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Sex with boyfriends best mate




I'm looking for peoples opinions on which way I should head in the situation I have managed to get myself into.

I have been with my boyfriend since we were both 15 (4 years) and he is a wonderful man. We have a glorious sex life and have even shared our bed with another woman a few times.

But the last month I have experienced things that I never thought I would.

Let me set the scene. My boyfriend has wanted me to try a threesome with another guy for a long time but I have always said no.

Anyway, we had a fancy dress party to go to in early December and he was going to be late so I would meet him there. I was catwoman and him batman. He arrived and whispered to me that I was hot and wanted me now. We slipped away and without a word semi undressed and had awesome sex. This situation is not unusual for us so I never suspected a thing.

We go back to the party and a few minutes later another batman arrives with the exact same outfit. I said to my boyfriend, look, another batman and he says, "yes, that's your boyfriend", I knew straight away that the batman that I was with was not my man by the voice.

My stomach dropped, I felt like I wanted to throw up, I didn't know what to do.

I keep quite about it for the rest of the night, I found out the other batman was his best friend. On the way home I worked up the guts to tell him, and he said he knew and asked if I liked it. I said no, but he said he knew I did because his mate had told him. And that his mate was on his way back to our place and we could have that threesome now if I was interested.

To be honest I don't know why, but I said ok. It was the best thing I have ever done. I think I orgasmed multiple times just thinking about it.

We have been seeing each other nearly every day since then and I must say I am thoroughly enjoying it.

This is where the problem lies, my boyfriends best mate (batman #2) is my bosses husband/defacto.

They say that they are going to organise a spa party and that once she has a few drinks she'll be up for anything and all four of us can be together.

I am worried now. I had sex with my boyfriends best mate without knowing it was him initially. I am sleeping with my bosses husband behind her back. If they set up the spa party and it works I will soon be sleeping with my boss as well.

It all seems to be moving too fast. I am having the time of my life and if it all works then great. But what if my boss isn't into all this, I am left with no job and a bad reputation within that company.

Is it worth the risk? Anyone has any opinions?


Legend Member
I suppose if everyone can keep things in the bedroom, in the bedroom and not let it affect life out of the bedroom. I guess that's just cool. Keep the masks on I say. lol...

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Wow...... Opinions no. Follow your desires babe. But what an awesome story. Loved every bit of it.

An award winning novel can be created base on this.

May the force be with you.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
When you had sex with your boyfriends mate couldn't you tell it wasn't him strait away? Sorry if i got it wrong but it seems like that.
Are you really into having this 4some? Also since you are having sex everyday with your guy and his mate have your feelings changed towards your guys mate?
If your not comfortable with the 4some you should say so, as you said things seem to be happening very quick.
Or if you are into it just enjoy it, seems like you haven't had a 4some before so you may well really like it as you have had fmf and now mfm, so why not, you will never know if you don't try it, as long as your happy with it to start with which you seem to be as you have watched your guy with other female friends and it doesn't seem to bother you.
Or are you afraid you maybe getting to like his mate a lot more. Just a few things you probably need to put some thought into, if you have already just enjoy yourself..
Sorry if i seem to have asked you to many questions. Just things i think you need to ask yourself. Good luck in whatever you choose and hope you really do get to enjoy it.. Maybe you need to talk to your boss about it first, if shes ok with it i wouldn't think you would loose your job or anything like that.. though that could be the risky part, but not if her guy has been up front with her..
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When you had sex with your boyfriends mate couldn't you tell it wasn't him strait away?..

Yeah, look my boyfriend and his mate are almost like identical twins. Same height, weight, body shape etc.

If I'm not being too crude I though he was "bigger" that night but sometimes things can just seem that way. Especially when it's a quickie hiding trying not to get caught. I was more worried about getting caught than thinking oh it feels a little tight it might be someone else.

At least that's the excuse I will stick to.

It's not really the 4some that concerns me, to be honest it seems quite exciting. But given that I have my dream job the chances of something going wrong carry far greater weight than just oh well it didn't work out, lets all go our separate ways.

I have voiced these concerns to my boyfriend (and his mate) and they assure me all will be fine.

They have organised a weekend away for 4 days from Australia Day for the four of us and they say a little wine, a hot spa and all will fall into place. She has had experience with other women before so that gives me more confidence.

My concern now is that they have done the same with her as with me, ie had a threesome with her. And now she is being told the same about me as I am about her. Paranoid I know, but that is what entered my head.

Oh not that it matters I guess, but she is significantly older than us, we are all 19/20 and she is 36.

Anyway, I have decided to see how it all turns out. It could be the start of something great.

