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*happy dance*

Smiley is back tomorrow! Can't wait to hold her in my arms again. :D I'll be at the airport, waiting for her, grinning ear to ear....
Yay. I've missed you soooo much. Can't wait to see you and feel your arms around me (big sigh), everyday away from you feels like a lifetime.
Yay. I've missed you soooo much. Can't wait to see you and feel your arms around me (big sigh), everyday away from you feels like a lifetime.

Again the rest of the world ceases to exsist, lol, and there is nothing wrong with that!
Naughty Thoughts isn't the only one that has missed Smiley.... we all have !
Aaaaaaw, Thanks Delta, I've missed you all too..And I must add I have always loved Perth, but I appreciate it all the more now...
Positives: attractive girl
Negatives: fat. she has gained alot of weight since the photos on her website. she a boring. no emotion. you may as well fuck a blow up doll. also she does not shave down there! So if you want a natural, boring, overweight "wife" experience, this girl is for you.
Quite tall to go with it, I wouldn't put her in BBW territory, she's different, it's not a passionate service.
positives: Attractive girl
negatives: Fat. She has gained alot of weight since the photos on her website. She a boring. No emotion. You may as well fuck a blow up doll. Also she does not shave down there! So if you want a natural, boring, overweight "wife" experience, this girl is for you.

bahahahahahahahahah!! Rolmao!!!!!!
Hi Billabong,

Unfortunately I will not be travelling to Sydney for a while; however if you want a playmate this weekend, I can organise something for you

This long lost hot Spanish South American gf of mine has just been found today and she is more than happy to work with me :)
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If you are not an advertising member of and based in WA or touring WA you can no longer have a FREE advertising profile on the forum. The forum is financed by the advertisers. You may join in but please take out phone numbers, links, and signatures to your own web sites. In life there must always be a balance...and the time has come for the scales to at least meet us halfway.
I am going to be down in Sydney in a few weeks and I am thinking of trying chequers massage health centre 79 Goulburn Street, Sydney

Link is broken so has been taken down

Was wondering if anybody had checked this place out and could recommend going there and if it was worth the extra $$$ compared to what the other asian massage places charge.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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I travel to Sydney from time to time

The ladies from this website - outcall - I have found to be pretty good, altought some will finish once your done. But freindly and good service

Link is broken so has been taken down

Also this website might be of help

Link is broken so has been taken down

I havent been to Checkers, so cant comment
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Thanks for the info, what I am looking for a soapy massage.

I read about this place korean bath house that was closed down a few years ago

Link is broken so has been taken down

And am trying to find the closest thing to the services that were offered there.
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Entry goes downstairs to reception where you pick your menu items, Locker rooms then showers and/or pool, looks like roman bath style, waiting lounge or off to your room for some one on one time. Overhead rails available for back walking if you like that kind of thing. Place is kept really warm like a sauna so no cold shrivels here...
I was there last week and enjoyed it. I paid $169 for an hour all inclusive massage. You get introduced to the girls who have a number rather than a name. Of the four I saw I had trouble picking between 2 of them. You get washed, massaged, body slide, HJ and another wash down. You are given a locker with a key on arrival and go to the room in a towel robe.
Sounds good, I think I will give these girls a go when I am down there.

Gentlemen....I will be Touring some time soonwith my
Sexy as hell Playmate Layla :)

Come in & Check it out!!!

The Sites Play Rooms are Amazing!!!
longer bookings + drinks adult movies

Would love to meet you ;)

Luv Sofia Casstel xOx
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HI guys.. Actually i want spend this weekend with an escort.but i don't know how to approach an escort please help guys.... how to get weekend escort...
For escorts in London I am sure there posts in this part of the international forum that can help. :)
went there on my visit to sydney, chose the $169 for 1 hour king massage package
i was directed to locker room next to spa & jacuzzi room
but i told them that i dont want to go for spa and directed to the room
there was 4 girls available and chose a girl from korea, cant remember her name, but she is pretty
started with a wash then she asked to lay down on a wet bed, then she did body slide, awesome
asked me to turn, another body slide, asked her what services she provides, she said its only a HR
then she washed me again, then proceed with a massage on massage table, then shower at the end
will definitely come back again when i visit sydney
it is way a lot better than another parlour across the road
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forums, but I would like to introduce my self. =)

My name is Aundre and I will be in Perth from the 25 till the 28 of June.

I'm a Sydney based male escort for women and couples, been working for the last 6 years so I would consider far from a amateur. Still trying for figure out what day I will pop into langtress, very sure will be this Wednesday. Fly in on Tuesday night. Any questions please email me.

Re: Aundre from Sydney


Welcome to Perth Aundre I hope you have a great trip.The ladies hearbeats should flutter a little. LOL
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