• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Are People Returning Back To Work Now?


Tania Admin

I'm not sure. It would be best to check the industry laws for your state as to what the restrictions are for your particular industry :)


Diamond Member
Being an essential worker myself, I have been driving to work, done my shift, kept my distance, regularly sanitised my hands, finished my shift, driven home. I have noticed less traffic on the roads. But as soon as social distancing is lifted, I'm taking some time off to see a few friends and give them a very long hug.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Being an essential worker myself, I have been driving to work, done my shift, kept my distance, regularly sanitised my hands, finished my shift, driven home. I have noticed less traffic on the roads. But as soon as social distancing is lifted, I'm taking some time off to see a few friends and give them a very long hug.
Hugs are good

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I am enjoying the slower pace of life.
I am alarmed at the number of people who did not stop working. Even more alarmed at the growing number of advertisements reappearing.
Australia has not had its second wave of infections. If we look at what happened in History with the second wave of the Spanish flu.
It's irresponsible, and illegal if caught. Massive fines and worse in states like SA. If people are caught then one would think the full brunt of the law given it's due to a worldwide pandemic.

I was doing my weekly grocery shop today. This is the only time I leave the house, other than walk the dog. I was concerned about how many more people at the shops, none using the hand sanitizer as they walked in. Social distance just was not happening.
I have felt like making myself a top saying 'Back Off Keep Your Distance"
I told a couple a few weeks ago who was walking so close behind me, almost tripping over me. To not be so close, it ended in me telling them back off of I was going to hit them with my handbag. They were not respecting the 1.5m

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
I am enjoying the slower pace of life.
I am alarmed at the number of people who did not stop working. Even more alarmed at the growing number of advertisements reappearing.
Australia has not had its second wave of infections. If we look at what happened in History with the second wave of the Spanish flu.
It's irresponsible, and illegal if caught. Massive fines and worse in states like SA. If people are caught then one would think the full brunt of the law given it's due to a worldwide pandemic.

I was doing my weekly grocery shop today. This is the only time I leave the house, other than walk the dog. I was concerned about how many more people at the shops, none using the hand sanitizer as they walked in. Social distance just was not happening.
I have felt like making myself a top saying 'Back Off Keep Your Distance"
I told a couple a few weeks ago who was walking so close behind me, almost tripping over me. To not be so close, it ended in me telling them back off of I was going to hit them with my handbag. They were not respecting the 1.5m
Happend to me in the supermarket and the manager said I have every right to tell and enforce social distancing.


Gold Member
Happend to me in the supermarket and the manager said I have every right to tell and enforce social distancing.

Supermarkets are a tough place to exercise social distancing. The aisles would be less than 1.5 metres apart, so if people walk past or come from the opposite direction, you have no hope. And don't you just love the people who just turn around without looking and run straight into you?

I discovered the Coles supermarket near me was open until 9pm, and I'll miss that when they revert to normal hours. It was so good driving there at 8.30pm, most of the car park empty, and hardly anyone shopping. The check out girls are looking at you, hoping you will come to them and give them something to do.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Supermarkets are a tough place to exercise social distancing. The aisles would be less than 1.5 metres apart, so if people walk past or come from the opposite direction, you have no hope. And don't you just love the people who just turn around without looking and run straight into you?

I discovered the Coles supermarket near me was open until 9pm, and I'll miss that when they revert to normal hours. It was so good driving there at 8.30pm, most of the car park empty, and hardly anyone shopping. The check out girls are looking at you, hoping you will come to them and give them something to do.
What you have to watch out for is the person who comes from behind and crashes into you or doesn't stop at the end of a isle just like running a red light.


Gold Member
I haven't stopped working. Like AusGopher, I am an essential worker. Though it has slowed down the last few weeks as the rush for toilet paper and groceries has eased. I am missing the easy run on the freeway in the mornings tho!


Silver Member
I am working as always. Having more traffic day and night now after long weekend.

