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What would you do



Re: what wood you do

hi i am 34 and my wife will only have sex when she wants to .....but i need sex every day or two ...we have talked abought it but she thinks i have just get on with it and stop asking it s fucked.....and now my dick is fucking up my life.....please help me!

This is such a common problem....however I think we need to delve further into your wifes psyche then just asking......it may take some time but you need to appeal to her womanly side....romance, romance, romance (including good champagne!!!!)....make her feel beautiful, sexy and appreciated...put the time in and she should recognise the effort you are going through.... SHe is probably at the point because you have been asking her so much almost nagging (which is understandable...we all have needs it is animal & primal....)but now she is thinking you dont want to make love to me you just want your own needs fulfilled AND for a woman who is dinterestedin sex anyway that is pushing her further and further away.

Failing this she may have hormanal problems??...what about body issues??...if you are dedicated to your marraige what about a sex therapist or relationship councillor...

As for cancer comment...in my opinion diseases affect us when we are at DIS_EASE with ourselves..the realtionship between the mind and physical ailments and the power of thoughts and emotions to influence our physical health. As Hippocrates once wrote, "The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." So the nuns having been unfullilling an important part of there psyce..could well be very true.

I wish you all the best of luck xx

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Re: what wood you do

Dylan I am curious who did you ban, I hope it wasn't Caroline, I am not in favor of banning unless they have been severly warned and like to be asked on banning before moderators hit the buttons, a open forum has to be open for all.

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Re: what wood you do

I banned her for creating multiple accounts just to reply to this thread & use absolutely appalling language to call another member names I do not wish to repeat. Carl & Loneroad are aware & It upset quite a few other members who messaged me.


Re: what wood you do

That is a common issue in most marriages.
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Gold Member
Re: what wood you do

I know everyone will probably think I am a male chauvanist pig for saying this, but why is it always the male that has to tread softly and work around the woman's emotional needs, treat her with kid gloves and accept that his needs are less important than his partners? Believe it or not, men have an emotional side too. We get upset and depressed when our needs aren't met but we're not allowed to admit that because it's not "manly". We just have to "get over it". Just because we get an erection at the drop of a hat, doesn't mean we necessarily want sex every five minutes either. Believe it or not, sometimes it can be a bit of a chore for us too!

Alecia the Foxx

Re: what wood you do

If you are the one wanting sex, and she is indifferent, then you are the one who has to tread carefully so that you get what you want. It aint rocket science for crying out loud. Is it fair? Who knows? Life isn't fair, so get over it.


Bronze Member
Re: what wood you do

Sex begins in the kitchen kink. You've got to 'put out' when it comes to the chores my man... Nothing sexier to a woman than a man who takes care of business.... and then take care of business you will.


Gold Member
Re: what wood you do

Hey I just read this great thread and had to comment. Contrary to what some people believe, it is very normal what you're going through. And it is far from what leads a person to paedophilia and the like... never heard so much rubbish in all my life.

Just stick through it mate. If you love your wife, be patient. Maybe see some professional girls in the meantime to get you through this tough time. It'll all work out the way it's supposed to.

Whatever you do.... if you love your wife, don't pick up some random at a bar, or have an affair. Feelings start to get involved and that sort of cheating will be with you for the rest of your life! A professional doesn't involve feelings and it's the perfect interim solution. Ask yourself... "Do I want to grow old with this woman?" If the answer is yes, then be patient and don't let her go. It's not worth a bit of meaningless sex. You'll work it out... Good luck!


Re: what wood you do

get a wl or if you don't want to spend a lot..then go to some naughty chatrooms or friends on fb or twitter..for sure you're not alone..there are some ladies there would love to go on casual sex....i've tried it once..:)
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Tania Admin

Re: what wood you do

Awesome advice by yourself and Saige,,I really hope their advice helps you and your wife through :)