Really? Such a shame. I love to have a conversation. It is important to me as it establishes a rapport and the fact we are both people together, even just for a little while. Bonus is that I get to know the person I am spending quality time with.
Sir Prank. Even if the lady has limited English I still try to talk to her as you do, even if it gets difficult at times. One of my regular (very special) ladies has started again in English classes as she want to improve her English (it is perfectly good, at least to me). I told her she can help teach me better Thai.
Sir Prank. Even if the lady has limited English I still try to talk to her as you do, even if it gets difficult at times. One of my regular (very special) ladies has started again in English classes as she want to improve her English (it is perfectly good, at least to me). I told her she can help teach me better Thai.