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Rochelle's Interesting Topic Thread


Silver Member
Re: Good bye Labour

The demise of the Labor party is overstated. These things always run in cycles. I remember not too long ago people were saying the same thing about the Libs when they lost government federally and in each State and Territory, and before that when Howard won the 96 election in a landslide but then almost lost the 98 election with labor receiving a higher two party vote. The main difference now I think is that people are becoming smarter and less robotic rusted-on supporters of any particular party. We are likely to see these big swings between the parties more regularly in the future.

Farm Boy

Re: The strongest emotion......

What is the strongest human emotion?
FEAR.......apparently our body action is at peak activity when we feel fear.
Who would have thought.


A lot of people call worry concern or anxiety fear ,as opposed to being frightens shitless ,and its not just a expression.

Farm Boy

Re: Good bye Labour

Who sold assets? State and federal Governments of all persuasion's have been selling things since federation.

This is what the X NSW ALP Premier had to say.

The main state issue in the downfall of both NSW and Queensland Labor governments was the decision to undertake "surprise" privatisations of state assets without adequately preparing the case or explaining the decisions to the electorate. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/kristina-keneally-2873770.html


Legend Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I just cant handle the Rabid Monk. But I do think he is the Only chance labor have And that is still
somewhere between buckleys and none
Though I do agree with chook We do have a perverse habit of voting for the other team in State elections
Like we are just letting the Feds know we dont just vote for your party automatically We still have opinions of our own


Re: Good bye Labour

I think that most of us can differentiate between state and federal issues, I think Qld was a perfect example of this, no matter how hard Abbot wants to point to the Carbon Tax. Anna lied about selling State assets (and then led the dirtiest campaign in Aussie political history) and it bit her on the arse, could be a lesson there for our Julia.

Farm Boy

Re: The strongest emotion......

Panic attacks can happen at any time, in any situation, anywhere.

This week an American pilot on a JetBlue plane suffered a panic attack mid-air, shouted absurdities and had to be restrained by passengers. He was locked out of the cockpit by his co-pilot and then upon the plane landing was whisked off to a hospital for examination.

Fear is a survival mechanism that we all have and we all need. But sometimes it can malfunction to the point where it is a disabling condition.

"When our brains thinks we're in danger it triggers a fight or flight which we all experience," said Associate Professor Nick Titov from the Centre of Emotional Health at Macquarie University. "But sometimes they're sudden and are accompanied by severe physical reactions."

Tania Admin

Re: The strongest emotion......

Panic attacks can happen at any time, in any situation, anywhere.

This week an American pilot on a JetBlue plane suffered a panic attack mid-air, shouted absurdities and had to be restrained by passengers. He was locked out of the cockpit by his co-pilot and then upon the plane landing was whisked off to a hospital for examination.

Fear is a survival mechanism that we all have and we all need. But sometimes it can malfunction to the point where it is a disabling condition.

"When our brains thinks we're in danger it triggers a fight or flight which we all experience," said Associate Professor Nick Titov from the Centre of Emotional Health at Macquarie University. "But sometimes they're sudden and are accompanied by severe physical reactions."

I have no doubt that there is an underlying medical condition with this poor pilot,,,my assumption being diabetes but there are a lot of medical things that could have triggered his behaviour..


Legend Member
Re: The strongest emotion......

yucky spiders, eeewwww gross (shuddering)

We had a beaut mouse plague up here in the not so distant past
Could you do a home visit knowing there were several thousand vermin a few feet from the bed maybe even running over it before the lights came on?

Tania Admin

Re: The strongest emotion......

We had a beaut mouse plague up here in the not so distant past
Could you do a home visit knowing there were several thousand vermin a few feet from the bed maybe even running over it before the lights came on?

I am a country girl, mice are gross, but I'm used to them,,,it's the smell of dead mice that makes me shudder, they definitely have their own distinct smell, YUCK!


Foundation Member
Re: Good bye Labour

One thing I must say in favour of Tony Abbot:

When he took on the Liberal leadership they were a rabble who looked incapable of running a chook raffle. He whipped them into shape and within just a few months took them within a whisker of winning the last election.

That was no mean feat and, morally, he deserves at least one more shot at leading them to an election.

If he does lead them and win, as seems pretty likely, I think he may just surprise us all by doing a pretty good job. I certainly hope so anyway.


Legend Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I dont know why But for some reason I would not be surprised if the Libs had another leader by election day
I guess its a silly thing to think But they are politicians so anything is possible Let Abbott do the hard yards and take the glory


Legend Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I dont know why But for some reason I would not be surprised if the Libs had another leader by election day
I guess its a silly thing to think But they are politicians so anything is possible Let Abbott do the hard yards and take the glory


Foundation Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I dont know why But for some reason I would not be surprised if the Libs had another leader by election day
I guess its a silly thing to think But they are politicians so anything is possible Let Abbott do the hard yards and take the glory

Yep, Bob Hawke did it to Bill Hayden and if the Lib leadership decided someone else would be more palatable to the electorate they would screw Abbot over in an instant. Somehow, I don't think it will happen, though. This close to an election any hints of disunity and leadership changing would be disastrous.

