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Are you racist??

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Lord Spikey

Every race has a hint of racism in them. The most over used word in any language is racist.

Hi Punkie. I think that this is not racism, so much as fear of the unknown or the unfamiliar, but I am sure that this is natural.


Legend Member
I think many of us are racist even if inadvertantly Walk into the bar in Mullewa as a stranger for instance You will often see Aboriginal Aussies one end white Aussies the tother I believe the majority of white blokes would automatically gravitate to the group of whites at the bar


Foundation Member
Nah!! Australians generally are not racist despite the best efforts of the "politically correct" lobbyists to promote that point of view.

Sure, there are some around but they are a minority who attract more attention than their numbers justify. As a general rule racism, distrusting someone on the basis of race has its roots in one of two causes:

Traditional conflicts, as in Jews Versus Muslims in the middle East, Hutus versus Tutsis in Rwanda Serbs vs Croatians in the former Yugoslavia, Former P.O.W's versus Japanese.

Ignorance and/or mistrust of the unknown, ie the stereotype redneck who has lived all his life around similarly minded folks and has limited experience of the world outside his little bubble.

One of the best things about the modern world is the wide reach and rapid spread of news and the resulting wider general knowledge of other cultures which makes people more understanding of others.


Diamond Member
That clip is from the 'hidden camera' show What Would You Do, where they set up different scenarios and use actors, and see how the people around them react and whether they would step in. Have watched a few of them on youtube. Yes, stereotyping breeds racism. Lumping a person of one race together because of an incident e.g 9/11

Another interesting clip that deals with racism from What Would You Do is as below:



i'm not racist , i just get frustrated when people cannot understand the English langue

Now that's funny. Are you seriously trying to tell me that Australians (even the white ones) understand the English language (and it's not "langue" as you've written johnlou). Talk about a faux pas (and that's not "fox pass").


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Now that's funny. Are you seriously trying to tell me that Australians (even the white ones) understand the English language (and it's not "langue" as you've written johnlou). Talk about a faux pas (and that's not "fox pass").
lol it took long enough for someone to notice :)


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
I am nationalist. I am being loyal to this country and proud to live in Australia. I pay tax, I vote and I do care about my new home country. When I see foreigners living in Australia for 20 years and they don't know how to speak English, they should be suggested to go home where they come from. If person commit serious crime, rape, murder, or selling drugs they should go home too. By the way, they already doing it in America. All the Cambodian and Vietnamese drug sellers send to Vietnam at taxpayer expense. And nobody cares that they born in USA and don't speak Vietnamese. If you lazy Aussie who spend all your life on the beach using surfing board as transportation, and smoking pot you should go and serve in the army for 2 years. If this issues makes me a racist, so I am. fit in.jpg

Zoe Rider

Gold Member
Well... I am racist.

No to one person, or to one group of people -
I dislike a lot of people equally.

I have experienced a lot of positives and negatives from all races both from this industry and the real world. Both in Australia, and in many of my years of travelling overseas and living in different countries.

I truly believe and have experienced first hand that Australia has migrating laws that can be easily abused and 'played', and those who know how to play the game will play it successfully. I think that you come to Australia to potentially escape disaster and unhappiness but it seems that these days people are bringing their old culture with them, and are not able to start fresh with a new culture.


I'm definitely a racist.

Too many bad experiences over the last 15/20 years has left a very sour taste in my mouth towards a certain group of people.
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Anyone who ascribes to the "Fit in or Fuck Off" policy has no concept of the tenets of a democracy, a multicultural society, or of having a rich diverse cultural mix and all it entails. Sad really.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Anyone who ascribes to the "Fit in or f**k Off" policy has no concept of the tenets of a democracy, a multicultural society, or of having a rich diverse cultural mix and all it entails. Sad really.

It appears we must embrace every last bit of cultural diversity or Suzy will label us bigots .

