Each to their own but at $190 for half hour is very expensive, considering for that price you can spend an hour with a real and reasonable looking lady.
They think its funny listening in to the other girls. Once all I heard is a bloke tell a girl.how bad is wife was for 30 mins or so it was a bit of a turn off but things like that dont worry the girls its business as usual.
Same with some of the BS you hear, the girls know what to say after all it’s money for them.
Not saying some clients are not genuine and you can build a good rapport with a regular but some times it’s layed on way too thick.
Yea saw the ad recently too and was intrigued but at that price point id rather get a real live lady lol.
Wouldnt pay anything more than a $100 just to try the experience but at $190 I dont think they will be getting many customers. Plenty of decent looking girls around in the $150-200 / 30 mins bracket that id rather spend my money on.
Oops i just seen ad. Looks rough financially to cancel, cause damage or attend. They are still too expensive to be practical. I wouldnt believe the sterilisation unless packaging was in a sterile package which I doubt might woud occur and could leave persons with diseases. May not be a scam but a scam probable once attended. Robots are not there yet in terms of expense to mange with this kind of service with theses kind of ads. Best to avoid.
So on any given day after a nights rest i can recharge 3 in the chamber and and release em all as quick as 30mins or space it out an hour or more if requested. Im a 32 asian male. I was wondering if its more enjoyable to do short bursts or one long session? I once even once was offered extra 20mins coz my sess was cut 5mins short but she said she enjoyed my backrub n amenities that much she wanted to see me again
Hey guys wondering what’s people’s opinions on massage shops that in their opinion always seem to provide a quality massage and extras and aren’t so much a hot and miss shop, also if there’s any hidden gems that don’t seem to advertise so much as myself I have stumbled across some but seeing no advertisement for them. And I’m talking all over Perth
I hear on the grape vine that one of the Perth swingers clubs has installed a glory hole for its Thursday night greedy girl events. 1st night tonight, be interested to see how it goes (purely for research purposes of course)
I hear on the grape vine that one of the Perth swingers clubs has installed a glory hole for its Thursday night greedy girl events. 1st night tonight, be interested to see how it goes (purely for research purposes of course)
I've been to the one on James Street a few times now. Not a bad setup and if you choose the right time you can get a decent service. Anything from couples to trans girls to blokes (obviously). The clientele is a cross section of society ie: not all creepy old dudes!
I've been to the one on James Street a few times now. Not a bad setup and if you choose the right time you can get a decent service. Anything from couples to trans girls to blokes (obviously). The clientele is a cross section of society ie: not all creepy old dudes!
Admirable adventurism ...............not sure I’d have the courage to let a person of unspecified gender have a slurp of my old fella.
Guess I’m a bit too heterosexual for that.
i suppose you could knock on the door to have a squiz at your neighbouring cubicle occupant(s) prior to proceeding........... but that kind of negates the whole adventure I suppose?
Went for AMP massage yesterday, to see Mimi. The rooms are not that private with curtains. Amother punter was in room and the girls started talking in Thai, after 30 mins or so I said you may as well open up the curtain, as a joke, and she did. Here I was getting a HJ, and some bloke is getting a back massage. I looked at the other girl and she was older and as i looked she took her top off. Quiet a good day.
I'd like more detail as to what defines "quite a good day" ...
I recall many years ago when I used to regularly attend two FS apartments in Railway Parade, Maylands ... each apartment had two bedrooms that shared an en-suite bathroom via sliding doors. On one occasion, I witnessed my room's sliding door open to a polite punter who was casually conversational and who - as if asking for the time of day - asked if it was okay that he sit down and observe proceedings.
After some subdued laughter settled between myself and my lady, I suggested it would be much more appropriate for him to arrange such a show in advance, but not to expect me to accept a starring role ...
Yes its funny when other punters are next to yhe room you are in. The girls prob think its funny too. One day at Bedford, I was in the room and they played swapsey. I guess they get bored and want a change.