Inspired by a post recently by
@Phil.Davis, I thought I'd do one of these as well.
I've been punting for I think 5-6 years now. It all started when I was doing FIFO to a job in Port Hedland and a few of us (work mates) heard of Gems, the brothel up there. We drove past, didn't go in, but it piqued my interest. So I started on Google trying to look for reviews of the ladies that worked at Gems and the first site I came across was talkinsex.
I think my first punt was at one of the AMPs in Hulme Court. I saw a great lady (can't remember her name) and ended up going back to her 4-5 times. Then I started venturing out.
I've had some great punts, and plenty of times where money was a complete waste. And now due to personal circumstances, and of course money, I'm looking at 'quitting the game'.
I'm considering one last punt, and a two-girl session is still something I'm yet to experience in my life, so who knows. It's been fun and frustrating all rolled in to one, and I'll try and stay part of the community, as long as the temptation doesn't lure me back in.