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Rochelle's Interesting Topic Thread



Re: The strongest emotion......

Funny thing Talysha, I love spiders..... well maybe not love them, but not scared of them. Love the feel of all their legs when they sometimes crawl over me.
Love being in a bit of fear.... like being restrained...... adds to the "appeal"


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: The strongest emotion......

What is the strongest human emotion?
FEAR.......apparently our body action is at peak activity when we feel fear.
Who would have thought.

To true but it only works when you can overcome that fear, which then sort of turns it into adreilan.
Like jumping out of a plane, you may have fear of it but if you take that leap it then turns into one of the best things you might do.
Just an example but in general that's how i believe you overcome it, then use it to your advantage.


Gold Member
Re: The strongest emotion......

After this thread was posted I got home to find a big horrible furry scary wolf spider on my kitchen wall,,I loathe them so much,,they literally make me feel ill,,,death to all spiders!!!

I agree, one of the worst things I have seen recently was that picture on the news sites of the spider webs in NSW when the floods hit. Fields of what looked like cotton candy with all these funnel-web type spiders going up into the plants. I thought we had a lot of spiders here in Perth, but that seems like nothing compared to over east.


Legend Member
Re: The strongest emotion......

We have gazillions of spiders too ecchimiki Think, where would our ground hugging beasties go if we were unfortunate enough to have floods like NSW Higher ground also along with the centipedes (My personal aversion )snakes, roaches etc


Re: The strongest emotion......

Like jumping out of a plane, you may have fear of it but if you take that leap it then turns into one of the best things you might do.

My God Happytimes, I would never jump out of a perfectly good working aircraft. LOL. Though I have taken up a few skydivers in my time. Number 1 Rule. Take a long knife with you. On occasions, they have been known to get tangled on the main landing gear. We have to cut them free....... its OK, they have their auxiliary chute. They have also been known to reach across and take the keys, my karate training helps there LOL


Re: Good bye Labour

Come on mate, how much nonsense has Abbott had to put up with his Budgie Smugglers, Howard with his Eyebrows and Beazley with his weight issues - and on and on it goes etc.

Coupled with that most of the comments like those attributed to pollies are usually a set up with press hovering and blowing things out of proportion as usual.

We ALL talk about other people.

He's got a fat gut, she's got no boobs, god did you see her dress, he looks like a moron with that hairstyle etc etc.

These are not election issues or issues by which you measure a leader. Its all a beat up by the press to sell papers etc.

Its symptomatic of a society without any real issues to worry about.

I guess we're just lucky if all we worry about is some dude's dumb comments about the features of another.

I have never been a devout labor man Though I do believe in Labour
But ,and I know I'm in a minority , but Julia has gone up some in my eyes. And it would certainly help her cause if she had
some talent on her front & back bench
And those nasty comments about her size and clothing from the likes of Greer and backed by Abbot are uncalled for Maybe thats just me Would a overweight man like Kim Beazley get the same treatment?


Re: Good bye Labour

I agree with your sentiments but not your language.

Saige is entitled to her views and its a bit much to climb into her as agressively as you have.

What a load of shit. Where do you think all of the money comes from Saige??? Frickin money tree i guess !!! Australia is now in debt to the tune of 200 Billion - thanks to your fucked up labour party. You think what happened in Greece wont happen here if we keep spending beyond our means?

Labour & the Greens are a disgrace.


Re: Good bye Labour

All politicians will tell fibs to get into office, promise programs that dont get delivered, provide smaller tax cuts than the first announced etc etc etc.

HOWEVER, to tell a blatant lie, ie, the carbon tax, is just political suicide. That said, I personally dont think its Julia who pushed that, its those rabid hippie greenie lunatics who dealt their way into power.

Pauline hanson once said"The problem with the political system in Australia is its based on MOB RULE", and I beleive she is correct. A large percentage of poeple voted for the greens because they didn't want to vote for either of the big two. Problem was they only understood a small portion of the Greens policies, the remaining policies are so detrimental to Australia and its economy , that if instituted you could almost guarantee a civil uprising to be the result of them.

