• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Tania Admin

August 31st Virgo's have a showy yet tasteful personality and bask in the loving approval of others. Original and intelligent, yet you are often impractical. You often find yourself in unusual circumstances. This suits your love of adventure and also gives you the opportunity to try out some of their latent talents.

@Andrew Tran 723

@Loving Life


Tania Admin

September 1st Virgo's are cheerful, smart and curious individuals. You can focus and tend to be a person who likes to do things properly. Thus, this Virgo may be self-employed because of this. You are a stickler for what bears your name and reputation.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 2nd Virgo's have a great understanding of human beings. You really know how human dynamics work.

While a lot of people are often clueless regarding people’s ulterior motives and agendas, you have an instinct for seeing through people and understanding where they’re coming from.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 3rd Virgo's are sensible and energetic. You will be practical yet enthusiastic about new projects. However, you may need to find a positive way to express yourself or to release all of this energy. But you will make the most of it.


@Kat Kat

For the guys:

& For Kat Kat:

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 9th Virgo's have an inborn sense of balance and equity. Now, this might seem like a positive thing, but in reality, it holds you back. You’re such a firm believer in balance and equity and equality that you really let them take over your life.

@I Love BJ

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 7th Virgo's are anticipated to be generous and caring with the typical friendly, loyal and principled Virgo temperament. You have a need for order and efficiency and prefer to set your own pace as well as give self advice rather than listen to it.



Tania Admin

September 9th Virgo's are perfectionists - a fact that often makes their life difficult while infuriating everyone around them. Expect amazing physical stamina from them, but beware of the perfectionism that can cause emotional turmoil. This is their nature: it's hard to change them.


@Dominatrix Paige Hope
@Jack Smith

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 10th Virgo's have great personal flair and showy talent, along with magnetism and charisma. They prize intangibles -- relationships, integrity, learning. Although they may have difficulty reconciling the disparate sides of their nature, they have a winning personality that makes them appealing.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 11th Virgo's are meticulous and practical. You don't seem to let any detail to chance, especially when it comes to personal endeavours. In time, you will learn how to relax a bit but until you get there, life will be lived in the fast lane. It is very hard for others to change your mind, especially when you care deeply about something.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 12th Virgo's are much more jovial and relaxed than the typical Virgo. They are naturally happy and always look on the bright side. Whether they possess a great deal of wealth or only a nominal amount, they find a way to give something to someone who has less.




Tania Admin

September 14th Virgo's are quite conservative. As such, you are not keen to pursue new experiences. However, this does not mean that you are content with the current state of affairs. On the contrary, you are not afraid to try different solutions to societal problems.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

September 15th Virgo's put a lot of effort into succeeding. Whatever line of work they choose to devote their considerable energies to, the chances are they will specialize in it, and their ability to master their chosen skill sets them apart.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you've had a fantastic day!🎇🎂✨

September 16th Virgo's have a deeply spiritual nature that sustains them in times of trouble and confusion. Although they tend to be very "together," they seem vulnerable, even fragile. They are often deeply religious.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you had an awesome as day 💋

September 17th Virgo's are fighters and survivors. They take life seriously, approaching each obstacle as a challenge. It's sometimes said that they are old in youth and youthful in old age. They have real grit and remain true to their ideals no matter what.




Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you had a fun filled day 🎈🎁✨🎂🎇🎉

September 18th Virgo's have a lifestyle that matches one of an artistic and social Virgo. Also, you can be a spiritual individual who has a lot of insight and focuses on those things supernatural. With this in mind, you try and keep a positive attitude. You realize that life will be filled with stumbling blocks but feel that you have more than your share.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a
delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have a fantastic day and may you celebrate in style xo

September 19th Virgo's
love order and seriousness and therefore anything out of place can become a reason for discussion. Your home and family must always be in perfect order and in fact who owns a parent born on this day, can confirm everything we have said so far.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have a wild and wonderful birthday 💋🎈🎉

September 20th Virgo's
are tranquil and serene by nature. Also, you use your imagination to achieve some spectacular results. You are good at reading situations and characters. As such, you tend to be in the spotlight where arguments are concerned.

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious
treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you both have fully recovered from your celebrations on the weekend and have an awesome day today 🎈🎉🎂

September 22nd Virgo's have a powerful personality. Although they may be drawn to scholarly pursuits, they almost always find themselves in demand to fulfill more worldly aims. They are brainy and can deflate the pomposity of others.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋


Tania Admin

Happy Hump Day Birthday. Does this mean you partied on both weekends? I hope you are being spoilt today 🎂🎉🎈

September 23rd Libran's are incredibly sharp-eyed and methodical. People think twice before trying to do you any harm. You are sharp and shrewd. With all of your many gifts, you have a hard time remaining humble and uncomplaining. It’s typical that this Libra is concerned with appearances and image.


@Madam Riah

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope your day has been an absolute blast!! 🎂🎁✨

September 24th Libran's are envisioned to be highly intelligent, creative and imaginative with musical and artistic talents and a fondness for tranquil pleasant surroundings. Cooperative and compromising you are likely to have an open minded view of the world yet be no pushover and stick strongly to principles.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

May your day be awesome as you are !!!!!

September 25th Libran's are among the most complex individuals of the year. On the one hand they are extremely empathetic and can easily identify with others, but on the other they are fiercely independent and critical of what they see going on around them, being keen to set themselves apart from others.

@Bernard Mitchelson


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an absolutely awesome birthday guys 🎈🎁✨

September 26th Libran's
are stubborn in addition to being reserved. Alternatively, you are a hopeless romantic and have a great sense of humor. Librans born today are typically success-oriented and are willing to work toward making their dreams a reality.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋


Tania Admin

Hope you have had an amazing birthday weekend and drink plenty of water to beat the hangover for tomorrow 💋🎈✨🎂

September 27th Libran's are believed to be very inquisitive and observant as well as much more determined and energetic. You are usually rather intuitive, kindhearted and generous natured with a tendency to trust and listen to your inner voice.

@Matt Brisbane

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Tania says;- Have a happy Birthday.

September 28th Libran’s usually have a good physical appearance and even when they are not so attractive physically, they can charm other people, they can attract anyone, having a very obvious sex appeal.

No names Today, so it is "Happy Birthday to Anonymous"

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here



Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Tania says;- Happy Birthday

September 29th Libran’s are mavericks at heart. At every possible opportunity they will question authority and convention, and if they find themselves disagreeing with rules and regulations they are not afraid to spark a rebellion.

Happy Birthday;-shyguy666

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ? Find yourself a delicious treat here
