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World's best Vibrator




I'm a big believer in warranties... Healthy and Relaxed don't offer a warranty on their Hitachi Magic Wand (I emailed them and asked them after I read Sophia's post) - the Hitachi warranty is invalid for ones bought in Australia, whereas the Medisil Magic Touch copy comes with a warranty - and more exciting still it has a silicone cap. Bring on the lube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still waiting for mine - I'm told it will be here next week. I'm going to take a week off work when it arrives :laughing4.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
You will love it, did you purchase from health and beauty or our link to Down Under Sex Toys. We should stay loyal to these ladies, they were the only supplier I could into bringing some to Australia 6 years ago, all the big boys in the industry that I approached said Mary-Anne not enough profit in it, we are interested in profit not giving the Australian woman the best pleasure....true story or very similar words from our WA SEX SHOP INTERNET SUPPLIER NO NAMES MENTIONED OF COURSE.
I forgot, once you get your Betty start saving for the EROSCILLATOR, the TWO TOGETHER ARE LIKE DRIVING A FERRAI ACTUALLY BETTER....mine arrived 2 weeks ago and been tested by three friends already, nearly swapped my Betty and my eroscillator for a boat the other day....true story.LOL I WILL BE HOSTING TWO SMALL SEMINARS FOR THE INDUSTRY IN LATE JULY IN PERTH AND INTEND TO DEMONSTRATE THESE BEAUTIES WORKING TOGETHER, would both be fantastic tools of the trade for all sex workers, MEN CAN HAVE AS MUCH FUN WITH THEM AS WOMAN DURING COUPLE PLAY>>>>>
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No, I ordered mine from The Pleasure Box. I've just been to one of their parties - highly recommend them. Much better than the adultshop junk ones (how the hell is a penis shaped ice cube tray going to make me cum?!;D).

Tell me about the Erosillator. It sounds mind blowing.


I've had my Hitachi Magic Wand for many years now and it's showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon! Yes I also know that the Hitachi 12 month warranty is only valid within the US but from what I know about them, the Hitachi's are very reliable and made to last. So unless you were to seriously abuse your unit, you will be 'glowing' for a very long time.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I will start a new post and tell you about the eroscillator shortly, if impatient click on the link at the top of the forum.


Hmmm i have pretty much killed my bunny rabbit now (the connections on the battery thing dont meet properly anymore so it turns off at random times. Very frustrating!) so may need to invest in one of these. Wonder if their is a way i could justify it as a school purchase.

Stress relief maybe?




Guess who got her new Medisil Magic Touch? OH MY F$%KING GOD! Every woman should have one.

Very, very impressed. Will bury all my other toys now. Well, may not ALL of them (can't see me carrying the Magic Touch in my handbag out to dinner - you never know where the evening will end up :icon_blow).

I know there's been a bit of conjecture on this thread about where to buy. I say JUST BUY IT!!!!!! I got a good deal from www.pleasurebox.com.au - they're offering free postage and g-spot attachment which saved me $70+ which will come in handy cos now I'll have to take a week off work so I can play some more.

Downunder Toys are great too (I have some of their toys too) - and from what I've read from Maryanne, are great supporters of this website - so we should support them too.

As for the Hitachi Magic Wand - I've heard that retailers in Australia have bought them through the black market - which is why Hitachi won't provide a warranty.

Death to Hitachi - long live the Medisil.


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Great to hear you are in love. Down Under Toys are the distrubitor of Medisel for Australia so "pleasure box" buy from them, Down Under Toys are $30 cheaper the last time I looked, but it is not important where members get the "Aussie Wand" just get one ladies & couples, they are a fantastic toy.


Downunder Toys have them for $199 - but you have to pay an extra $69 for g-spot (pleasure box has it included in the $199). Toolshed have them for $249, but again, you have to pay extra for the g-spot attachment.

Go shopping ladies and gentlemen. Although I do warn you - if you have any loose fillings you may need dental treatment. It wasn't just my clitoris that got a shakin'!


