What's funny is on a forum where the majority of members are running around town trying to get a sneaky wank behind their wives or partners backs can sit in judgement of others.
I would rather keep going on and getting HR from a legit place, becomes somewhat of a game and challenge to see what happens. Read the signs and if it looks good then why not.
Difference is my wife knows when it happens she thinks its hilarious. For those of you dishing out the moral code, can you say the same?
Get Smart, your last few posts discredit you.
You have an inflated opinion of their impact on the readership. Did you think after we read about you wanking in front of a masseuse that we shut down our laptops to go for a walk and ponder the ethical dilemma of it?
No one really gives a stuff mate!! Some like me think it's a bit weird and funny, as I do the thought of someone running around legit shops seeking extras, but when one bloke comes in here and says he would feel embarrassed by doing it himself, you leap in to an argument on moral code and judgement. That is plain dumb.
He gave his opinion. He's allowed to. In no way does it go even remotely close to a discussion about morals, let alone a code. And it certainly doesn't meet the definition of a judgement.
A cursory glance around this website will reveal threads and discussions on dogging, orgies, trannies and glory holes etc... so to suggest that a moral code can be attributed to a member on a site like this just because he wouldn't wank in front of a "legit" masseuse defies logic. You have no idea what he does or would like to do in his spare time. Maybe he gets up to some really nasty shit with hookers that would make the devil blush but at the same time doesn't at all like the idea of knocking one out in front of what he may believe at the time to be a legit masseuse because he may embarrass himself, and her.
On the point of legit shops, I iterate that what many think is a legit shop, really isn't. A legit shop extremely rarely has girls offering hand jobs. What many think is a legit shop is actually a shop that has put some effort in to its appearance but is and always was an RnT joint.
Bigfoot, e.g. is a legit shop. You can see thirty girls there over five years and never get a HJ. Or, you can be lucky to get that 1 in a 100 chick (usually Asian) who gives it a tickle.
So get off your high horse. You come across to me as someone who is attempting to justify his own actions in RnT shops, instead of wanting to contribute in a positive way. This is a review and opinion sex site. We are not Oncologists dispersing technical information about Cancer treatments. Don't fool yourself in to thinking your posts are that important.