Such policies advocate the discontinuing of all mining, manufacturing and GM agriculture in australia. Theres about 3 million people and 65% of Australias GDP out the window in an instant. They aso advocate rises in taxes to the highest in the world, nationalisation of many public services that are currently public owned enitities etc, So there goes your retirement nest egg as well.

The only solution I can see is the removal of the compulsory voting laws in Australia, at least that way the people who do vote will, generally speaking, be those who have taken an interest in whats going on, and not just turn up to have their name crossed off and avoid a fine, because these are the voters that have created the comedic govenment we have today. Unfortunately this will never happen in Australia, as certain political parties have already recognised that their voter demographic are exactly this "mob rule"group, and they'd never get re-elected if they didn't force people to vote.

My prediction for the future, come 2013 labor will be reduced to a minor party, the greens will cease to exist as a party in Australia, and our next prime minister will be............... Mr Malcom Turnbull.


Silver Member
Re: Good bye Labour

All politicians will tell fibs to get into office, promise programs that dont get delivered, provide smaller tax cuts than the first announced etc etc etc.

HOWEVER, to tell a blatant lie, ie, the carbon tax, is just political suicide. That said, I personally dont think its Julia who pushed that, its those rabid hippie greenie lunatics who dealt their way into power.

Pauline hanson once said"The problem with the political system in Australia is its based on MOB RULE", and I beleive she is correct. A large percentage of poeple voted for the greens because they didn't want to vote for either of the big two. Problem was they only understood a small portion of the Greens policies, the remaining policies are so detrimental to Australia and its economy , that if instituted you could almost guarantee a civil uprising to be the result of them.

Such policies advocate the discontinuing of all mining, manufacturing and GM agriculture in australia. Theres about 3 million people and 65% of Australias GDP out the window in an instant. They aso advocate rises in taxes to the highest in the world, nationalisation of many public services that are currently public owned enitities etc, So there goes your retirement nest egg as well.

The only solution I can see is the removal of the compulsory voting laws in Australia, at least that way the people who do vote will, generally speaking, be those who have taken an interest in whats going on, and not just turn up to have their name crossed off and avoid a fine, because these are the voters that have created the comedic govenment we have today. Unfortunately this will never happen in Australia, as certain political parties have already recognised that their voter demographic are exactly this "mob rule"group, and they'd never get re-elected if they didn't force people to vote.

My prediction for the future, come 2013 labor will be reduced to a minor party, the greens will cease to exist as a party in Australia, and our next prime minister will be............... Mr Malcom Turnbull.
I still ROFL when I think about how johnny howard was voted out because the voting public 'wanted a change' and that kevin07 was a catchy hook. oh, and how work choices stopped bludgers from sucking the lifeblood out of the economy.

fast forward a few years to:
- multi-billion dollar debt
- carbon tax
- mining tax
- flood levy tax
- alcopop tax
- increased fuel excise
- increased luxury car tax
- retraction of green energy subsidies
- nbn budget blowout at tax payers expense and still cost more than adsl2


Silver Member
Re: Good bye Labour

Mate, the voters voted the lying vermin out because they were sick of his lies and manipulation of the voters - he also lost his seat! I think the voters wanted to get rid of him long before 2007 but the Opposition couldn't get its act together. The blog page wouldn't be long enough to list all the poor policies of Howard and he still holds the record (1982) for public debt and poor economic management. Austalia's current public debt is amongst the lowest in the world and yet we managed to avoid the GFC. History will give Rudd in particular high marks - just as the rest of the world and those with economics brains already do.

I can't wait for the NBN and for Australians to finally get a fair return on their resources (ie mining tax - note how other Countries have been watching us and have announced doing similar?).

While I'm not a big fan of Gillard, most of the posts, given the facts on the economy, when stripped right down point to a red hedded woman. The issue is therefore more a misogynistic attitude of some people - this was also a topic on tonights Q&A.
Last edited:


Re: Good bye Labour

Been reading this thread and you know what..... I couldn't give a rats.

