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Well, I officially popped the proverbial cherry today in regards to having a sensual massage.
My interest was piqued after reading some of the punters reviews and stories on here, so yes, social media at work.
My lady of choice was Angel at PT and I can now say that I know what all the fuss is about, in regards to both herself and sensual massage.
Although I'm great at communicating online, I'm a bit shy by nature in person, but Angel completely disarmed me almost immediately with direct eye contact and a genuine smile followed by a hug...I think she sensed my nervousness.
After being lead to a cosy little room, spacious shower in the corner, nice soft lighting, she asked me to tell her about myself as I got my kit off.
That done she came over and said "You've already showered haven't you."
It wasn't a question, she could tell I had and at my verbal conformation of that, she seemed happy by that and commented that that will save some time.
We kept on chatting as I got on the table and the first soft touch of her hands was felt on the back of my legs.
A touch so light at first it almost tickled, from head to toes. Lips brushing my skin, feeling the warmth of her breath on my skin.
Feathers and light silky fabric was used to caress with before we started with skin on skin.
As she applied the first bits of oil I was struck by how wonderfully warm her hands were. When she began the body slide, once again I could feel a beautiful warmth from her.
Body slides...wow! The sensation from all that contact at once is awesome. And the lovely slippery feeling of the oils making contact glide along and glide she did. At one point I couldn't even tell what part of her was touching me, it was just one big slippery gliding moment of bliss.
She lay on top of me at one point and ran her fingers through my hair, massaging my head, something I truly love.
After she had finished with that part, she hopped off and got me to flip over.
This is were my reasons for never having had this before, were completely blown out of the water.
I always envisioned a cold, mechanical affair, with someone who was clearly just wanting to be somewhere else.
Not Angel.
Any doubts of her enjoying her work were put to rest with that first grin of hers when seeing me respond to her touch. She genuinely does enjoy the connection and reactions she can invoke, which made it very easy to just relax and enjoy.
After she'd worked her magic on me, we had a quick shower and by this time we were chatting away about all sorts of stuff.
How the heck we ended up talking about dna and genetic migratory pattens though I don't know, lol :D
Was refreshing though. Hell of a lot more interesting that talking about the weather.
Anyway as I got dressed she went and got me a drink of water, which was needed.
She saw me to the door and gave me a hug with a peck on the cheek.
And that was my cherry....officially popped!
Well, I officially popped the proverbial cherry today in regards to having a sensual massage.
My interest was piqued after reading some of the punters reviews and stories on here, so yes, social media at work.
My lady of choice was Angel at PT and I can now say that I know what all the fuss is about, in regards to both herself and sensual massage.
Although I'm great at communicating online, I'm a bit shy by nature in person, but Angel completely disarmed me almost immediately with direct eye contact and a genuine smile followed by a hug...I think she sensed my nervousness.
After being lead to a cosy little room, spacious shower in the corner, nice soft lighting, she asked me to tell her about myself as I got my kit off.
That done she came over and said "You've already showered haven't you."
It wasn't a question, she could tell I had and at my verbal conformation of that, she seemed happy by that and commented that that will save some time.
We kept on chatting as I got on the table and the first soft touch of her hands was felt on the back of my legs.
A touch so light at first it almost tickled, from head to toes. Lips brushing my skin, feeling the warmth of her breath on my skin.
Feathers and light silky fabric was used to caress with before we started with skin on skin.
As she applied the first bits of oil I was struck by how wonderfully warm her hands were. When she began the body slide, once again I could feel a beautiful warmth from her.
Body slides...wow! The sensation from all that contact at once is awesome. And the lovely slippery feeling of the oils making contact glide along and glide she did. At one point I couldn't even tell what part of her was touching me, it was just one big slippery gliding moment of bliss.
She lay on top of me at one point and ran her fingers through my hair, massaging my head, something I truly love.
After she had finished with that part, she hopped off and got me to flip over.
This is were my reasons for never having had this before, were completely blown out of the water.
I always envisioned a cold, mechanical affair, with someone who was clearly just wanting to be somewhere else.
Not Angel.
Any doubts of her enjoying her work were put to rest with that first grin of hers when seeing me respond to her touch. She genuinely does enjoy the connection and reactions she can invoke, which made it very easy to just relax and enjoy.
After she'd worked her magic on me, we had a quick shower and by this time we were chatting away about all sorts of stuff.
How the heck we ended up talking about dna and genetic migratory pattens though I don't know, lol :D
Was refreshing though. Hell of a lot more interesting that talking about the weather.
Anyway as I got dressed she went and got me a drink of water, which was needed.
She saw me to the door and gave me a hug with a peck on the cheek.
And that was my cherry....officially popped!

Nice review nextplease69, fun isn't it,
The only downside sweetheart is that you've now seen Angel, aka The Master, so any poor girl seeing you afterwards has a hell of a job to do to keep the bar so high! (I'm speaking from experience - I'd always die a little bit inside when a client said he'd seen Angel previously... I've seen and experienced her massage - the lady is a machine!). One of my favourite all time sessions was doing a double massage with Angel - the gent didnt know what hit him! Priceless!
(Miss you Angel!)
X x
What a great review and very well written. Angel certainly is a star and she can reach parts of you, you probably didn't know you had.

doing a double massage with Angel

Now why did you have to go and say that for...
Great, now that's going to be stuck in my head until I do something about it.
Yep, the ideas stuck there now...
Oh well, guess I'm just going to have to look at having some double trouble now.

