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fuck buddies... very long, i needed to vent :)


Diamond Member
Wow you sure are lucky and him even more lucky. I enjoyed reading your post and felt I was almost there with you both. Although I am sure both of you would have known if I was there. *grin*Yes a great post. Thank you.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
and he came around again last night........



fucking AMAZING!

He is still trying to get me to take charge. Drives me mad. lol. But the sex is just getting better and better! :p

Last night was something new, we took things slower, more passionate... was incredible :D

ok - im gonna leave it there before i get myself all worked up again!!!! lol


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
So i got to talk to him a little about things in general (not specifically about me and him...)

his brother is getting married in a few weeks and i cracked a joke about his parents having given up on him ever getting married... He basically said that as far as his parents are concerned, he's never actually had a gf, and that he's not that sorta guy even though he lived with his ex for 6months, his family had no idea....

Cant figure out why he is so anti-relationship... oh well... almost 6 months later and i am still getting great sex... spose i cant complain :D haha

Will be spending the whole day/night with him sunday with our group of friends, then having a few too many drinks and will both be crashing at a friends place after (in seperate rooms unfortunately!) will be interesting to see if a few drinks makes him open up a bit more though!!! and see if any of our friends suspect anything. hahaha


Diamond Member
Relationships are not always the norm. These days one does not have to be married. What is important that two do love each other and enjoy being with each other.

Thank you for this thread. I have enjoyed seeing your journey to sexual happiness.


I think 'relationship' these days is something to use as a facebook status update? lol

If your happy, and he is happy......what does it matter how other people view it.
Have fun, be happy!!!!

p.s. Got a new job. Going away soon. Will catch up with you beforehand though. Will miss this thread :(


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
oooo new job!!!

def must catch up before you leave. SMS me and we'll figure something out!!!

I know 'relationships' can come in any and every form, and that's fine by me, i guess its the whole lack there-of, and the behind closed doors only thats kinda messed up. haha

As AWESOME as the sex is, I'm actually finding myself thinking about whether its time to call things quits... i dont want the friendship to be jeaprodised just for great sex... I mean after almost 6months im kinda feeling lonely when he's not around and things, which is not good considering in my head, i knew what i was getting myself into, and know what he is/isnt after....

I'm thinking, i can either just say i dont think its a good idea to keep sleeping together and then hope he asks why and then tell him that its all getting too difficult to keep emotions out of it... and see what happens from there...

or i can ask if he would consider making things a little more open (as far as not hiding it from friends etc) and hope he doesnt freak out and run away screaming and totally fuck up the friendship as well as the sexual side of things...

or i can just gradually have him round less and less and just gradually let things fizzle out - which is harder for me, but easier to avoid future weirdness...

or i can just keep things going as they are, have awesome sex, including a few exciting things that were tried thursday night :p and just try and keep my head and heart seperate.... hmmmmm too many options, too hard to decide!!


Diamond Member
Look on the positive side. You have options so many have none. So take your time write down the plusses and minuses on each option and after the calculation enjoy what you have decided.


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
yes options... you know the fucked up thing though? I was actually happier when i didnt have options!!! lol

When I was just straight up single, occasionally having random sex with people - either from meeting up at club XS or just picking up while out.... well i was less stressed, and all round happier....

now, yes when he's been around, im happy, and VERY satisfied, but then when he's not around because he's too busy or whatever, then im trying to figure out whats going on which is doing my head in!

Yes i know, i should just be happy with what ive got, and what im getting... but lets face it, who is ever truely happy with what theyve got!!! (ok yes theres a few out there that are happy with their lot in life... but im just not one of them! haha)


Diamond Member
The truth is it all all Ying and Yang. The more you are happy the more you see sadness. The more free you are the more you see how you are not free. However I believe to enjoy the joys of the world it is worth the pain and suffering that goes with it.

Once you really open your eyes you do see it all both the positive and the negative.


Sub, is it fair to assume that you are maybe over the single lifestyle and now want some commitment?


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
haha yes curious, that would be a fair assumption!

maybe time to cut and run.... but then when i am around him, i just cant say no!

like last night, i had planned to say no to him coming inside after dropping me home, but then when we pulled up i couldnt say no!!!

Hmmmm frustration PLUS!!!



Geez Sub, you need some controlled discipline!!!!! (and no i dont mean a spanking so dont get excited) LOL

You need willpower! You need to learn to say no and commit to your choice! Its not that hard to do....its mind over matter. The first time will be tricky....but it gets easier!


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
haha yes this is true... but when i dont really want to say no... why should i! LOL

I guess the only reason i thought about saying no, was because i am trying to figure everything out still... but why oh why would i pass up awesome hot wild sex when it is offered to me by a guy i am very attracted to, both physically and intellectually!!!!

I have managed to not message him since sunday.. oh wait, thats only 2 days. HAHA seems like forever!

I will be seeing him thursday night as usual... i am thinking i might tell him not to bother with giving me a lift and then unless he specifically asks to come around after not to offer... see what happens i guess!!!


Diamond Member
Take care with your new toy. You may break it to pieces. And it might collect all itself, get up and walk out of your life.


I will be seeing him thursday night as usual... i am thinking i might tell him not to bother with giving me a lift and then unless he specifically asks to come around after not to offer... see what happens i guess!!!

Interesting little test :)

Wonder what he would think if he read this thread LOL


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
hmmmm god i dread to think what would happen if he stumbled across this thread.... maybe i should go edit out all the specific details... hmm then half the story would be gone! hahaha

well its been over 2 weeks!!!! history in the making.... ive messaged him last night (after recieving 'looks' on thursday night whilst we were out with friends) and he will probably be coming around on monday night... ok, im weak... 2 weeks and i can't hold out anymore :p lol

But over the 2 weeks, barely talked to him... chatted once on facebook, and messaged a few times (him to say happy bday to me, and me to say thanks... and letting him know i didnt need a lift on thursday... lol)

must admit though, couldnt keep my eyes off him on thursday night! mmmmm :D hahaha
Theres a chance i might be moving over east later this year, so im gonna have a chat with him about that and see what his response is :p So i guess I'll keep the fuckbuddy arrangement going for now until i know if i'm moving over east or not... If i am moving, theres no point ending things now, might as well get another few great months out of it :p hahaha


Bronze Member
take it by ear as they say SubNymphet. Enjoy the time and the journey. Life's too short worrying about things :)


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
ahhhh well... it is over :(

get an SMS from him today saying that he's starting dating someone else... happened to be a mater of hours after my Ex husband spoke to him and told him he knew about us... coincidence??? arrrgggg fucking left my ex almost 12months ago and he's still fucking with my life....

Time to find someone new....



Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
oh and BTW no, that was not an open invitation! haha. time for some ME time again....


Diamond Member
I am amazed how some believe no matter what they own something for ever. When one leaves someone they should not expect to have any more say in their life-no matter what happens.:walk:


Not cool at all Sub :(

Enjoy the 'ME' time! I know what your future plans are and where you plan to direct your life. If you are serious about that pathway, then this is a great opportunity to spend some time and focus on that!
May your next move be your best to date!!!

You got my support babe! :)
Catch up soon :)


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Well that 'next move' you speak of may be happening sooner than later... decided to go the basic pathway initally and then look at a transfer to my inital idea down the track... presuming that would work :p

So hitting up the training and gym and stuff pretty hard over the next month or 3 and hopefully be there by the end of this year at the latest!!!

Thanks all for the support etc!!! been great having this forum over the last 6months to vent and bitch and moan and tell my story.... I will keep in touch and update if anything happens/changes in the future, keep this thread alive hopefully (that is if my sex life is still alive...... hahaha)