They are all disgusting and couldn't run a chook raffle (no offence Chook) if they tried, without our taxpayers money. Maybe I should replace that with "couldn't find a root in a brothel".

What I do know for an absolute fact, is that Whitlam and his cronnies sent this country's development so far back when he was PM that it took us about a decade to recover..... and bloody Fraser didn't help. Its a wonder that we wern't over run then by who-ever wanted to walk in. Thank bloody Christ I wasn't born until some sense prevailed.


Silver Member
Re: Good bye Labour

The latest polls certainly suggest that the labor party will loose the next election which is a good thing. They have waisted so much money, out tax.

Farm Boy

Re: Good bye Labour

The ALP like Cockroaches are incredibly hardy,and will never face eradication , but with a bit of luck we will be able to hold there numbers down to manageable levels in the near future .


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Weird campfire discussions

Went away over Easter with 3 friends. Only 1 hour out of Perth.......great location on the beach, days full of sun, fishing, 4-wheel racing through the dunes and archery. (yes, archery!!!!!!! and I loved it......bugger that I am left-handed so at the end of the day I would need my own bow to do it properly......hmmmmmm....never mind.) To cut a long weekend short we were sitting around the campfire (all save, I can assure you) and ended up discussing our preferred ways to commit suicide......hmmmmm....... how the hell did we end up on this topic??????

However......what we came up with.........
The happy-drug overdose was number 1 (grrrrrrrr why would you like to feel pain?),
followed by jump out of the plane without parachute (so not my cup of tea),
followed by heart attack having sex (brrrrrrr better than the plane thing......but still???????)

Did you guys ever think/discuss it? Any other preferences?


Perth boy

Re: Weird campfire discussions

Rochelle thats a bit strange to discuss!

Anyway when I was about 18 I lost a few friends to suicide. One of them had a old holden ute. He pushed the rear window out tied a long rope to a tree and the other end around his neck and drove off fast. Dont need to tell any more.


Re: Weird campfire discussions

I've told my loved ones that if I ever get to a stage where I have no quality of life I will go either 1 of 2 ways (both centered around the things I love). I wouldn't ever commit suicide as such but if I ever get to the point that I can't walk / talk / think or if i had some god forbidden life ending sickness, I'll happily go sooner rather than later.

Attach some hose to the exhaust of my car and feed it through the window or i'll go to my favorite bit of coastline and I'll swim out and drift away. Peaceful


Legend Member
Re: Weird campfire discussions

It`s not often I curse but just after I found out a close friend had hanged himself because he felt unloved, there was a rumour going around that all his mother could say was "well, he always was trying to get all the attention" I believe to this day that rumour was true and I always think of her as a FKN Bitch.

I also once worked with a teenager that had ADHD and because of it he used to think that he was never good enough. Sadly he disappeared for about 2 weeks and when found he was with a close friend of his who was also ADHD. They had taken a car into the bush and gassed themselves to death. He had no idea how loved he was.

Please if you ever do feel suicidal then try to reach out for help. Somebody, even if you don`t think there is, WILL miss you if your gone.


Legend Member
Re: Weird campfire discussions

Love to go camping with 4 hot chicks. All the fun you could have!

On topic hmmm

Tania Admin

Re: Weird campfire discussions

A very interesting topic,,,I would choose to not commit suicide, and can't contemplate how I would do it if life was ever that drastic that that was my only option..


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Weird campfire discussions

I am aware that this topic hit a sensitive nerve especially when you know somebody who actually committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. I can only explain our camp-fire discussion as a result of 4 not suicidal people trying to contemplate the "if-how" question.
More serious thoughts regarding the topic: I used to go out with a guy who tried to commit suicide twice after we broke up. It took me a long long time to get over the guilt he put on me by saying that it was all because of me.
Luckily I am one of those people who never thought about suicide.