Hitachi Magic Wand

It's so nice to find a forum with other people raving about the Hitachi Magic Wand. I keep telling my friends to get one (both attached and single ones) and they don't listen.... they don't understand!!! lol

I will persist, maybe I should tell the men in their lives to get them one for their birthday's.

I seriously believe the Hitachi Magic Wand is one of the best kept secrets for the BEST and easiest orgasms ever!!!
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My wife has a medisil magic touch & a sybian the vibrations are quit similer eather way she cums hard


Do you guys find the magic touch noisy my wife wanted a vibrator with strong vibrations but not as loud as the sybian and it was allmost the same

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
It is loud and takes some adjusting to the noise. You need to recondition your thought process to say the noise is great, and then you really get the pleasure it can give. I find people my age worry about the noise because we had to be so private in our teens. When we suppress the natural noises that great feelings make, we also supress the enjoyment we can recieve. Experiment...test ..test until you get it perfect..you will probably both learn to verbalize sex more at the same time.


Foundation Member
Re: Hitachi Magic Wand

It's so nice to find a forum with other people raving about the Hitachi Magic Wand. I keep telling my friends to get one (both attached and single ones) and they don't listen.... they don't understand!!! lol

I will persist, maybe I should tell the men in their lives to get them one for their birthday's.

I seriously believe the Hitachi Magic Wand is one of the best kept secrets for the BEST and easiest orgasms ever!!!

I thoroughly agree with this quote. In fact have managed to convince some of my friends to buy the magic wand. We've got the one with the transformer which is a pain to carry around but have packed it in our suitcase at times. Iamagine what the people at the airport scanning suitcases must have thought...


When my wifes sybian went throu customs in sydney they contacted me to pay duty the last thing the lady said was have a good time and we did.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I carry my Medsil "the Austalian Hitachi in my hand luggage, many a time after going throught the scan they want to view my micrphone...I have fun telling them its my girlfriend "betty"


A friend recently bought a Magic Touch from Down Under. Said it isn't as good as the Hitachi which wouldn't surprise me. How could ANYTHING be as good (other than the real thing of course) lol


Would be good to get some feedback one year later. Is the Magic Touch a real competitor for the Magic Wand? Is it better - or, just as good as (without the transformer)?


Silver Member
In my opinion, when all is working well then there's no difference between the two. The Australian version seems less robust though, and prone to developing excessive vibration (yes, yes, I know - I'm talking about the sort you don't want, in the handle rather than the head).

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I was talking with the owner of Down Under who have resourced the Australian Hitachi.
She said the first batch had problems with excessive vibrations.
They have now sorted out the problem and will have a new batch arrive in Febuary so worth waiting for the new ones.


i got one of these for my wife... its awesome. gets her off in like 3 mins. never gotten off before.


any particular reason why this one is better than other? is it the vibration intensity? has anyone tried the g-spot attachment? been looking for a good g-spot toy and i have yet to find one that works :(


Wondering if anyone tried the Osim ipampere as an alternative to the Magic Wand. Sells retail for $199. It blows hot air at the same time.

Thinking of getting one for my wife but would be good to hear any feedback beforehand.


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
I brought 2 Hitachis back from US with me last month
Kept one sold the other in a flash
Lesbian g/f loves it :)


sounds like a great piece of equipment,might get one for my back.gets a bit tight at times


BTW: I've started to see objects that look more and more like vibrators being sold in pharmacies... Can't wait until there's an entire isle dedicated!


I actually stumbled across this forum searching for one of these Medsils for the other half, though it seems at present there is some difficulty sourcing them, all stockists seem to be claiming some delivery issues, is anyone able to direct me to somewhere with stock at present, otherwise some more concrete info as to when the new shipment should be arriving.

lol, noticed some concern earlier in the thread about gushers getting shocked..... welll if I can get my hands on one, the mrs will find out in a hurry hahaha