This was posted by Suzy some time ago

It's a practice by groups in a certain culture, not ALL groups in that culture. I've also seen interviews by women who are adults who have been circumcized and they've no issue with it. These were intelligent women of independent minds. It's up to the people of that culture to protest and act against that practice, perhaps even get the assistance of outsiders to that culture


Australia - fit in or fuck off. The problem is; I kind of don't know which types of Australian you want them to fit in with...
- The old age Australian that has been through the wars, but still worship the Monarchy and Royalty as if those royal family really give a shit about what we do here; or
- Those, as mentioned, worship the Sun and surf, rides waves all day long and join the queue for free hand outs; or
- The 9 - 5 workers that doesn't have much life plans outside of 'let's hit the pub after work, fire up the barbie during the weekend and see how much beer one can drink before totally drunk!'; or
- The younger generation that SCREAMS at anyone that's not white, go to night clubs 4 days a week, rock up to work stoned with weeds and think that having a police record of DUI is 'That's kool! At least I didn't kill anyone'.

See, the problem is.. my friend, who is Viet, their family runs a deli.. awake at 3 to prepare the food and close at 3-4pm, but the dad more or less works 2 jobs.. and his second night job is delivery and all while the wife finish works.. grab the kids from her parent's place.. and cook them dinner etc. Most, not all, Australian friends I talk to about something like that, I get a 'you got to be kidding mate.. wake up 3am.. fock that!'.

So if my friend were to 'fit in' - him and his family will be shit out of luck..

Punk Zebra

Gold Member
Anyone who ascribes to the "Fit in or f**k Off" policy has no concept of the tenets of a democracy, a multicultural society, or of having a rich diverse cultural mix and all it entails. Sad really.

Suzy, don' forget when you come to this country you must make an effort to fit in, there are people who make no effort to became part of this country nor do they want to. Which beggars the question, why are they here. I myself come from a multicultural family


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Anyone who ascribes to the "Fit in or f**k Off" policy has no concept of the tenets of a democracy, a multicultural society, or of having a rich diverse cultural mix and all it entails. Sad really.
Really? You probably right about me not knowing what real democracy is, since I lived in the country with centralised political system most of my life, but I definitely know what is rich multicultural mix and I know how people can and do take advantage of the system in a free democratic country because they couldn't care less. They can't do it in their own home country, because government would tell that they can get f@@@ d. So they do it here. I am not saying everyone like that, but its really sad that some of Australians not aware about it being naive, ignorant or just stupid.. By the way, it comes out of our taxpayer pocket..... This " new citizens" manipulate and take advantage of Centerlink system while average older Australian people struggle to pay increasing rent with their pension.. They live here for 10-25 years and still refuse to learn English. Do you know why? Because they still patriots to they own country ( though getting paid by Australian government as well as getting money in their own country, or optionally working in they own communities for cash in Australia) They ignorantly believe Australians should learn to speak Hindu, Italian, Vietnamese, Lebanese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc.. I am aware of one Lebanese family, they have got 6 kids. Her husband works but on documents in Centerlink she is single mother. She never worked one day in her life. She fly in and fly out into Australia every 6 month from Lebanon to collect her Centerlink payments and takes it back to her own country, since life cheaper over there.I know one Russian family, they have been here 20 years, both never worked, by happy collecting dole payments. Another example, Sudanese refugees coming in for good times in a brothel. They ( I spoke to them) collect Centerlink payments, or sell drugs and spend it in the casino and hookers. I worked with international community for years and I know what I am talking about. That's why USA culture being so f@@@@d up ( though America would love it other way around) by Hispanic community! They have changed USA culture for good, over the years because american government being so soft and tolerant with their "democratic attitude"....When I arrived to Sydney for the first time I was in shock seeing Indian policeman wearing police badge on TURBAN! I learned later, they took Australian police to court for years to get permission to wear it that way. WTF? Police uniform made for a reason, one for all but Indians were offended by religious beliefs and wanted to wear badge their own way.... So my opinion, do you want to wear burqa? You get offended that I wear short skirt and for that deserve to be raped ( that's one of Muslims leaders said in Australia) You get offended that Woolworths selling pork? You don't want speak English? Do you and your family want to collect Centerlink for 20 years? FUCK OFF. I know genuine African, Syrian and Russian people who sacrifice they live to be here with kids, they love this country, they come here, learn quickly to speak English, get jobs and do everything possible to FIT IN. And they genuinely grateful to Australia letting them to stay.This type of people you want being citizens of Australia.
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Oh I see, we get a few incidents, stereotype them all and on that basis - label the lot and tell them to fuck off. Anastasia, are you sure you're happy go lucky? Things aren't allowed to change; they should stagnate by your theory (sic). What are you doing working then - women weren't allowed to work in the workforce until times changed - have you failed to fit in or failed to fuck off?