Legend Member
Re: Weird campfire discussions

More serious thoughts regarding the topic: I used to go out with a guy who tried to commit suicide twice after we broke up. It took me a long long time to get over the guilt he put on me by saying that it was all because of me.


Sometimes one of the things that can hurt us the most is not by doing physical violence but the emotional kind.

Good on you for having the strength to walk away...


Gold Member
Re: Weird campfire discussions

I see my mother in a home..... she has Dementia and doesn't know who I am or anyone else in her family......... I remember her telling me that if I ever found her in this state that she would want me to help her end her life. As much as I love her, I wish that I could grant her wish....... her memories are all gone, she justs sits and stares at those around her........ it is so bloody sad.

Tania Admin

Re: Weird campfire discussions

I see my mother in a home..... she has Dementia and doesn't know who I am or anyone else in her family......... I remember her telling me that if I ever found her in this state that she would want me to help her end her life. As much as I love her, I wish that I could grant her wish....... her memories are all gone, she justs sits and stares at those around her........ it is so bloody sad.

That is really sad,,,It's despicable that we can be charged for letting our animals suffer (though most of us choose the right choice and euthanize), yet we have to watch loved ones suffer...So unfair..


Foundation Member
Re: Weird campfire discussions

More serious thoughts regarding the topic: I used to go out with a guy who tried to commit suicide twice after we broke up. It took me a long long time to get over the guilt he put on me by saying that it was all because of me.


Now that is just plain wrong and downright selfish.

If someone commits suicide it is their decision and no-one else's "fault".

It is also a selfish act to commit suicide because of the pain inflicted on those people who care for you. You may be "out of it" but they will be forever haunted by guilt and thoughts of "could I have done more?" Not something anyone has the right to do to someone else, especially friends and family.


Legend Member
Re: Weird campfire discussions

What was the old adage svengali? Along the lines of
It takes a moments bravery to kill oneself
But it takes real guts to fight it out and persevere


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
ahhhhhh no way to do it nicely.........

........or maybe I am wrong........again a conversation with a friend (lol not around the camp fire this time) but.......hmmmmm.......how do you break up a relation ship with as less "damage" as possible? Is it better to beat around the bush for ages? or just come out with it straight and blunt? or going through a lot of effort and try to make the other person breaking up with you?
I guess we all had to break up a relation ship at some stage in our life.........so.......what do you guys think is the "best" way to go about it?


PS: LOL....one friend suggested the best way is not to get into one in the first place.....hmmmmmm....some truth in it.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Sports and Literature

We did all go through it........some loved it some hated it.....some stayed for years and some couldn't wait to get out of it. School I am talking about.
What was your favourite subject/s in school?


Heavenly Hollie

Re: ahhhhhh no way to do it nicely.........

When you gotta go just go, do it quickly and trust your heart, you know when it's over. Blunt can be a lot better than denial... Not getting into it in the first place is a viable option but if all else fails and you find yourself in something you would rather be out of take a deep breath and tackle it directly, then head off with your best foot forward and NO regrets! Never feel guilty for breaking up with someone, leading them on is much more cruel....x


Re: ahhhhhh no way to do it nicely.........

It's a tough one that's for sure, hard on both parties. One thing I believe is important if you are the breaker is to be honest, appropriately brief (it's not really a discussion) and to be clear that the feelings have changed. This last point I think is particularly important to make clear because if the breakee doesn't want it to end, they are likely to ask for specific things that are wrong in the relationship in the hope that they can be fixed, and no one can 'fix' how someone feels about them. As painful as it is to hear that someone has 'lost that lovin feeling' for you, it is, in a way the easiest explanation to accept. The notion that we have little control over the 'special' feelings can also make it a little easier for the poor person doing the breaking. As usual, just my two cents worth.

Naughty Thoughts

Re: Sports and Literature

Tech Drawing I was pretty good at, but didn't back it up with enough math to become an architect.

I always like the hands-on subjects; woodwork, metal work, machine shop - those kind of things.

Math I hated with a passion, especially when it got to the higher level stuff like calculus.