Anyone want to offer me a job so this is not even an issue? If she wasn't my boss I would jumping in.


Silver Member
You are still young, so I say go for it. If not you might live to regret the opportunities. You only live once.


Foundation Member
to get all practile and all that

- make sure you couldnt get pregnant

or see to things

thats a whole world of hrt and deception


Yeah, look my boyfriend and his mate are almost like identical twins. Same height, weight, body shape etc.

If I'm not being too crude I though he was "bigger" that night but sometimes things can just seem that way. Especially when it's a quickie hiding trying not to get caught. I was more worried about getting caught than thinking oh it feels a little tight it might be someone else.

At least that's the excuse I will stick to.

It's not really the 4some that concerns me, to be honest it seems quite exciting. But given that I have my dream job the chances of something going wrong carry far greater weight than just oh well it didn't work out, lets all go our separate ways.

I have voiced these concerns to my boyfriend (and his mate) and they assure me all will be fine.

They have organised a weekend away for 4 days from Australia Day for the four of us and they say a little wine, a hot spa and all will fall into place. She has had experience with other women before so that gives me more confidence.

My concern now is that they have done the same with her as with me, ie had a threesome with her. And now she is being told the same about me as I am about her. Paranoid I know, but that is what entered my head.

Oh not that it matters I guess, but she is significantly older than us, we are all 19/20 and she is 36.

Anyway, I have decided to see how it all turns out. It could be the start of something great.

Anyone want to offer me a job so this is not even an issue? If she wasn't my boss I would jumping in.

What if batman wasn't your bfs mate but someone else? A total stranger, how would you feel then?


Gold Member
Anyway, we had a fancy dress party to go to in early December and he was going to be late so I would meet him there. I was catwoman and him batman. He arrived and whispered to me that I was hot and wanted me now. We slipped away and without a word semi undressed and had awesome sex. This situation is not unusual for us so I never suspected a thing.

Is it worth the risk? Anyone has any opinions?

I think the thing that makes me uncomfortable is that you were being deceived on this occasion. Given that you'd said no to a threesome up to that point and they then deceived you worries me more than a little bit.

On the surface, all seems fine and it sounds incredibly sexy and exciting, but you were maneuvered into the threesome simply by "well, he's already fucked you once, so we may as well keep going with the threesome"... The fact that you ended up enjoying it notwithstanding, I'd feel somewhat uneasy. And, like you said, you worry if they'd pulled the same stunt on her.

I say you are quite well within your rights to be wary. Again, the fact that they're saying that "liquoring her up" will make it all go smoothly is again something I'd feel uncomfortable with. If she's not willing to go for it sober, loosening her up with a bit of liquor definitely ratchets the danger up a little in regards to your job if not downright legal issues.

IN THEORY, the encounter at the costume party was, to put it bluntly, non-consensual sex. Masks make it somewhat blurry, so you couldn't call it rape, but you believed you were having sex with one person, when someone else had DELIBERATELY been substituted. Similarly, if your boss is going to be "liquored up" into something that in a sober state she may not agree to, it similarly opens up legal avenues that deal with coercion into sex. I'd say at the very least discuss with your boyfriend what would happen if you all tried to get together WITHOUT alcohol. There is a little bit too much deception going on here. (and I'll repeat, I would SO like to be in on this.)

On top of this, was the quickie at the party protected sex? Would you have had unsafe sex with a complete stranger?

Okay, sorry to spoil the mood like this. As it is, just thinking about the whole scenario (it'd make a hell of a porno, though) has got me all hot and bothered. Time for a cold shower.

Naughty Thoughts

+1 for what ecchimiki said.

Seems to me that he (both of them) are using dirty tactics, and then brushing aside your concerns with "it'll be fine" platitudes. Sounds to me (from your description) like they keep trying to sound like it is all good, but actually having very little regard for your opinion.

...and they assure me all will be fine.

Without knowing what was actually said, to me that sounds like "we don't care what you think, we're doing this because it's what we want to do". Some guys are very good at making women think that their objections are "unreasonable" or "over reacting" when in reality they are using common sense.

Ghost Protocol

inconceivable ... nooo , if a chick is thin in aus , she is pretty much attractive ..

either way , you have given your bf a golden ticket to fu ck anything that moves ...especially anyone in your closest friendship circle ..

i do ask where are girls like you , when i am looking for a throw away f buddy ...

but wow .seriously ... im glad i dont have to live a life like this .. what a mind f
cheers for the laugh


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Wow what a story. Did it really happen like this??? Regardless if or if not.......what I am aiming at with my post is your talent to tell as sex/horny story. Did you ever contemplate to write stories for one of the sexy magazines?

