Was intrigued immensely by this ad given my enjoyment of the tease & intensity of undercarriage activity when reading the description ... so I made an appt for the following day at noon.
Arriving on time, it got to 12.10 & the excuse that she's from Melbourne & just walking back from Cafe... hmmmm. Must be another entrance to the block!
Eventually got into the apt around 12.15 & greeted by a little chubby girl, pleasant face but not the body i was hoping for ... no easy way of checking she was a girl apart from a reasonable c cup.
I was directed to a room, where the nuru takes place & instructed to strip before heading to the bathroom & straight into the shower. Saw the little stool there & thought how is she going to make this last for the hour ...
It starts on with lots of touching, feeling & down under through the stool for all that teasing before coming round to the front & kneeling in front of me to compete the job already. Was offered oral & fs but declined so off she went on the hard n fast pace without success ... before giving up & moving my own hands into action.
All in all a complete anti climax ! Quite the disappointment as I was back on the street feeling sore by 12.45. I checked the time as I knew it was no way close to a hour. If I'm satisfied & out by 45mins then ok I'll accept that but a non touch hj in less than 30mins after paying for a hour is not right.
Oh well toftt ... there it is.