John Jefferson
Silver Member
Bro, stereotypes exist for a reason.
Staff below your position!? Dear me,you are in a different world!pretty sure most of you guys know where Genki Massage is.
just want to get this off my chest. still mad and fuming about this.
tried to book this girl named Yoru, unsure if she is japanese or chinese. booked it via WeChat, and i really looking forward to go there. but then a few minutes later, the admin asked me if im CHINESE or INDIANS, i asked her back, does it matter? and WHY? she did not reply, but since i persisted, she said Yoru prefers non CHINESE and INDIANS. i replied back, look, does she want more money? and anyway, she only does erotic massage, plus the shower, and no kissing and no FS. i even counter, just jerk me off I'm not touching her body at all. the admin said NO NO and NO. what the??????
does anyone ever tried her? is she that special? i feel so slighted, demeaned, belittled, etc. this feels like Japan, where racism is still accepted, the norm and totally fine with the society. of all the races, why CHINESE and INDIANS???
man, I'm so pissed. not talkin about GF-BF relationship, or consensual sex partner. in talkin bout paid prostitutes and no previous negative experience with Yoru too. i don't have the stats, but is it most CHINESE and INDIANS are rude, demeaning and whatnot?
personally, as half chinese, i always respect prostitutes, like i respect my co-workers or even the staff below my positions. if they say NO, i stopped immediately. if they say don't DO it, i affirm to it. i never demean or belittle this profession, even though some people think it is a low rank job. but why would a prostitute even want to choose the client, even though she is the one who GETS the money, not SPEND it? truly unfathomable to me. i DO NOT agree if most CHINESE or INDIANS are bad customers, maybe some are behaving bad, but i believe all races have some too.
what do you guys think? any similar experience like mine? i feel like this is over the top, especially in australia, super unacceptable.
I’m pretty sure you have missed the point mate. You say you respect everyone then respect this “her body her choice”. Working in this industry does not take away her right to choose. It is also very worrisome that you imply your wallet takes away the lady’s right to consent. My opinion is that respectfully she saved you time, you didn’t have to drive there & find out too late she won’t see you. “Prostitutes” as prefer to call them are human beings with the same rights as you. Lastly why would ever want to be intimate with someone who is uncomfortable with you.pretty sure most of you guys know where Genki Massage is.
just want to get this off my chest. still mad and fuming about this.
tried to book this girl named Yoru, unsure if she is japanese or chinese. booked it via WeChat, and i really looking forward to go there. but then a few minutes later, the admin asked me if im CHINESE or INDIANS, i asked her back, does it matter? and WHY? she did not reply, but since i persisted, she said Yoru prefers non CHINESE and INDIANS. i replied back, look, does she want more money? and anyway, she only does erotic massage, plus the shower, and no kissing and no FS. i even counter, just jerk me off I'm not touching her body at all. the admin said NO NO and NO. what the??????
does anyone ever tried her? is she that special? i feel so slighted, demeaned, belittled, etc. this feels like Japan, where racism is still accepted, the norm and totally fine with the society. of all the races, why CHINESE and INDIANS???
man, I'm so pissed. not talkin about GF-BF relationship, or consensual sex partner. in talkin bout paid prostitutes and no previous negative experience with Yoru too. i don't have the stats, but is it most CHINESE and INDIANS are rude, demeaning and whatnot?
personally, as half chinese, i always respect prostitutes, like i respect my co-workers or even the staff below my positions. if they say NO, i stopped immediately. if they say don't DO it, i affirm to it. i never demean or belittle this profession, even though some people think it is a low rank job. but why would a prostitute even want to choose the client, even though she is the one who GETS the money, not SPEND it? truly unfathomable to me. i DO NOT agree if most CHINESE or INDIANS are bad customers, maybe some are behaving bad, but i believe all races have some too.
what do you guys think? any similar experience like mine? i feel like this is over the top, especially in australia, super unacceptable.
Jog on matepretty sure most of you guys know where Genki Massage is.
just want to get this off my chest. still mad and fuming about this.
tried to book this girl named Yoru, unsure if she is japanese or chinese. booked it via WeChat, and i really looking forward to go there. but then a few minutes later, the admin asked me if im CHINESE or INDIANS, i asked her back, does it matter? and WHY? she did not reply, but since i persisted, she said Yoru prefers non CHINESE and INDIANS. i replied back, look, does she want more money? and anyway, she only does erotic massage, plus the shower, and no kissing and no FS. i even counter, just jerk me off I'm not touching her body at all. the admin said NO NO and NO. what the??????
does anyone ever tried her? is she that special? i feel so slighted, demeaned, belittled, etc. this feels like Japan, where racism is still accepted, the norm and totally fine with the society. of all the races, why CHINESE and INDIANS???
man, I'm so pissed. not talkin about GF-BF relationship, or consensual sex partner. in talkin bout paid prostitutes and no previous negative experience with Yoru too. i don't have the stats, but is it most CHINESE and INDIANS are rude, demeaning and whatnot?
personally, as half chinese, i always respect prostitutes, like i respect my co-workers or even the staff below my positions. if they say NO, i stopped immediately. if they say don't DO it, i affirm to it. i never demean or belittle this profession, even though some people think it is a low rank job. but why would a prostitute even want to choose the client, even though she is the one who GETS the money, not SPEND it? truly unfathomable to me. i DO NOT agree if most CHINESE or INDIANS are bad customers, maybe some are behaving bad, but i believe all races have some too.
what do you guys think? any similar experience like mine? i feel like this is over the top, especially in australia, super unacceptable.
Sure thing, lots of fish out there. Apparently, only Yoru has this policy. It is her lost...I don't recommend using the word prostitute mate. We're a respectful bunch here. Their bodies their choice. I would prefer a lady was comfortable & if something to do with my race triggered her or withdrew consent I would rather that was established before the meet. I don't want to pay for a meet that the girl in question didn't want to do for whatever reasons.
Plenty more fish in the sea mate better luck next time