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Re: Don't be Shy!!!




Re: Don't be Shy!!!

Hi Amanda. Just wondering if you could tell us a bit more about how LP's will operate. By the sounds of things it will be very much a 'woman orientated' club - is this right? We are a couple and will only swing together, will couples be welcome or is the male to sit back for the female to enjoy?



Re: Don't be Shy!!!


Hi lickedysplit!

Yes, the club is discreet, we have a no mobile, no photo rule. We are very hygenic, we supply clean towels to all our guests, provide disinfectant sprays in every room, top quality condoms and the entire premises are VERY CLEAN!

I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'More for the professionals', but it's not aimed at any particular income group, just people who are looking for a clean and safe enviorment to meet other like minded people!

Just shout if you have any other queries!

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Re: Don't be Shy!!!

Hi Amanda. Just wondering if you could tell us a bit more about how LP's will operate. By the sounds of things it will be very much a 'woman orientated' club - is this right? We are a couple and will only swing together, will couples be welcome or is the male to sit back for the female to enjoy?


Hi Guys...

Although LP's stands for Ladies Playgrounds, it's designed for singles and couples - we would love to see you there...

The new club is setup like a tasteful nightclub with rooms upstairs! We have a bar (but the club is BYO), spa, sauna, great showers, a free jukebox and entertainment each night. We have hostess's available to help you with advice or getting to know others. We are here to help you enjoy the club and the lifestyle!

There is no pressure at the club at all, whether you decide to play or not is completely up to you. We encourage mingling and meeting people.

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Re: Don't be Shy!!!


thanks amanda for that. Sounds like what I'm looking for. Theonly reason I used the word Professional as i have heard that some places do not have any standards and that has put me off going!! i used wrong word..sorry.. Income has nothing to do with how one presents themselves thats for sure. Looking forward to Saturday Night. Can you tell me if there will be hosts or hostesses that will ensure your comfortable and mingling? ALso What about security issues? Do those issues ever come up?


Re: Don't be Shy!!!

Hi Amanda,

Leanne here, I have joined up at last.

I don't have regular access to come online though, so I can't guarantee how often I can post, but I will try my best.

Cya tonight!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Re: Don't be Shy!!!

Thanks Leanne hope to see a lot of you in the future and I don't mean just at the bar..lol maryanne


Anyone stay in Vic Park? Friends of mine and I stayed there 8 years ago and got burgled 8 times. Wonder if anything's changed as I am very tempted to buy a house there but not sure if anything's changed.

Opinions? I've vacillating between Vic Park, Leederville, North Perth and Mount Lawley. Vic Park is affordable but...

Opinions please

Mary Anne PA

depends possibly on what section your looking at. I think you can get burgled anywhere now regardless. Check the statistics with Police Watch.


I'm in Vic Park and haven't had any problems *touch wood*, but after 1 weekend away, I did notice someone had sussed the place out, the gate was left open.

I'm in a set of townhouses though, I chose these as I thought they were secure, and after being burgled 3 times in a 15 month period (2 of them within a month), that was my biggest concern (especially since I slept through one of the robberies!). That was in a nice family suburb - Canningvale. I don't think it really matters where you are, it's the security for your particular home which is most important...


personally I think it can happen everywhere,does'nt really matter where you live,do what ever you can to prevent people coming in your house and keep your fingers crossed. xAstrid


alarms do work

We have been here (Yokine) 13 years and always had a monitored alarm. Never had any problems, it truly seems to deter thiefs as they are opportunistic and will not bother if the house is or appears to be armed. Our cars have been broken into though (before we had a lockup garage) so it is not as if the area is foolproof, like anywhere nowadays...


I've been living in a townhouse in Vic Park all this year and have had no problems whatsoever. I was worried at first, but its really ok.


Buying in Vic Park as an investment is one thing - but would you feel comfortable living there? I don't doubt burglary can happen anywhere - but some have a particularly higher incidence than others. I agree about the monitored alarm bit but what about the "vibes" when walking the streets?

Recently when those convicts escaped from the court, two of them were caught at their relative's place in VP.

The case at the railway station where the Japanese students were beaten up was at the Carlisle station - next to VP.

There are heaps of brothels and WLs in VP - a bit of an irony given the nature of this board - but the fact is it means you get heaps of transients passing through the place.

Once in a while, police conduct bikie raids in VP.

50% of the houses in VP are rented according to the Real Estate Industry of WA website - very high compared to most suburbs which is about 15 - 35%. The rents are cheap which attract a certain kind of tenant. There's a glut of rental properties going empty so landlords aren't picky about the kind of people who live there.

It neighbours St James and Bentley - the two most burgled suburbs in WA. It has a heroin treating clinic.

All in - the place should be like Subi - it's next to the river, 5 min from the city and has lots of places with old style character architecture which I'm a fan of. Properties there are far cheaper. A similar house in Subi is often twice the price of a VP. I've done a bit of homework and the anecdotal evidence isn't looking too favourable so far.

Anyone else with more opinions?



Whilst the suburb stats are useful, like all stats, they can be misleading. I live in a suburb which has 2 next-door suburbs where police raids and drug-busts are frequent enough to be relatively unremarkable. The suburb I live in has a less-than-salubrious reputation in some quarters. However, the street I live in does not feature in the stats at all, going back some 20 years or so according to a police acquaintance, and I've lived here for about 18 months and still don't lock my car or house up and have never had any trouble at all. And that's with a bunch of teenagers in and out of the house lol.

I have a friend who lives in Vic Park who works the mines, and is regularly away from home. He's been there for 3? years or so, with no problems. Admittedly, he lives in a small unit complex and has a very good alarm system.

