (Guests will judge you by owning this film and will make assumptions about your taste. Gossip may ensue. Another HORRIBLE film is Ju-On about the EVIL JAPANESE GHOST.)
10. Collect toe and finger nail clippings, hair clippings & place into jar. Money will be camouflaged inside. Down side It can take long time to collect. Barber usually allows me to take a pocket full of hair for FREE! (Nail salon will not let me take clippings, even when I offer $10.)
11. Gladwrap your cash and place into tub of expired Greek Style Yogort! (Yes, it needs to be expired so that guests will not be tempted) (also simply GREEK yogort will work as long as expired)
These are simply TRIED AND TRUE METHODS. A good hiding spot is PARAMOUNT TO MY SUCCESS!!!! YES, even with the prying eyes of jealous neighbours… I know I am protected.
HOWEVER… a certain SOMEBODY began gagging after discovering my decoy underwear in the bathroom. LEFT BEFORE I COULD EXPLAIN! They would not listen that it was peanut butter! “Why would you schmear peanut butter on your jocks?”. Perhaps my methods are 2 GOOD 4 MY OWN GOOD LOL!
Ritchie, if you see this… please unblock me I am telling the truth. I miss u so much. Please forgive me!