When it comes to sexual adventures......make sure you are safe.......that you want it too.......and that you enjoy it.



I think that you are creating huge complications to your life and that you will ultimately crash and burn.

that guy28

If i were you, I'd take ur boss aside (after the subject has been broached) and just go off and play with her for a bit. Get comfortable with each other. Tell the boys they're alone together for a bit.
That's some good payback for the deception. Make sure you let them know that shit will not fly. If they liekd this, imagine what their next stunt will be? Take control, play with your boss a bit, then if you guys feel like getting the boys involved go get em but boys with power go crazy, and when theyre thinkin with their wang (which i daresay they are) thats when things get dangerous. So jsut make them sit in the naughty corner for a bit and if theyre good, then they can come play.
My 2c


What if batman wasn't your bfs mate but someone else? A total stranger, how would you feel then?


I'm glad I don't have to contemplate that because after a very quick think about it I don't have an answer.


The fact that you ended up enjoying it notwithstanding, I'd feel somewhat uneasy. And, like you said, you worry if they'd pulled the same stunt on her.

I say you are quite well within your rights to be wary. Again, the fact that they're saying that "liquoring her up" will make it all go smoothly is again something I'd feel uncomfortable with. If she's not willing to go for it sober, loosening her up with a bit of liquor definitely ratchets the danger up a little in regards to your job if not downright legal issues.

Similarly, if your boss is going to be "liquored up" into something that in a sober state she may not agree to, it similarly opens up legal avenues that deal with coercion into sex..

Yes, the idea that they may have done it to her is a concern.

But I don't think we are talking about getting rolling drunk but more just a few wines to loosen any inhibitions that may be around.

I am sure no-one will be forced into anything.


+1 for what ecchimiki said.
Without knowing what was actually said, to me that sounds like "we don't care what you think, we're doing this because it's what we want to do". Some guys are very good at making women think that their objections are "unreasonable" or "over reacting" when in reality they are using common sense.

mmm, food for thought.

It might be a good idea to cancel Australia Day and maybe leave it for later in the year after we have all had time to digest what has happened.

And I guess I really should start saying no. Especially to these threesomes continuing for the time being.


Wow what a story. Did it really happen like this??? Regardless if or if not.......what I am aiming at with my post is your talent to tell as sex/horny story. Did you ever contemplate to write stories for one of the sexy magazines?

It is not a "story". Is that a dig at me? Am I that unbelievable?


If i were you, I'd take ur boss aside (after the subject has been broached) and just go off and play with her for a bit. Get comfortable with each other. Tell the boys they're alone together for a bit.

Yes !!

Very nice idea.

I knew speaking to people outside my circle would be beneficial.


Gold Member
It is not a "story". Is that a dig at me? Am I that unbelievable?

LOL, definitely not, if anything the opposite. It almost sounds too good to be true. :) And, as Rochelle said, you paint a really good picture.

I know that for me, I was having trouble keeping my pants from tenting up too much while reading that. (I really must stop reading this site at work. :)

Glad we could be of some help to you.


Legend Member
IN THEORY, the encounter at the costume party was, to put it bluntly, non-consensual sex. Masks make it somewhat blurry, so you couldn't call it rape, but you believed you were having sex with one person, when someone else had DELIBERATELY been substituted.

Legally it was rape. Rape includes 'fraudulent sexual intercourse'. The example I was taught was of a woman getting into her bed, assuming that the man in her bed was her husband, and the same happened as in this story (replacing 'bed' with costume party). Successful conviction.


Gold Member
Legally it was rape. Rape includes 'fraudulent sexual intercourse'. The example I was taught was of a woman getting into her bed, assuming that the man in her bed was her husband, and the same happened as in this story (replacing 'bed' with costume party). Successful conviction.

IANAL, but the point being that it wasn't "into her bed" but a semi-public place, and the fact that part of the costume party being that people are masked so as not to be identified, it could be argued by a defendant's lawyer that it wasn't rape. I think she was lucky there wasn't a third Batman there who went after the kitty.

Naughty Thoughts

I knew speaking to people outside my circle would be beneficial.


If you mention that you "spoke to some friends" which influenced your decision to slow things down, and their reaction is "you shouldn't have done that" or otherwise discourage you from speaking to others - that's a HUGE red flag right there.

Isolating someone from outside support (such as friends and family) is major predatory behaviour and someone like that is someone you are much better off without. Even doctors suggest getting a second opinion.

On the flip side, you may end up having lots of fun. Just remember to stay safe.


Sorry to be a doubting Thomas, but did I not read this (or similar) story in Playboy about 18 months ago?