Legend Member
Thankyou for the post Joe. Such valid,comprehensive information.
The Japanese section is spot on.
More than any other part of Asia the northern countries of Taiwan,South Korea and Japan aren’t accustomed and generally don’t care for Caucasians. Many in China too. The reasons may be cultural and/or historic. Many refuse entry to Caucasians.
This is not a soft touch like Bali or Bangkok where they are resigned to Aussie boofheads so be on your best behaviour!
There is usually someone at your hotel etc that can discreetly guide at least your initial steps.
If your lucky you may find a mentor willing to show you around.
Once you are accepted by the locals you will be kosher.
I stay in a village outside Hiroshima so it’s very conservative.
In the cities beware of pimps,touts,taxi drivers and shonky red light areas. Just like the rest of the world!
Prices are impossible to generalise,there is such a plethora of places and services available.
You want a parlour selling used underwear!?
It’s very easy to become addicted so be very careful with the little brain!