• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Tania says;- Have a Happy Birthday

September 30th Libran’s are most likely going to be contentious than most typical Librans. It is also the case that you are going to be a serious person that is independent and free with the way you relate to people. Apart from this, you are going to be a highly creative individual that is very communicative, understanding and idealistic.

Happy Birthday to;- Anubis

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ? Find yourself a delicious treat here
Go get some;- Booty Treasure



Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Tania Says;- Happy Birthday

October 1st Libran’s have a bold and uncompromising spirit and an ability to come back from hard times. They enjoy being in the spotlight but have too much grace to appear egotistical or vain.

Todays Birthdays are;- Adamradnet01; col83; DrNitz; Gator; Jacksback; Wes

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ? Find yourself a delicious treat here

Go Get some Booty Treasure..........................


Last edited:


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Tania Says;- Happy Birthday

October 2nd Libran’s are gifted with an ingenious sense of peacekeeping. Your imagination makes for a creative solution to any problem that could arise. Additionally, you are hilarious. No one can stay angry or sad around you.

Today Birthdays are;- Friendly Monkey; Indigo; Morgan Sapphire; Paolo; Splash; Vivella Jamiseen

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ? Find yourself a delicious treat here


Tania Admin

Hope you have had an awesome birthday and enjoyed our glorious Darwin weather today 💋🎉🎂🎁

September 3rd Libran's are caring and inquisitive individuals that are understanding, charitable, and caring. You are also going to be a lover of knowledge and wisdom as you try everything possible for you to garner knowledge with your curiosity.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you have all had an amazing Birthday weekend and are being spoilt 💋🎂🎈

October 4th Libran's have a charming, sometimes indulgent nature, with a love of comfort and peace. You are both an interesting and interested person, always learning, ever curious, but also rather stubborn when it comes to your ideas and opinions.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you are having an awesome birthday and the Mondayitis isn't too harsh 💋🎂🎈✨

October 5th Libran's love to be cared for and they reciprocate all the affection they get. They are selfless and balanced, often perceived as graceful and eloquent although at times they are also quite aloof and distant, preferring quiet places.

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an amazing birthday dude 💋🎂🎈✨

October 6th Libran's are idealistic, warm, and family-loving people. When you aren’t feeling confident, you are prone to withdrawing, sometimes appearing aloof. It’s certainly not because you are unfriendly. Instead, it’s due to a somewhat cautious nature.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Happy Hump Day Birthday to you. Hope you are happily humping 😜😘🎉🎂

October 7th Libran's are self-disciplined individuals. You understand the perfect balance between work and having fun. Although you may begin your relationships with some degree of reservation, you display many varied qualities once you get to know your partner well.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an absolutely awesome day and I hope you bought the lucky lotto ticket for tonight 💋🎈🎁

October 8th Libran's have a great sense of perspective. You
have a tremendous sense of balance, and you value integrity. In fact, integrity and truthfulness are so high up on your list of values that it has become a vice. You often find yourself in situations where you tell people uncomfortable truths. This puts some of your relationships in jeopardy.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an awesome as Birthday weekend!💋🎉🎁

October 9th Libran's are empathic and caring but also crave for someone to take care of them. Wits and sensibility intertwine in your personality and this is the foundation on which you will find success and accomplishment in life.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an awesome Birthday. Don't party to hard 💋🎁🎉

October 10th Libran's seek to forge an identity that is unique and distinctive. You have excellent organizational skills and you have the ability to lay down solid, practical plans. You have an unusual and charming voice or manner of speech, and you take special pleasure and delight in surprising, or even shocking, others.

@thomasy max

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious
treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you had an absolutely awesome Birthday weekend!! 💋🎁🎉

October 11th October possess a charming and supportive nature and will use their imagination to move past any obstacles, when they are invested in accomplishing something. You seem to take a lot of energy from those around and try to surround yourself with people who share the same principles and objectives as you.

@Wellard Couple

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you had an awesome Birthday!💋 🎂🎈

October 12th Libran's are altruistic people who like helping people around them, especially the poor. You are idealistic, imaginative, and so focused that you often churn out ideas that help make you succeed in life.