Just a week after the shutdown, I was driving on Tonkin Highway at about midnight on Friday, I only counted 35 cars including my side (me and a motorbike) in about 20km. Like a dead world. Shocking. Back to life now.


Gold Member
My role supports the big essential services, so we never stopped working, barely even slowed down. Had to lay a few of the part timers of to ensure the ongoing work for the full timers, other than itā€™s almost been a case of what pandemic.

Of course since my products and servicea come into direct contact with frontline personnel (emergency services) we have implemented safety protocol and procedures second only to the CDC.


Gold Member
Don't like the idea of spyware on my phone apps are also full of virus that will affect your phone.
But you still use Google & some email package plus social media that all have servers job the US & are known to track so much more than the Covid app ... do you?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I'm hearing that from so many people. Some families, who live in the same house, are getting to know each other and connecting on a different level.

Some are asking, why the heck did I marry I, and why the heck are our kids such pain in the asses!


Harlots Mackay
Legend Member
I didn't stop working - Luckily I had the new website & such to keep me busy until we reopen (which looks like June 5th possibly at this stage for the NT)

Shae Demasi

VIP Companion
Legend Member
I am enjoying the slower pace of life.
I am alarmed at the number of people who did not stop working. Even more alarmed at the growing number of advertisements reappearing.
Australia has not had its second wave of infections. If we look at what happened in History with the second wave of the Spanish flu.
It's irresponsible, and illegal if caught. Massive fines and worse in states like SA. If people are caught then one would think the full brunt of the law given it's due to a worldwide pandemic.

I was doing my weekly grocery shop today. This is the only time I leave the house, other than walk the dog. I was concerned about how many more people at the shops, none using the hand sanitizer as they walked in. Social distance just was not happening.
I have felt like making myself a top saying 'Back Off Keep Your Distance"
I told a couple a few weeks ago who was walking so close behind me, almost tripping over me. To not be so close, it ended in me telling them back off of I was going to hit them with my handbag. They were not respecting the 1.5m
Couldn't agree with you more šŸ˜Š. Very dissapointing.. Looking forward to returning once the Government approves. Xx


Legend Member
I see ScoMo has just released the three stage lifting of restrictions - nightclubs, saunas etc are in stage three - very much like the NT has in their plan. Stage three in NT is being lifted on June 5th while Stage three for rest of Australia will be around mid July, however each State & Territory can lift the restrictions at a time suitable to them - ie: how many infections are still active etc. Mark McGowan will announce on Sunday how WA will plan their lifting of restrictions. Adult entertainment - strip clubs/brothels are still to remain closed even when stage three restrictions are lifted. Maybe this will be a state/territory based decision on when they can open considering the NT Government is lifting that ban on June 5th.
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Bronze Member
I work in an agricultural dealership so never stopped working, hubby is essential paramedic on mines so it did get tricky when he had to go back to work for unknown amount of time with 3 kids when school & daycare shut.. My boss wasn't particularly happy that I needed to relocate my work computer & files home for a few weeks & just drive into town to exchange paperwork. It was that or I had to take leave... things have settled down though i've been back in town at work for 3wks now.


I am enjoying the slower pace of life.
I am alarmed at the number of people who did not stop working. Even more alarmed at the growing number of advertisements reappearing.
Australia has not had its second wave of infections. If we look at what happened in History with the second wave of the Spanish flu.
It's irresponsible, and illegal if caught. Massive fines and worse in states like SA. If people are caught then one would think the full brunt of the law given it's due to a worldwide pandemic.

I was doing my weekly grocery shop today. This is the only time I leave the house, other than walk the dog. I was concerned about how many more people at the shops, none using the hand sanitizer as they walked in. Social distance just was not happening.
I have felt like making myself a top saying 'Back Off Keep Your Distance"
I told a couple a few weeks ago who was walking so close behind me, almost tripping over me. To not be so close, it ended in me telling them back off of I was going to hit them with my handbag. They were not respecting the 1.5m
Dont worry Miss Monique, hardly any cases. The virus doesnt like sexy, beautiful girls like u anyway