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I'm with pugsley & pippa on this one the prices are unreal, but in saying that there are some girls who work in house who charge like wounded bulls


I totally disagree with the comment that no one cares if people are being ripped off here in WA. For those of us that are here permanently and have to deal with the after effects of these girls overcharging we do care a great deal but the only way that this can be policed is if something is said to reception immediately. And yes, I have to agree, if people are willing to pay that price then they are very silly indeed!!


Ahh yes the old 'Pricing Debate' (Will it ever go away!)

Ladies, Gentlemen and kind people alike who are we to judge and condem what a lady charges, God?

5, 6, 7, or $800+ does it matter? There are punters that have no problem paying the required amounts be it inexpensive or expensive.

Affordability, can we question that for a moment? Better still I would like to take this opportunity to explain it as follows:

To some clients $500+ is like parting with $5, others have to work a full week for that.

I have grown tired of these debates elsewhere and it pains me to see ladies that do charge a set higher rate being pigeon holed and picked on because their target market is different.

We don't see men who have no problem paying the required amounts as suggested above jumping on forums saying that some ladies are too cheap. Again who are we to judge and condemn.

I can understand the local ladies feeling the impact in some cases and although I am EXTREMELY supportive of all W/Ls in all states and countries as a whole I have to say here that if you are providing a good to outstanding service, do your research and marketing what is there to worry about regardless of touring ladies or the occasional local lady charging what she sees as apropriate and deems fit for her service, lifestyle and worth.

If we all charged the same base rate it would set a falsified 'standard' and diversity would diminish.

I long for the day that punters give up on this debate and finally come to the realisation that you have the right to refuse to pay what YOU the individual, sees as excessive and to see another lady that is more feasible in regards to your budget.

When will you all stop whinging about it?

Robyn xXx



don't know if you're entirely on topic. i thought this thread was initially about eastern states ladies travelling to WA and charging much much more than they would charge in their home state. Have a read of this post too: Link is broken, so taken down.

either way, that's my beef with what's going in, is easterners ripping off hard working west aussie's whilst the goings are good. it happens in all industries, not just this one, and we need to stand up and not tolerate it. the countries economy is heavily dependant on WA agriculture and mining industries, yet the east coast runs the country and screws WA in the process.
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It's the same debate to me wether the ladies add to their base rate for tours or remain with current prices. YOU have a choice wether to see them or not. If the Eastern Touring ladies like myself, do well from Perth then what is that saying about the punters that ARE paying for this? They don't seem to be bothered by it. I could say it until I am blue in the face 'YOU (the consumer) have a choice' Whinging about it won't change a thing. I'd like to pay 50c for 2Lt of milk and 25c for a loaf of bread. If I were going say somewhere remote, personally I would expect to pay a little more for that 2Lt of milk and the loaf of bread taking into consideration that the initial outlay for distributors is higher when considering extra cost of wages, fuel, overtime etc

When away from home (and I am sure you have all read here and there) on tour a ladies expenses in some areas double if not triple. If I must break it down slightly and give another example, this one being non-metorphorical yet hypothetical examples as every lady is different in their choices, where they choose to be and what they choose to pay:

Rent - depending on what the lady chooses to pay back home for her work environment and the other variable here is how long she intends to stay on tour and wether she is in a Hotel 3, 4 or 5 star or a motel. *Please Note* Unless she owns her home, unit, apartment outright (even then she has rates) her rent does not cease for the time she is away on tour(her landlord/lady has expenses too)

Food - If the lady is single with no dependents then most likely the food bill at home will cease for the time she is away simply because she is not their to eat (not rocket science) however unless she chooses to rent a 'serviced self contained' apartment (apartment with full kitchen/cooking facilities with utensils) and did a little grocery shopping for herself whilst in town and was prepared to cook then I think we all would agree that Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner wether at a restaurant or ordered via room service if the chosen destination of stay provides that then it's fairly safe to assume that the food bill would be around double what she would be paying at home taking into account all relevant factors.