If you're so knowledgable about these scandals - why aren't you ringing up the Centrelink dob in line? I know that they DO investigate complaints. Why don't you ring up A Current Affair?

As for Punk Zebra, who are we to decide whether someone makes an effort? And secondly what do you mean by "fit in". Be a bogan yob? Eat a meat pie. If that's the case, why aren't you adopting an aboriginal name. You seem to be failing to fit in using your rationale (sic).


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
Oh I see, we get a few incidents, stereotype them all and on that basis - label the lot and tell them to f**k off. Anastasia, are you sure you're happy go lucky? Things aren't allowed to change; they should stagnate by your theory (sic). What are you doing working then - women weren't allowed to work in the workforce until times changed - have you failed to fit in or failed to f**k off?

If you're so knowledgable about these scandals - why aren't you ringing up the Centrelink dob in line? I know that they DO investigate complaints. Why don't you ring up A Current Affair?

As for Punk Zebra, who are we to decide whether someone makes an effort? And secondly what do you mean by "fit in". Be a bogan yob? Eat a meat pie. If that's the case, why aren't you adopting an aboriginal name. You seem to be failing to fit in using your rationale (sic).
Dear Suzy,you went from topic on racism to my personal life and trying to attack me personally. This is not going to work, because I am happy go lucky!-))) And a bit sad at your age to be so naive and immature.... I see no point trying to explain to you anything anymore. Good luck.
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Punk Zebra

Gold Member
Oh I see, we get a few incidents, stereotype them all and on that basis - label the lot and tell them to f**k off. Anastasia, are you sure you're happy go lucky? Things aren't allowed to change; they should stagnate by your theory (sic). What are you doing working then - women weren't allowed to work in the workforce until times changed - have you failed to fit in or failed to f**k off?

If you're so knowledgable about these scandals - why aren't you ringing up the Centrelink dob in line? I know that they DO investigate complaints. Why don't you ring up A Current Affair?

As for Punk Zebra, who are we to decide whether someone makes an effort? And secondly what do you mean by "fit in". Be a bogan yob? Eat a meat pie. If that's the case, why aren't you adopting an aboriginal name. You seem to be failing to fit in using your rationale (sic).

Suzy, your are full of shit sweetheart


Suzy, your are full of shit sweetheart

Aaah, Punk Zebra a sign of intelligence. And do take some care to improve your standard of English - "your are"?

Anastacia, where are the personal attacks? If anything I can see you've made them on a whole race and religion of people, made allegations against families and haven't backed them up. You've been shown up. And your endorsing Punk Zebra's deep intellect seems to confirm this.


Having worked in a few financial institutes and having a lot of contact with so called..refugees, I will have to side with Anastacia and zebra here..

Yes, it's easy to stereo type, but if we need to pin point names, this could become a pretty long black list of human parasite names shaming..

I agree the poster of fit in or fock off is in poor taste, but everything said after is pretty much spot on. And us letting them practice their religious dress code while they disrespect us when we are in their home turf, that's pretty fock up.
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Legend Member
I think I will forever be a middle ground man I dont really go for the fit in F*** off crusade as society is always changing and having new ideas and gradually having them get closer to our way of life But also for us to accept aspects of theirs . But I will not go for STF's let everybody in and allow every practise because it is a Mulicultural society As it is just another form of extremism

As for dress we often have a double standard there to A women in full burqua is someone to be scared of or derided for being different Yet seldom do you hear the same derision pointed at the elderly Greek women for example , when they wear black from head to toe and a black headscarf for the rest of their living days

And middle ground has to be found by both sides you can not have the hosts being the only ones willing to bend The new Australians must also, or its not middle ground but appeasement


Legend Member
I like that Jacqui
I often thought some people think along the lines of
You walk into Langtrees You see a beautiful Middle Eastern girl and may be lets say a girl from New Guinea Oooh I would love to F*** them But I would hate to have them as neighbours
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