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Why sex is so important,,my theory....


Legend Member
It's once every six weeks for me at the moment and is sending me crazy, need daily :0, can't wait till I move to Perth :)


Gold Member
Sex is like Sweets for me got to have my treats it makes me feal special without it i go into withdrawals.......;D


Legend Member
Sex is like Sweets for me got to have my treats it makes me feal special without it i go into withdrawals.......;D

I am having withdrawal syndrome now...not able to deposit. lol...damn i see clams everywhere...


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy I do agree, Just like a lovely Rum, all sweet as you pour them down Hmmmmmm Yep I am addicted to Rum

Sex is like Sweets for me got to have my treats it makes me feal special without it i go into withdrawals.......;D


Gold Member
"Its getting Hot in Here" add a sprinkle of spice and we will have fantastic combination.....:)))


Gold Member
in my opinion, and my opinion only after years of surrounding myself in this subject - sex is; and should be considered - a benchmark of all things health related.

And therefore from what I've gathered, yes, whilst it is still important to maintain those 75kg bench pressing regimes, but at the end of it all - there is just nothing else I would find that would be in a form of a "test" that simply in itself - "test" of how we both enjoy (pleasure, intimacy) and endure (strength, virility, endurance) life..

I'd like to call sex simply as a test; of all 'tests'. Because whilst sure I am no doctor - but logic prevails especially from a personal experience once you put all things into one, single, whole perspective - no matter if whether you are interested in the biology of things (physics and science) or simply just in the mind-over-matter of things (psychology, beliefs) - regardless to me there is just simply nothing else in the whole wide world that doesn't justify sex as a hidden, underlying aspect of almost everything we live for.

In other words, everything we live for; is all comes down how we relate and connect to one another in a simple, yet highly complex act that there is simply nothing else can compare to it. Because for a simple reason, there is just nothing like it.


Let's see within each and every bedroom acts, it :

- tests the strength, and endurance for all muscular groups; obviously. Especially within the legs. If you google enough research, the legs are; generally speaking - where primarily the most abundant "sex" hormone testosterone are produced.
- tests the effectiveness, and health of nearly all of organic / bodily systems, especially in the moment/s of it; besides especially just reproductive system (respiratory, circulatory, nervous, muscular, skeletal, and yes - including digestive)
- in the event/s of anticipation before the moment/s of it, ie. the 'outer-course' or simply 'foreplay' - it tests nearly all of our organs; and their relative long-term effectiveness (the brain, heart, kidneys, liver; and what I personally believe as the 'secondary brain' - our thyroid gland).

Now, the above are more or less mainly covers the physical aspects of it. Now for the psychological aspects, which is just as important - sex:

- tests your balance for a healthy levels of all neurotransmitters in the brain. Dopamine, serotonin, etc. All of these comes into play. Even cortisol; the negative stress hormone; comes as a factor.
- on the psychological outcomes; it tests your level of overall satisfaction with yourself; whether it be your own values, or belief systems, or simply a way to assess your own level of confidence.
- provides a way, or a method, of- influence & discovery. This could be anything. For anyone out there who has never had sex; again, this could be a discovery of almost so many things.
<- this I must say comes very important as per my past history. I never knew I had so many 'problems', physical & mental wise / that I have had to live with ignorance for nearly two decades only until someone else have helped me discover what those were.


So in short, sex is unlike anything else in life that we both live and attest to. Even if it comes as an opportunity ever so sparingly for the disadvantaged or the unpriviledged many - it is still deservedly special because it is simply a way of being 'human'. And unfortunately, not everyone has a "knack" or a "gift" of everything of what they have; either in themselves, their health or their external wealth in delivering and enjoying the acts of it.


Legend Member
Spot on Honestman, I couldn't agree more. I've always used running as a benchmark for my physical health but as you pointed out, sex is a bench mark of all things health related, it's just a shame that for something so necessary to one's overall health that it should be so difficult to obtain on a regular basis.


Gold Member
Armada - if you are reading this perhaps you might be confused as to why I personally mentioned to you earlier in the forum meet and greet that I "absolutely" adore the acts of it, or simply sex, for the lack of better words. Even though I'm absolutely simplistic in my way of preferences and by no means I want it every single day and being Peter North 24/7 :(.

Well I should've also perhaps; on that day better mentioned / elaborated long enough for the fact that on the acts of sex; no matter how vitally important it is as I see it as a window to one's health - it is by no means an end all, and be all solution to achieve satisfaction in life between people. For one thing, general flirting, ie, the outer-course element/s in the way; or an approach to have liken someone to me is just as important than the physical translation itself. Sex is may very well be an important product of a certain emotional makeup between two people - but I read somewhere (yes, as much as I slightly grow a little tired of reading those "how to pleasure your woman 101",and all those David De Angelo wannabes = PUAs are dicks IMO) - this line out of some youtube videos clearly cuts it so differently as it goes along these lines:

"In life; foreplay should be a never ending-cycle. It should be expressed and embraced as part of your daily lives."

One thing that I clearly remembered from the vid was that foreplay is a cycle that should "never ends"...Until the end of our time perhaps? Let's leave that as an open-ended statement for everyone to ponder about :). Unfortunately at the end of that vid was a big click here to buy yet another '101' e-book.


PS. Dallas & Paris - thx for your feedbacks! I'm perhaps no more differently seen than those loner but serious looking people either at work, at home, or in the gym - but still one thing that I don't yet realise is that people don't talk about these things with others more often! At least in a shared collective, open but like minded environment where most would be comfortable to these things. Remember though that the very word sex itself is still generally both frowned and disgusted upon in the minds of millions. It's pressure to them I understand; and as I too get pressured as age and time goes by but still at the end of the day people just need to be more 'open' and 'work' towards what they want.


Silver Member
Honestman.. While I agree with what you say, the idea to discuss "sex" I think is harder now than in years gone by... Political correctness and sexual harassment in the work place has stifled it I believe.

Another thing I believe is that while women have become more open about sex and their wants and needs men have started to shy away from it! "My opinion".

Women now say what they want and I think men worry they can't deliver the goods(maybe not all) or they find it too confronting. Vivien says " Daily for me even if its just animal bent over the table mmm..." Well yes but who instigates it now? I still find women cryptic when they say this because not all are like Vivien and not all will say it out loud.. I'm still at a loss after all these years! lol

I read forums and women are more open about things yet try and find one who'll say it openly or in quiet conversation and it's dead silent!

I think I've giving myself a headache now! :)


Legend Member
I read forums and women are more open about things yet try and find one who'll say it openly or in quiet conversation and it's dead silent!

I have a solution for this, take your date to the Langtrees lounge, then when everyone else is being asked, "so do you wanna get a room"? she'll feel left out if she doesn't ask too! ;-)) View attachment 13480


Legend Member
Ahh good point, you could say that you were after some new plants for the garden and this was the biggest supply of Lang trees in town and the customer service was awesome ;-))

Here is a couple of Lang Trees by the way...

View attachment 13481