Personal/Grooming items - depending on the length of stay the lady may need or even want to supply her clients with the apropriate basic luxuries such as decent soap or in liquid form rather than the silly little ones that Hotels provide. Imagine if she wanted to or needed to wash her hair. My hair is butt length and would take around 6 of those little bottles of shampoo AND conditioner no shit! Are you getting closer to understanding my points. If the lady rents a spa room hotels don't supply bubble bath either.

Airfare - self explanatory yet varies but still an expense

Excess baggage - costs. And if the lady is nice enough to provide a wide array of costumes for dress ups, lingerie etc and toys then this can end up weighing a tonne. I stopped taking my dancing pole with me because I grew tired of the excess baggage costs.

I could go on if you need more examples..........

Unless the lady is booked out completely or has a good body of regular clientele in each state how would she compensate for all that? Only parts of the above mentioned are a Tax Decuction. Otherwise she may aswell stay at home and then there would be no pricing debate in all it's manifestation when referring to the extra charged on top of a base rate we would hear debates entitled 'Why don't ladies tour to WA or SA or Qld or Tas or....anymore'

I have completed 17 tours in 12months and it was only my first one that I added extra onto my tour so I am not one of these ladies that you mentioned. At the time my rate was 300 per hour and I added $50, after that tour I increased my base rate to $400 and decided not to charge any extra whilst on tours and now my base rate is $500. Don't see my regs complaining and I rarely have to announce tours on forums now.


If you go window shopping and see a pair of shoes in a window that you saw down the road for $10 less it's YOU who decides where, when and how you spend your hard earned money. Don't blame the shopkeeper just shop elsewhere, simple.

Robyn xXx

Mary Anne PA

Great debate going on and its good to see everyone's difference of opinion. Keep it up as everyone's thoughts are just as important as each others.

Please make sure that you read all posts and keep it in perspective of what the original statement was about.

Charmaine - understand your point & know where your coming from, but it's not about the working ladies inhouse, the topic is on the touring ladies coming over from the east. Maybe you could start another thread about the inhouse working ladies & their prices, would be another good debate.

Great to see you all participating. Thanks Robyn also for your thoughts & perspective, I hear you!!!
Welcome anyone else as well who are sitting back and just reading. Feel free to join in.


Seriously, the girls can charge whatever they want. If they can charge $800 and still get punters, good luck for them. Of course I would rather prices stay low so I can keep my finger in the pie, but unfortunately in this world business is business.


All I am saying is I beleive it is a completely un-ethical business practice to almost double your standard prices if you visit WA. I guess what some people here are saying is that anyone can charge anything they like and if someone is stupid enough to pay more than what it is really worth then that is their bad luck.

I suppose it's ok for a mechanic to charge a woman more for servicing and repairing their vehicles than they would charge a man, because some women won't know any better.

Some comparisons that have been made in other posts I do not feel are correct. For instance comparing the same pair of shoes for sale at two different shops, with one selling for $10 less. The fact here when it comes to travelling working ladies is that it's the same service from the same supplier, but most are charging different prices depending on the wealth of a particular state.


By the same logic you could say a girl who comes to Perth from Thailand should charge the same prices here as she charges back home in Phuket or Bangkok. Sorry but it's not going to happen. Why are these ladies coming to WA at all? To get better sex? No. To make money.


Foundation Member
Over the last couple of years I have seen a number of Eastern States ladies during their time in Perth. I agree the comments made by Robyn and understand the need charge "premium" rates when touring. Whether its worth it or not is totally dependent upon the individual and their personal circumstances.

The level of service I have received has varied but has generally been very good except in one case where I was totally ripped off to the tune of $500. The service from this particular "well known" lady was so bad that I felt that I was forcing myself upon her as she was backing off all the time and that is dangerous ground for both parties. I felt very uncomfortable and didn't push the issue. I realise I was stupid but put it down to experience.

