saw hannah last week
went there after a migraine, which i thought was a good idea but by the time of my arrival i wasnt really up for it. sometimes its best not to visit a lady too far from where u start the drive because it gives u too much time to second guess yourself when u know ure not really in the mood.
good set-up in granny flat but didn't really feel the vibe. crappy massage but that couldve been because i didnt want much oil to be used. english is poor-ish.
shes cheap as chips. 5 feet tall. soft skin and well toned. i paid for nude. at one point i mouthed her breasts but i may have gone in too hard because i saw a reflection of her grimaced face in the mirror. no d-stairs roaming allowed on this first visit for me. has a unique style where she immediately gets down to panties and a tight top and massages u while shes also on the table. i dont reckon shes chinese but i didnt get a clear look because i saw her as the sun was setting and under dim lights. her vocal tone and body shape tells me shes probably a light/ish skinned Thai. pleasant woman, but i thought she was a bit distant and quirky
i must also mention the stretch of gt eastern hwy between the cas and her place. looks great. hadnt driven it for 10 yrs. theyve really jazzed it up.
on the way home i went in to maccas belmont. they dont want u to talk to humans in there. u cant order at counter. u walk in and order on a screen, then u hand them ur ticket in exchange for a bag of food. ppl won't be needed there soon - robots will prepare the food. the world is changing