It's the same debate to me wether the ladies add to their base rate for tours or remain with current prices. YOU have a choice wether to see them or not. If the Eastern Touring ladies like myself, do well from Perth then what is that saying about the punters that ARE paying for this? They don't seem to be bothered by it. I could say it until I am blue in the face 'YOU (the consumer) have a choice' Whinging about it won't change a thing. I'd like to pay 50c for 2Lt of milk and 25c for a loaf of bread. If I were going say somewhere remote, personally I would expect to pay a little more for that 2Lt of milk and the loaf of bread taking into consideration that the initial outlay for distributors is higher when considering extra cost of wages, fuel, overtime etc
When away from home (and I am sure you have all read here and there) on tour a ladies expenses in some areas double if not triple. If I must break it down slightly and give another example, this one being non-metorphorical yet hypothetical examples as every lady is different in their choices, where they choose to be and what they choose to pay:
Rent - depending on what the lady chooses to pay back home for her work environment and the other variable here is how long she intends to stay on tour and wether she is in a Hotel 3, 4 or 5 star or a motel. *Please Note* Unless she owns her home, unit, apartment outright (even then she has rates) her rent does not cease for the time she is away on tour(her landlord/lady has expenses too)
Food - If the lady is single with no dependents then most likely the food bill at home will cease for the time she is away simply because she is not their to eat (not rocket science) however unless she chooses to rent a 'serviced self contained' apartment (apartment with full kitchen/cooking facilities with utensils) and did a little grocery shopping for herself whilst in town and was prepared to cook then I think we all would agree that Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner wether at a restaurant or ordered via room service if the chosen destination of stay provides that then it's fairly safe to assume that the food bill would be around double what she would be paying at home taking into account all relevant factors.
Personal/Grooming items - depending on the length of stay the lady may need or even want to supply her clients with the apropriate basic luxuries such as decent soap or in liquid form rather than the silly little ones that Hotels provide. Imagine if she wanted to or needed to wash her hair. My hair is butt length and would take around 6 of those little bottles of shampoo AND conditioner no shit! Are you getting closer to understanding my points. If the lady rents a spa room hotels don't supply bubble bath either.
Airfare - self explanatory yet varies but still an expense
Excess baggage - costs. And if the lady is nice enough to provide a wide array of costumes for dress ups, lingerie etc and toys then this can end up weighing a tonne. I stopped taking my dancing pole with me because I grew tired of the excess baggage costs.
I could go on if you need more examples..........
Unless the lady is booked out completely or has a good body of regular clientele in each state how would she compensate for all that? Only parts of the above mentioned are a Tax Decuction. Otherwise she may aswell stay at home and then there would be no pricing debate in all it's manifestation when referring to the extra charged on top of a base rate we would hear debates entitled 'Why don't ladies tour to WA or SA or Qld or Tas or....anymore'
I have completed 17 tours in 12months and it was only my first one that I added extra onto my tour so I am not one of these ladies that you mentioned. At the time my rate was 300 per hour and I added $50, after that tour I increased my base rate to $400 and decided not to charge any extra whilst on tours and now my base rate is $500. Don't see my regs complaining and I rarely have to announce tours on forums now.
If you go window shopping and see a pair of shoes in a window that you saw down the road for $10 less it's YOU who decides where, when and how you spend your hard earned money. Don't blame the shopkeeper just shop elsewhere, simple.
Robyn xXx