That encounter happened a year ago and has affected me to the point that the "magic" of the experience has gone. I have saved a significant amount of money since then but it has cost the local and interstate ladies the equivalent amount in lost business. My advice is to stick with those visiting girls listed on this site as I am sure that Senera keeps a close eye on things for the benefit of both parties.


Smogy kind sir I am merely assuming here when I say my guess is you would have felt ripped off if you had of given that same lady $1000, $800, $400, $200 or even $100.

As a few here have stated it will keep happening so long as the the consumers support this trend. Do you all think this worries touring ladies when they are often, not always as nothing is absolute, but often completely booked out before they even arrive in Perth or WA regardless of what they are charging or the extra amount they charge for the tour itself ontop of the base rate or even the charges for extras.

Although these types of debates annoy me they also amuse me a little. There are little gems around in this industry if you all do your research and homework both touring and local ladies.

Are we forgetting the very meaning behind this hobby called punting? Some you win and some you loose.

The diversity of women in this industry I feel is wonderful from age groups to nationalities, education to experience, body shape and size, availability and travel, oh yeah lets not forget the difference in pricing this is just as diverse.

Robyn xXx


Foundation Member
Smogy kind sir I am merely assuming here when I say my guess is you would have felt ripped off if you had of given that same lady $1000, $800, $400, $200 or even $100.

As a few here have stated it will keep happening so long as the the consumers support this trend. Do you all think this worries touring ladies when they are often, not always as nothing is absolute, but often completely booked out before they even arrive in Perth or WA regardless of what they are charging or the extra amount they charge for the tour itself ontop of the base rate or even the charges for extras.

Although these types of debates annoy me they also amuse me a little. There are little gems around in this industry if you all do your research and homework both touring and local ladies.

Are we forgetting the very meaning behind this hobby called punting? Some you win and some you loose.

The diversity of women in this industry I feel is wonderful from age groups to nationalities, education to experience, body shape and size, availability and travel, oh yeah lets not forget the difference in pricing this is just as diverse.

Robyn xXx

I agree and its up to every one of us to find out where the best value is for us!

For me I wouldn't dream of paying $500+(even though I don't doubt the girls are worth it) BUT when there are local girls, like Sue-Ling who are providing top service at WA rates where is the need to go for the expensive imports?!

Mary Anne PA

Some interesting Facts for general Information.

When a working lady tours her costs are doubled as she is paying still for back home, plus an extra 2 - 3000 $$$ to come over. They are taking pot luck that strangers wont let them down with bookings and not turn up which is what happens.


They have built up a refular level of clientelle over the years and ARE booked out when they come over cos their regulars can't wait to see them obviously cos they give them a great service, so price is not that important to those regulars.

You are going to get this no matter where you are, just take a look at Sydneys prices and most privates don't fall below $800, they can keep the same rates no matter where they go being so high.

And I am also going to add that if a mechanic travelled 30 km, or travelled 3000km his prices would be different also. Especially if he offered a specialised service and travelled the coutnryside to rent it out so to speak.

Mary Anne PA

And smoggy, yes I do pretty much know most of the travellers and everyone has their own individual prices. If anyone was unhappy with their services, I am sure someone would have spoken by now, especially to me, and I quite often refer some of our regulars as well if they ask for my advice with only good feedback.

If any of our working ladies from perth travelled say to Queensland which has happened before, their prices also went higher than what they were getting here as well, so it works both ways.

Should also add, that whilst this happens, then perhaps it wil steer most people towards Langtrees as well with a bit of luck. But people will generally go where they get the best service that makes them happy.


hey guys

I just started dating this 18 yr old nympho recently i cant actually beleive my luck!

she wants an older lady to play with while i watch as well as and /or use a strap on on her while im involved.

she loves to be dominated and she really wants a girl involved.
pm if any ladies are interested ok


well have red hot pie thing up soon :)


Ive never gone down on a woman but would love to. I don't know how to do it 'right' if there is a right way to do it and would love to be taught how. If you are interested let me know. View my profile, pm me, request a pic.


