I just find it strange that when Julia Gillard ( I care not about her politics etc) she was treated abominably by so many in parliament and media etc And I notice none of the sisterhood ever came to her defence
Now there was a chance for the downtrodden and their champions to rise to the defence of their own and say enough is enough but the silence was deafening
I could confidently say that if you live for another 100 years, Australia will never have another female PM, Julie Bishop wont put up her hand and she even knows what she will cop in reverse, Its a male dominated arena is politics and in Australia we have a PM that his own mother walked out on him which I don't blame her imagine a son like Malcolm so he is getting his own back on the sisterhood, Merkle may have her issues right now but Germany has done well under her, The UK has its 2nd Female PM, There is just a pure hatred of successful women in Australia and women need to prove themselves on Merit to get a head, NOT like men that men go have a round of golf MEN only and give other men roles in backroom deals or in other c*cksucking, I just had a meeting all men it was one massive penis size competition what woman wants to enter that world, Male egos are whats is killing the place, but ironic thing is Women need to earn more and more cash to keep houses, families etc etc, WHY because men keep putting the price up and thinking people can magically make more money and can keep on absorbing higher costs etc etc, BUT then men keep women's wages lower which in turn impact the family home and family too, with an ever decreasing amount of extra cash, Men need to get with the time realize a woman's full potential let her be her own woman and lead like one, and give her equal pay, and the reason why women dont look busy as men at work is women get shit done and do it once, not have to have meeting after meeting for hours on end talking about the same issues, without results.... Women can multitask at work because they have to on the way to work, at work, on the way home women have to do this 24/7/365 men don't, Why does Westfield put lounges in shopping centres, so men can sit on there ass while the wife goes shopping, then they complain about what she spent, and what she bought, BUT hey its all okay for him to order a 350 Chev for his new speedboat for the boys to enjoy..... And we wonder why women dont want us, and are choosing to date other women over men........ ...