Look at the price you will have to pay in Vic Park, add in the cost of a good security system, and weigh up just how much you want to live there. And choose your street carefully.


P.S. I think you'll find that punters are more interested in getting their end away than doing a spot of B&E - transient they may be, but it's transient with a purpose:)


I agreed with chrissie. The street you pick is very important. Before vic park I lived in Bentely (gasp) which as mentioned has apparently bad crime rates. My street though was nearly all new houses and we didn't get a single problem in over a year


Foundation Member
Chrissie and Holly are right - it just depends on where you want to live.
If it looks dodgy, it probably is - look out for really low prices on good-looking places, that's usually a sign that they're trying to offload a problematic place.
But my housemate and I have lived in Vic Park and Bentley for the past four years, and we've never had a problem, even with our occasional tendency to leave doors and windows open...it's a really convenient area to be in, and we loved it. ::)


Foundation Member
*giggles* Are you asking if I'm a working girl?
I'd love to be a dancer, if I could just work up the nerve (and the athletic ability, lol! )...
but at the moment I'm a low-budget uni student :angel1:
So I'm talking your everyday bachelorette pad - we're splitting the rent on a great 180/week, 3 bedroom crib.

There's some really cheap and nasty places you want to avoid, but they're fairly obvious....but if you get an agent trying to palm off a place that looks nice, for what seems like a really great price, it's probably because they've had problems in the area.
Don't be scared to knock on a few doors and ask the neighbors what they think. Usually they'll be happy to give you the low down.

We love the Bentley/Vic Park area, cause it's close to lots of shopping, lots of variety in restaurants, it's fairly quiet, and most of the people we've met are quite nice. I've never felt unsafe around here at all.


How sobering is this?

Boy Serena, I did what you said and the stats are very sobering indeed for Vic Park but even that pales in comparison to St James/Bentley.

Have a click on this everyone and see how your suburb rates vs e.g. Dalkeith. Stats start from July 1999 which I used as a starting point just to see if it was trending downwards. Generally, it appears north of river suburbs tend (only just) to have less burglaries and of course the nearer to the pub or railway, the higher the burglary rate.

Check it out:


Hi All,
I am looking for some fun in Broome. Normal channels don't seem to bring anything up. Can someone tell me of parties or ladies in the Broome area? I thought some of you may have contacts!


Hi Iggy There Is Nothing In Broome, As Far As Lady Workers Go, Port Headland Is The Closest Establishment. Occassionally Ladies Visit Broome For A Week Or So,during The Season, Working Privately, And If There Are Any In Town They Will Advertise In The Broome Paper.when Are You Thinking Of Heading That Way...?


full memeber huh? broome rocks!! just look in the local rag and dial dude!


Broome sounds great to me !
Ishca ... hint hint... lub ya babe !!!


Hi guys and sexy girls ;-)

Are there clubs in Perth that are bisexual or gay friendly? I (Mags) would love to go and check some out :) (with hubby of course...or without hehe lol)

Please share your thoughts and experiences...:angel12:


Foundation Member
Gay/ Bi Club Info for you

Hi Magziemad/Rod,
Some info that may interest you:

Spectrum @ Ambar

Every Thursday the Ambar comes alive when the boys from Blend Productions move in along with local and national djs, drag queens and special guests.

Dress Code: Casual but neat

Location: 104 Murray Street, Perth
Hours: Every Thursday (Men only every second Tuesday)
Email: spectrum@blendproductions.com
Website: Link is broken, so taken down.

Connections Nightclub

CNC is Perth's longest running gay and lesbian club. CNC has a group of resident DJs who spin a variety of club music and on the odd occasion a well known international or national DJ will make an appearance.

Dress Code: Casual but neat

Location: 81 James Street, Northbridge
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri - Sun nites
Phone: +61 (08) 9328 5166 (business hours)
Email: connectionsnightclub@iinet.net.au

Court Hotel

The Court hotel is a very popular venue on Sunday nights and during the summer months. The hotel owners are great supporters of our community groups, which use the venue for performances and functions. The Court's doors are open to all people from the GLBT community and has a regular following of Drag Queens, Transsexuals and Cross-dressers. The venue features a pool room, dance floor, performance area, and a large courtyard perfect for those summer nights.

Dress Code: Almost anything goes

Location: 50 Beaufort Street, Northbridge
Hours: Mon - Thurs 11:00am to 12:00 midnight, Fri 11:00am to 1:00am, Sat 2:00 pm to 1:00am, Sun 3:00pm to 10:00pm
Phone: +61 (08) 9328 5292 (business hours)
Email: court@bigpond.net.au

Luxe Bar

The LUXE bar is the place to be on Sunday nights with its stylish décor and the atmosphere is fantastic. Right in the heart of the Mt Lawley club and café strip it attracts the inner city dwellers.

Gold coin donation to the WA AIDS Council on entry Sunday's.

Dress Code: Casual but Funky

Location: 446 Beaufort Street, Mt Lawley
Hours: Wed to Sat 5pm til 2am & Sun (mostly gay) 5.30 til 12pm
Phone: +61 (08) 9228 9680 (business hours)

Pink @ Big Apple

Local djs take up a residence at Pink every Thursday night at the Big Apple. Features games, door prizes, drink specials, shows, giveaways and some really funky music

Dress Code: Casual but Funky

Location: Cnr Bennett Street and Hay Street, East Perth
Hours: 9.30pm Thursdays
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hey guys maybe u should ask naughtybuttnice and her hubby as i was tryin to hook up them to go clubbin to those places too sometime maybe we can go as group hey


Bring On The Party!

hehe Felix...Yes! The Court and Connections are the places we usually party at...Always have a blast at those venues...:headbang: