Epiphany moment….Ever have one of those weeks where you have a sudden epiphany that it’s at the AMPs where all the quality exists ….yes YMMV however of late I have found that most and yes I mean most of the posts on EB are either grossly
Filtered or so old that they must have been taken by Polaroid in the 80’s!
Case in point Saw Bella at Evergreen earlier in the week (first time) and was one of the standout punts of year. Friendly , conversational , funny and a body to die for it was like we were meeting for the 100th time. Yes she basically has a line out the door of punters trying to see her but she kept smiling and said they can wait ….despite one of them being a regular and me being a 1st timer.
Caught a glimpse of CoCo whilst I was there and Wow….why have I been bothering to look elsewhere ….until today when I was feeling a little edgy so thought I’d try Ariel ( E&B) bait and switch …I mean she wasn’t a bad looker but def not the girl in the pic and for $320 for a 45 min pse a total total waste of money . Despite being very specific with what I was after and getting agreement beforehand….basically that all
Changed once the dollars changed hands. May as well have just taken a match to my hard earned …it was that average

Soooo after much disappointment with sites like SB and E&B its AMP all the way for me now. Better quality, value and service…..you just have to do some research first .