Seriously though, I think that that could possibly be sensory overload and you know what happens to things when they overload;)
The only downside sweetheart is that you've now seen Angel, aka The Master, so any poor girl seeing you afterwards has a hell of a job to do to keep the bar so high! (I'm speaking from experience - I'd always die a little bit inside when a client said he'd seen Angel previously... I've seen and experienced her massage - the lady is a machine!). One of my favourite all time sessions was doing a double massage with Angel - the gent didnt know what hit him! Priceless!
(Miss you Angel!)
X x
Oh Bree You are so gorgeous!! Miss You More xXx
The only downside sweetheart is that you've now seen Angel, aka The Master, so any poor girl seeing you afterwards has a hell of a job to do to keep the bar so high! (I'm speaking from experience - I'd always die a little bit inside when a client said he'd seen Angel previously... I've seen and experienced her massage - the lady is a machine!). One of my favourite all time sessions was doing a double massage with Angel - the gent didnt know what hit him! Priceless!
(Miss you Angel!)
X x
And Bree he loved The Two Girl Experience!!! Your Touch My Friend is Sensational!!!! xxx
Thank You for your 2hour booking on Thursday 4th December nextplease69 My Very Last Booking for Angel ty ty ty =)!!! Very Much
Now why did you have to go and say that for...
Great, now that's going to be stuck in my head until I do something about it.
Yep, the ideas stuck there now...
Oh well, guess I'm just going to have to look at having some double trouble now.

Seriously though, I think that that could possibly be sensory overload and you know what happens to things when they overload;)
And Yes We Do....=) Double Trouble I Love It!! Bree and I Were BIG TROUBLE LOL =). Gorgeous Celtic Beauty That She Is <4

I won't lie, I do love a good Scottish accent on a woman. Even those crazy Glasgow ones that take me 5 min to translate what the heck they were saying.
There's a gorgeous young Scot lassie on 'The Ultimate Fighter' at the moment, with the most infatuating accent...
Mmmmm accents....
That would make a good thread actually, what's every bodies favourite accent?
Irish and Scottish and lucky me I hv both running through these veins =) Irish the most though plus they crack me up and hv same Wrk ethnic's like most Maori do =)
Well theres a few of my amazing colleagues who could pair with Angel and blow your minds! In fact any pairing of some of the ladies I work with makes for a great weakness of the knees (and a strengthening in... well... other places)
You are also good at Wat you do Alex it is an art form as you know and with the right mindset and intention both You and a client will have an incredibly intimate experience with respect and consideration towards each other. I can not wait to see all the different styles and therapists at work on the night. So much to be learning. Angel =)
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I am available at PT tonight Sun tues Wed and My Very Last Day at Perfect Touch Thursday Dec 4th 5-close come on guys/gals book me out let's go out with a Big Bang!!! =)

This is her Bree....
Gorgeous and feisty! What a mix!

Is your accent similar?
There's actually a Scottish accent challenge on youtube you can do.
Perhaps you could post an audio file for us, saying the words from the challenge for us to hear your beautiful accent?:shy:
This is her Bree....
Gorgeous and feisty! What a mix!

Is your accent similar?
There's actually a Scottish accent challenge on youtube you can do.
Perhaps you could post an audio file for us, saying the words from the challenge for us to hear your beautiful accent?:shy:
Aw she's a cutie! I'd love to oblige with an audio but I'm not so sure my mum would appreciate it should she get wind of my voice on a sex forum! Haha! As a consolation however, Rudyboy (the boss of Perfect Touch) is Scottish, and I'm sure he'd LOVE to do a sexy audio clip for the talkinsex team!
X x
Hi all,

So I was bored when working away recently and spent some time creating a map of some of the massage places and people talked about in the forums. Let me know what you think :)

Admins - apologies in advance if this isn't allowed but I only listed places that were freely discussed in the forums.

Also just realised that because of the forum changes,my links may not be correct.

Thankyou for putting me on the map "lovemeamassage" :D:kiss:
Hi all,

So I was bored when working away recently and spent some time creating a map of some of the massage places and people talked about in the forums. Let me know what you think :)

Admins - apologies in advance if this isn't allowed but I only listed places that were freely discussed in the forums.

Also just realised that because of the forum changes,my links may not be correct.

Great effort mate! thanks for that, makes life so easier
Fantastic map, I never new there was a couple of places so close to home, no more 1/2 hr drives now
Friday 19th Naughty Office Party

Saturday 20th Sexy Saturday

Friday 26th Boxingday recovery therapy party

Wednesday 31st NYE Cinderella ball – ticket sales only all inclusive

Saturday 3rd Lingerie and underwear

Friday 9th pool party

Saturday 10th Swinging Saturdays

Please email for more information