For the same reason Labor dare not toss Julia out now but they will probably have her head on a plate after the seemingly inevitable bloodbath.


Re: Good bye Labour

How anyone could dream of re-electing big Jules and her back stabbing method of personal political advancement wipes me out.

The whole Labor party at Federal level gives me the creeps.

They snipe and whine at the opposition as if they were in opposition.

The way Julia and Wayne (Swan) talk down to the electors is quite extraordinary. What do they take us for - a bunch of imbeciles.

Their policies are either crisis driven or orientated solely by the desperate need to restock the treasury.

Those who vote for Labor in the next federal election will only have some personal vested interest at heart, or are mesmerised by some pre-election spin of promises - promises the Labor Party make but never intend to keep, or have an IQ that needs to be read with a magnifying glass.

Where are the true leaders of the future - please stand up and be counted - your Country needs you now!!



Silver Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I hate both parties now, used to vote Labor (correct spelling) but the other mob is no real alternative - if they got off the negative bloody high horse and started displaying true policies they may become a bit more popular. The mad monk I reckon will have a mental brain fart (via his mouth) that he won't be able to recover from and the next fed election will be a shambles. These things go in cycles, all Labor at one stage then all Liberal (after the next round of election) and in the future it will cycle around again after the voters get sick of the new govts. Oh and before I vote Greens I would need to be put up against a wall and shot, their polices if they were all implemented would would have us paying taxes so high it would be a struggle and could possibly even bankrupt the country.

P.S. After Labor get eliminated at the next election Bill Shorten will become the new leader - that is my prediction.


Gold Member
Re: Good bye Labour

What seems to be the norm these days is that the pollies come from out of work lawyers who like nothing better than to make life more difficult for all, when most times the more simplistic way is often the best and cheapest.

One would think that the best way to govern a country is like a business........ look after your clients (taxpayers), employees (Govt. workers) and show a profit at the end of the day (surplus). I am involved in a business that has been going for over 100 years..... it is a farming business (no surprises there), looks after the client, looks after the employees (some have died of old age whilst working here) and shows a small profit...... although lately Julia has just about f#^ked that. Use the KISS principle..........


Re: Good bye Labour

One thing I must say in favour of Tony Abbot:

When he took on the Liberal leadership they were a rabble who looked incapable of running a chook raffle. He whipped them into shape and within just a few months took them within a whisker of winning the last election.

That was no mean feat and, morally, he deserves at least one more shot at leading them to an election.

If he does lead them and win, as seems pretty likely, I think he may just surprise us all by doing a pretty good job. I certainly hope so anyway.

Yes.we all look forward to the reign of Abbott, at least then we will see how far he can push his homophobic, bible bashing, anti prostitution and all women should be at home with the family values onto us. NO GOOD for THE PEOPLE can come of him being leader...but hey the Lib;s never really were about the people (especially any minority or lower socio economic members of society) were they....more like just the bottom line!!

Tania Admin

Re: Good bye Labour

How anyone could dream of re-electing big Jules and her back stabbing method of personal political advancement wipes me out.

The whole Labor party at Federal level gives me the creeps.

They snipe and whine at the opposition as if they were in opposition.

The way Julia and Wayne (Swan) talk down to the electors is quite extraordinary. What do they take us for - a bunch of imbeciles.

Their policies are either crisis driven or orientated solely by the desperate need to restock the treasury.

Those who vote for Labor in the next federal election will only have some personal vested interest at heart, or are mesmerised by some pre-election spin of promises - promises the Labor Party make but never intend to keep, or have an IQ that needs to be read with a magnifying glass.

Where are the true leaders of the future - please stand up and be counted - your Country needs you now!!


Vote for me,,I'll sort this damn country out, and all the pissy pollies too (in a non sexual way)....lol


Re: Good bye Labour

How anyone could dream of re-electing big Jules and her back stabbing method of personal political advancement wipes me out.

The whole Labor party at Federal level gives me the creeps.

They snipe and whine at the opposition as if they were in opposition.

The way Julia and Wayne (Swan) talk down to the electors is quite extraordinary. What do they take us for - a bunch of imbeciles.

Their policies are either crisis driven or orientated solely by the desperate need to restock the treasury.

Those who vote for Labor in the next federal election will only have some personal vested interest at heart, or are mesmerised by some pre-election spin of promises - promises the Labor Party make but never intend to keep, or have an IQ that needs to be read with a magnifying glass.