@Zak naserii

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you had an amazing day!💋🎈🎂

October 13th Libran's aren’t people to fool around with, and their vigor and determination can shock almost everyone out of their lethargy. When they set their minds on something, nothing, including their own emotional and physical health, will stand in their way.

@Setting the record straight

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you both had a blast of a Birthday 💋🎁🎉

October 14th Libran's are intelligent, diplomatic, and concerned with their image. They have a flair for expressing themselves and are masters of communication.

@Miss Delights

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you had a wonderful day 💋🎈✨

October 15th Libran's are well-known for your social, intellectual and loyal nature. Although you are comfortable alone with the workings of your mind, you take much more interest in a social setting where you can express your thoughts to an audience.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an awesome Birthday weekend! Don't party too hard 💋🎈🎁✨

October 16th Libran's have a natural ability to look at both sides of any issue. Regardless of how heated the conversation may get, and regardless of how emotional other people around you may be about a particular issue, you are always able to see the big picture.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious
treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an awesomely wicked and wild Birthday 💋🎁🎉

October 17th Libran's are dedicated to those you hold dear and you put great effort into being trustworthy and dependable. This may stem from the fact that you are most comfortable and engaged in a social setting.

@Tipsy McStaggers

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Hope you all had an awesome Birthday Weekend 💋🎉🎈🎂

October 18th Libran's are dynamic, spirited, and energetic. They refuse to sugarcoat their opinions to please others. They are ambitious, even a little aggressive, but they wear it well.

@Dave Taylor

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Happiest of birthdays to you all. I hope you were spoilt and have had a fantastic day 💋🎁🎊

October 19th Libran's exhibit classical qualities like being even-tempered, equally-minded, and tend to be a great listeners. You find yourself in the unknowing position of asking for more and more information, and getting farther and farther away from making an actual decision.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Wishing you both a birthday filled with total awesomeness! 💋🎊🎁

October 20th Libran's are something of a paradox, with two distinctively different sides to their personality. One side is the quintessential professional who spreads a message of harmony and collaboration. The other side is one of unpredictability, but also great artistry and an appreciation of sensuality, beauty and creativity.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Happy Hump Day Birthday!! 💋🎁🎉

October 21st Libran's tend to be perfectionists. You have a set standard for your life, the things going on around you, and the people you meet. While this can be an asset in most situations, it can also undermine your friendships.



Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have a fantastic Birthday All Of You💋🎁🎉

October 22nd Libran's, before the age of thirty their tendency to manipulate others emotionally may come to the fore, but after this age there is a powerful turning point where they are likely to become less controlling and more optimistic, openminded and adventurous. These are the years when they can really come into their own.

@dominic cornford
@Kim Darwin

Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious
treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Have an awesome Birthday weekend guys!💋🎊🎂

October 24th are intense, passionate, perceptive, and determined. Your need to know, combined with superb intuition, makes you an excellent detective.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?
Find yourself a delicious
treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Happy Birthday to you all. I hope you have the best day 💋🎊🎁

October 26th Scorpions are perhaps the most hardworking individuals of the entire year. They are ambitious and conscientious but their motivation isn't money or success but power, and they are at their best when they are organizing and managing others.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

May you have an awesome Birthday and a fantastic year ahead 💋🎊🎂

October 27th Scorpions are a study in contrast. On the one hand, you can be very, very caring, close, warm, and intimate. On the other hand, you may appear very overbearing, cutting, and vindictive. The reality is that this conflict between two seemingly different personality types is what pushes you forward.


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋

Tania Admin

Happy Hump Day Birthday,,,hope you get a hump or two 💋🎈🎊😜

October 28th Scorpion's need to exert authority over others, which can result in continuous power struggles. They are strong-willed, precise, and dedicated to doing a good job. They become disgruntled with themselves if they can't live up to their too-high expectations.

@Kodie VIP Canberra


Feel like spoiling yourself for your birthday ?

Find yourself a delicious treat here 💋