Haha. Thanks AussieSingle but Im looking for some hands on training.
And BullD1, your profile says you are male. Im confused, are you just taking the piss?


Foundation Member
Site link

Link is broken, so taken down.

Read the site that aussie_single linked to. It's got some good info but also some funny stuff. Like this in the How to's

Try using your tongue to spell the alphabet on her genitals. This works surprisingly well as your tongue is always moving in different directions. When I'm bored I like to send subliminal messages to my lover. Stuff like, "Doing the dishes is fun," and "Stop inviting your annoying friend, Rachel over to our house," and my favorite, "When are you going to come? I've lost all feeling in my jaw and Sportcenter started 10 minutes ago." If your lover is a non-English speaker do your best to simulate Sanskrit, Cyrillic, etc. If your lover is illiterate, get your face out of her pussy and teach her to read ferChristsakes.
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Read the site that aussie_single linked to. It's got some good info but also some funny stuff. Like this in the How to's

Try using your tongue to spell the alphabet on her genitals. This works surprisingly well as your tongue is always moving in different directions. When I'm bored I like to send subliminal messages to my lover. Stuff like, "Doing the dishes is fun," and "Stop inviting your annoying friend, Rachel over to our house," and my favorite, "When are you going to come? I've lost all feeling in my jaw and Sportcenter started 10 minutes ago." If your lover is a non-English speaker do your best to simulate Sanskrit, Cyrillic, etc. If your lover is illiterate, get your face out of her pussy and teach her to read ferChristsakes.
Haha, hilarious.


hi melissa.

ive seen your profile on langtrees, you sure look like a down to earth person and a very smart lady i must say i really injoy your threads from time to time you express your self from the heart melissa thanks for that thread will try it out on a special lady.
kind regards


La Cherie

Hey all

Can anyone tell me what La Cherie is like. I know there were some restrictionson the old AE forum about discussing this place, I assume they are now gone? Anyone been there, any comments?



Mary Anne PA

Hi AD, no restrictions here except for prejudism and rudeness. lol can discuss whatever you like as long as its in the parameters of respect and courtesy for others as well.
So go for it and someone should answer your question soon I would saw.

take care



iv been there a couple of times and the girls really vary theres some pretty decent girls there but iv also seen some shockers, i went in there 1 night and there was a stunner blonde but she had just been booked so i couldnt see her she was real hot though. Theres quiet a lot of la cherie reviews on a site called funinaustralia.com everybody raves about angeline although shes not my cup of tea.


I went to la cherie about .. um 2 months ago or something, wasnt that impressed, i pressed the bell.. went upstairs and sat on the lounge chair.. there was probably about 4 girls there to choose from, but none of them really took my fancy, so i was sitting there for a secong pondering if i was going to book or leave and go somewhere else, after sitting there for about 30 seconds the lady in charge came over to me and basically said, do u wanna book some1 , if u dont she has other people to show thru (i could hear the bell ring just b4 she said that) , cause i was unsure about booking someone anyway and the lady in charge was basically saying i had to decide right then i ended up leaving, that night i ended up going to langtrees and saw a girl there and had a great night. thats my 2nd cents anyway, u mite have better luck there.


Foundation Member
This topic came up once before here and my comments earned me a "threatening" P.M. from Nicole, the owner:

Link is broken, so taken down.

I have no personal beef with La Cherie - it was a rundown dump when Nicole took it on and she has done a great job of bringing the building up to scratch. However, after several visits I crossed the place off my list as I never saw any ladies there I would consider booking and there was an unfriendly vibe which turned me right off it. This is my personal impression and others may well disagree.

Best bet is read the descriptions of their girls in the "West" and if anyone sounds promising find out when she is working and try your luck.

Don't forget to post a review here afterwards.
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