I will post on this site for the first time.
I want to convey her wonderfulness.
5 Oxford Cl, West Leederville WA 6007 I went for a healthy massage in Australia.
I reserved a new Japanese girl fuyu for 1 hour.
As soon as I entered the room, she greeted me very cheerfully and introduced myself. Her smile eased the tension a little.
First of all, the two of us went to the shower room and washed each other's bodies, and my son became beautiful and energetic.
When I went to bed, she gave me a body massage with her hands. Her very large breasts were pressed against her back like a sucker, making my son even more excited. Her body is very soft and pleasant.
I was told that the blowjob was an extra $50 without rubber, so I tried it. Her blowjob felt really good, and I was desperate to endure it.
Her technique is really great. She licked everything from her dick to her balls, which was an unbelievable surprise.
The flow to sex was also very smooth, and when I finally put it inside her, it was very warm and tight.
Even after it was over, we had a very good time hugging and kissing. She said October 24 was the last day. By then, I will go to see her again.
Everyone, please try her. She is a really wonderful Japanese girl.