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Rochelle's Sense of Humor


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Q: Why did God create brunettes?
A: So ugly men wouldn't feel left out.

Q: Why do brunettes always smile during lightning storm?
A: They think their picture is being taken.

What do you do if a brunette throws a pin at you?
A: Run - she's got a granade in her mouth.

Why are brunettes so proud of their hair?
A: It matches their moustache.

What do you call a good looking man with a brunette?
A: A hostage

Why are dumb blonde jokes so short?
A: So brunettes can remember them.


Legend Member
Re: Blond revenge

Love them.

Quick quiz: Is Rochelle a brunette? or a blonde?

Farm Boy

Re: Blond revenge

You got to love them.

Link is broken so has been taken down
Last edited by a moderator:


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: Blond revenge

why is the 1st thread and 1st post out of our time line, a little strange, it is the 2nd today isn't it.


Legend Member
Re: Blond revenge

why is the 1st thread and 1st post out of our time line, a little strange, it is the 2nd today isn't it.

2nd of December 2011 was 1st post.

Attention to detail.

Hair colour of happytimes is ...............?

Alecia the Foxx

Re: Blond revenge

I just can't win. The whole time I was blonde, it was all blonde jokes, never, ever heard a brunette joke. Now that I am a brunette, there are brunette jokes. What's up with that? :laughing4


Re: Blond revenge

I just can't win. The whole time I was blonde, it was all blonde jokes, never, ever heard a brunette joke. Now that I am a brunette, there are brunette jokes. What's up with that? :laughing4

The world is against you :violent5:


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: Blond revenge

Nothing Alecia, you look great, color of your hair has nothing to do with who you are.
Sorry i don't spend every minute of my day on this forum like you do Demon,my mistake..


Legend Member
Re: Blond revenge

I just can't win. The whole time I was blonde, it was all blonde jokes, never, ever heard a brunette joke. Now that I am a brunette, there are brunette jokes. What's up with that? :laughing4



I hope you are not paranoid.


Gold Member
Re: Blond revenge

Always been a Brunette man myself..... my wife is a blond though...... sort of getting the best from both worlds. Redheads.... ever tried rough riding a Limousin Bull???!!!!


Re: Blond revenge

Heres one for you.

A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says she's going to Europe on business for 2 weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce. The car is parked on the street in front of the bank; she has the title, and everything checks out. The bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blonde for using a $250,000 Rolls as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the blond returns and repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "Miss, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely; but we are a little puzzled. We checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is - why would you bother to borrow $5,000?" The blonde replies... "Where else in NYC can I park my car for 2 weeks for $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return?"


Legend Member
Re: Blond revenge


Blonde revenge to make bankers look like the w....... they are.



Re: Blond revenge

Aussie farmer driving through NZ countyside spots a Kiwi farmer up behind a sheep, so he stops and yells "we shear them in Australia" the Kiwi replies " we share them here too, your next bro""


Legend Member
Re: Blond revenge

Rochelle could well be Blonde as she can not spell Blonde

There is another possibility.

Blond is a rare word in the English language. It has different speeling for male and female.

Blond is the male spelling. Blonde is the female spelling.

Source: Oxford English Dictionary

What does Rochelle's spelling tell us about her? (or ...) :laughing4

Getting in touch with her inner male, maybe? :laughing4


Legend Member
Re: Blond revenge

There is another possibility.

Blond is a rare word in the English language. It has different speeling for male and female.

Blond is the male spelling. Blonde is the female spelling.

Source: Oxford English Dictionary

What does Rochelle's spelling tell us about her? (or ...)

Getting in touch with her inner male, maybe?

Just be careful Demon You may find you are skating on thin Ice ;D


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: Blond revenge

Rochelle could well be Blonde as she can not spell Blonde
You can spell it both ways according to the word power dictionary.
Origin- French, feminine of Blond from Latin blondus meaning yellow.
Learn something new everyday, i didn't know either.


Legend Member
Re: Blond revenge

You can spell it both ways according to the word power dictionary.
Origin- French, feminine of Blond from Latin blondus meaning yellow.
Learn something new everyday, i didn't know either.

SO we have all been outsmarted by a Lady with fair hair EH!


Re: Blond revenge

After a months holiday in Australia, Paddy returned to Ireland where his family wanted to know all about his trip.
He said Australians are the most hospitable people he had ever met. "They share their house, they'll share their grog, they even share their women." he said.

" It's the white bastards you have to watch!"


Re: Blond revenge

What's the difference between a Banana and a Politician?

If you look hard enough you will find a straight Banana!


Re: Blond revenge

Two Aussies wearing black singlets, shorts and thongs arrived at the Pearly Gates. St Peter took one look at them and said "Nick off. You two look like wharfies. We know all about you thieving Aussies. Pinch anything that wasn't nailed down. Now Piss Off."

St Peter informed God he had just got rid of two Aussies. God went beserk. "You can't do that. Everyone is entitled to get to heaven. Go and get them back."
St Peter went off to do his bidding, but soon returned. "They're gone!" He said.
"Who the Aussies?" replied God
" No the Bloody Pearly Gates!!!!!!!"


Re: Blond revenge

An Aussie girl phone her boyfriend. "Trevor, I've just been to the Dr's and he tells me I'm up the duff, if don't marry me I'll drown myself."
Trevor replies, "Hell Cheryl, that's really decent of you. Not only are you a good root , but your a good sport as well!"


Re: Blond revenge

The brave Dutch lad stuck his finger in the dyke.
She punched the crap out of him!!!


Re: Blond revenge

What's the difference between fat and cholesterol?
You don't wake up with half a cholesterol!!!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
a brothel at the top of the hill........

There was a brothel at the top of the hill with a large red light at the bottom of the hill.

There were four men.......

one was walking briskly up the hill,
one was inside the brothel,
one was walking slowly down the hill and
the fourth man was sitting in his car at the bottom of the hill.


The man going up the hill was rushin,
The man in the brothel was him-a-layin,
The man walking down the hill was finish,
The man in the car at the bottom was Irish and he was waiting for the light to turn green.
