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Harry Langtrees Transporter BLOG

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Percieved value creates demand. ..... tell a convincing story and control what people think....... love it....,

scarlett lee

Gold Member
I was just having this conversation with one of our staff members this evening and he showed me a new documentary called That Sugar Film which exposes just how much sugar is added to 'low fat' foods,,which would presumably be bought by those wanting to eat more healthily, just to give them some taste. Really quite horrifying how much is in things like fruit juices and sports drinks as well. Ideally our diets should not include processed foods and added sugars at all, keep fats to a sensible level (we do need a certain amount to stay healthy) and be low in carbs and high in fresh veges. You'd think it would be self evident but there are so many ridiculous fad diets and products emerging every year and being touted as 'the ultimate weight loss solution' it's no wonder people are confused. It really doesn't help when supposed authorities as that ridiculous American guy 'Doctor Oz' lie so egregiously on their shows that he's actually been called to answer a senate hearing for hawking various scam supplements that have absolutely no beneficial effect whatsoever.
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Foundation Member
I firmly believe butter has been part of a far greater scam on our health and well being,
consider 1KG of butter requires around 10litres of milk to make,

Back in the 70's it was realized farming could not support all of us eating butter so margarine was cleaned up and promoted and the healthy choice,
except for the trans fats and carcinogens that is.

It is very likely that animal fats are not actually that bad for us but more of a commercial/economic problem.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Back in the 70's it was realized farming could not support all of us eating butter Markeys



Legend Member
Be pleased you dont see margarine in our shops very often It is /was a vile concoction
Most products we think of as marg are now oil spreads


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Nothing said about seafood so I assume I can still eat tonnes of it unless it is farmed and imported........


Farm Boy 2

Legend Member

In early spring t you can witness an amazing “Golden Sea” of canola flowers. The canola flower fields in China are one of the world’s beautiful sight’s in small Luoping (Yunnan, China). Vast farmlands get covered in golden, yellow rapeseed flowers stretching as far as the eyes can see, all the way to the horizon. The best time to visit Luoping for this visual fiesta is February through March, by June the show is over.


Legend Member
I would have thought a man of your age and experience would have learned how to grow rapeseed by now, it is well worth it $$$$
Even looks better than a paddock of lupins in flower
We're you one of the lupins will save us brigade?

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
No H2 lupins dont like me , anyway whats the green plots in the Chinese canola rice to be transplanted ?

and what are they going to rotate to?


Foundation Member
how true harry every one has arsehole and every one has opinon and its free country so do what you are happy with


Legend Member
its a funny place we live in who would thought water would be so dear

Oh I don't know Wazza There was an article a year or so ago about how drillers in Saudi Arabia got huge bonuses if they hit water instead of oil

Lord Spikey

Always believed in eating natural in moderation. Well, as natural as commercially possible.

The butter and full cream milk argument has always amused me. "It's good; it's bad; it's good again; guess what? It's bad again. Oh,,,,, I don't know".


Legend Member
Yes Spikey There was a new one a few weeks ago
If you buy your junk food Pizza Burger etc Always have full sugar cool drink with it as it helps you maintain a healthier weight than drinking Diet soft drink

Why arent they researching cures for cancer or Diabetes maybe because Coke or Maccas are helping fund the research ?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
So does mean your with the Japanese and eat whalemeat Roche
Surely thats seafood ?
Never tried whale and honestly I am very happy with rather a lot of little fish than one extra sized one. :eek:


Foundation Member
it seriously isnt rocket science
carbs have 15 kj per gram
proteins have 16 kj per gram
fats have 36kj per gram
alcohol has 26 kj per gram.
processed food will have more of fat and sugar and salt than you need.
eating half healthy is easy
eat non processed food or minimally processed
No one needs more fat or sugar or salts
simple no oil marge or butter ib the fridge
no salt in the cupbosrd and no sugar....
bango straight away you and your family are eating much healthier..... done


Foundation Member
Yes Spikey There was a new one a few weeks ago
If you buy your junk food Pizza Burger etc Always have full sugar cool drink with it as it helps you maintain a healthier weight than drinking Diet soft drink

Why arent they researching cures for cancer or Diabetes maybe because Coke or Maccas are helping fund the research ?
Ok bullshit this one doesnt even pass the idiots guide to common sense
diet drinks contain almost no kj
Normal soft drinks have craploads...
Basic food tech 101