Where are the true leaders of the future - please stand up and be counted - your Country needs you now!!


I love how people are accusing Julia of these dirty low down acts of deceit, like the boys club that is politics has not been playing these games since the doors to parliament house opened.

I think she has balls and is a better leader then people give her credit for and it is Rudd who is worrying to much about his ego then what is right for the country and the party..BUT it happens all the time in politics not long ago it was the Liberals fighting, the democrates were brought to their knees (and stayed there). I do find it odd that whenever they have this inhouse fighting they go public using the media to help propel there plight BUT the damage that comes along with it is huge, you have to wonder how wise tool it is??


Legend Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I have never been a devout labor man Though I do believe in Labour
But ,and I know I'm in a minority , but Julia has gone up some in my eyes. And it would certainly help her cause if she had
some talent on her front & back bench
And those nasty comments about her size and clothing from the likes of Greer and backed by Abbot are uncalled for Maybe thats just me Would a overweight man like Kim Beazley get the same treatment?


Gold Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I'd sack her dressmaker for one........ another white flamin jacket.... no imagination......oh except for Carbon Tax....... No thanks H2, her nose will never get any shorter now.

Bring back Howard and Costello any day............. better than any of the present clueless lot... on either side.


Legend Member
Re: Good bye Labour

Hey Bushie Dont think I said I would be voting for her.
Just wondered if a male PM would be treated the same way


Gold Member
Re: Good bye Labour

Hey Bushie Dont think I said I would be voting for her.
Just wondered if a male PM would be treated the same way

Remember John Gorton.... he got his fair share, and pretty unwarranted. Juliar gets it because she pretends to be someone that she isn't, or not capable of being..... our PM

I think I'd better retire from this.


Re: Good bye Labour

Yes.we all look forward to the reign of Abbott, at least then we will see how far he can push his homophobic, bible bashing, anti prostitution and all women should be at home with the family values onto us. NO GOOD for THE PEOPLE can come of him being leader...but hey the Lib;s never really were about the people (especially any minority or lower socio economic members of society) were they....more like just the bottom line!!

What a load of shit. Where do you think all of the money comes from Saige??? Frickin money tree i guess !!! Australia is now in debt to the tune of 200 Billion - thanks to your fucked up labour party. You think what happened in Greece wont happen here if we keep spending beyond our means?

Labour & the Greens are a disgrace.


Re: Good bye Labour

I love how people are accusing Julia of these dirty low down acts of deceit, like the boys club that is politics has not been playing these games since the doors to parliament house opened.

I think she has balls and is a better leader then people give her credit for and it is Rudd who is worrying to much about his ego then what is right for the country and the party..BUT it happens all the time in politics not long ago it was the Liberals fighting, the democrates were brought to their knees (and stayed there). I do find it odd that whenever they have this inhouse fighting they go public using the media to help propel there plight BUT the damage that comes along with it is huge, you have to wonder how wise tool it is??

I agree with you Saige - you would have to have balls to look down the camera day after day as she does & tell blatant LIES

She is the worst Prime Minister EVER. The fact that she is an ugly redheaded woman has NOTHING to do with her total ineptitude and inability to tell the truth.

Steve Bond

Re: Good bye Labour

The old joke about President Nixon's body language holds good for ALL politicians … "how do you know when they're lying"
When they open their mouths!!
What works in politics … a benevolent dictator. Singapore had one, Lee Kuan Yew … and their economy and standard of living blossomed albeit with some draconian laws. The UK came close with Maggie Thatcher - she had 'balls' … nb the Falklands conflict.

From the industrial revolution the quality intellects went into commerce and industry. We're left with self-serving, inferior quality people who go into politics and it gets worse down the Federal, State and Local 'food chain'.

Sorry I'm so indecisive on this subject!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Bond

Re: The strongest emotion......

Hickory Dickory dock
The mice ran up the clock
The clock struck one ...
The others escaped with minor injuries!


Silver Member
Re: Good bye Labour

Anyone notice that people with extreme policital views seem to be full of hate and vile? This is particular the case with those of far right wing views, which probably explains why you get Nazi parties with final solution politics.

As for Gillard being a liar, is she the only one? I thought the biggest liar of them all was John Howard. He was legendary for lying, remember baby overboard, never ever GST? claiming to be a good economic manger when he holds the 1982 record of the worst and governed at a time of a bouyant global economy and mining riches? As for goverment debt, well we had a GFC and debt is one of the lowest in the world. The highest debt ever left by an Australian government (excluding the wars) was a Liberal government with a one John Howard as Treasurer. But you know don't let facts get in the way of a prejudiced rant.

Tania Admin

Re: The strongest emotion......

After this thread was posted I got home to find a big horrible furry scary wolf spider on my kitchen wall,,I loathe them so much,,they literally make me feel ill,,,death to all spiders!!!