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I'm so confused. So if a girl wants to just go it on her own, posts her own ads, and work in hotels or a friends house or something can she do it? Or does it have to be at her own place? Or what's the rules... I'm to dumb to follow I think, bahhahah.... :D :D Do girls in WA need an escort license for this like other places? Someone set me straight.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I'm so confused. So if a girl wants to just go it on her own, posts her own ads, and work in hotels or a friends house or something can she do it? Or does it have to be at her own place? Or what's the rules... I'm to dumb to follow I think, bahhahah.... :D :D Do girls in WA need an escort license for this like other places? Someone set me straight.

If your running a business you should know the answer it's intersting that a punter is asking about laws effecting workers
It's sounds like your refusing to laws in QLD


If your running a business you should know the answer it's intersting that a punter is asking about laws effecting workers
It's sounds like your refusing to laws in QLD
I don't understand? Isn't this where to ask things if your curious? Seems that its a grey area so I was just interested. Been following a lot of threads but can't really figure it out. Is it the same for men too?

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I don't understand? Isn't this where to ask things if your curious? Seems that its a grey area so I was just interested. Been following a lot of threads but can't really figure it out. Is it the same for men too?

All of your post seam to be promoting a certain business luv
All genuine questions are welcomed here as I'm in SA I not fully understanding of WA current laws Scarlet Alliance website may have current info or perhaps someone working in the industry in WA or have sound knowledge can answer you


You again? I haven't promoted anything... I've asked about AMPs in Vic park or South Perth, and I asked a question here. Can you just leave me alone so I can talk to the people in the know about my area and whats available as I've been doing. If anything other than what OTHER people have been mentioning is available in my specific area, then they'll tell me, so far they've told me one business, and one person. So chill. Thanks.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Excuse me how dare you refer to me as 'You again" how about you show some respect cause in my time here on the forum I have bloody earned it.

Now I can see you are new here and have the intent in promoting a set business all most all of your post mention it lol and others can see the same darling and there is a clear pattern of this same business being caught out self promoting under different profile 3 that I have picked. We are not idiots here on TS nor referring to a person as 'you again' polite. I am an active member of this forum we treat people with respect.

I could be wrong in what your agenda is here but very rarely am I wrong. So stop with the boyish act cause it aren't working luv

End of rant


Foundation Member
Nothing about the proposed laws has been enacted so far and probably never will be. Certainly Mr Barnett and his mates won't want this issue rearing its head at the upcoming state election and neither will the labor party.

It will just sit on the back burner and simmer away until someone needs a distraction from some piece of stupidity or dishonesty and gives it another stir.


Legend Member
Nice to see you again Mr Gali
Yes I have to agree It is one of those topics neither party has the gumption deal with
Agree or disagree with the Victorian model But at least one government has tried to deal with the subject For good or ill I don't know


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
What it all boils down to is: A group of suits "Aka MEN" trying to dictate once again over women and women's fundamental rights as human beings to do what they wish with there bodies and lives in general, men can accept and take a son to a brothel for an 18th on one hand BUT want to control a woman and her total life including reproductive rights with the other one and or if she wishes to sell her body for sex, and OH if that same man has daughters then hands off her UNTIL he has that special talk with that male child that wants to date her.... Men need to STFU really and let women do what ever they like and whom with and what for etc etc, Why is women have to justify everything they do and fight tooth and nail for equality and even something as simple as having sex with someone in exchange of money or gifts.... BUT men never have to do this..... Its like Politics Women need to get there on Merit BUT men get there on being a total failure and being dictators in doing so.

Men need to back off and let women decide and sort out what a woman can do with her body, maybe then the BS will end....... What is going to happen like all other industries controlled by men it eventually turns to crap.....

We all know what the WA Government REALLY desires is for places like Club316, Esquires, langtrees to cease to exist and have those ladies out of work BUT working in dead end jobs for men and not themselves.......


Legend Member
I just find it strange that when Julia Gillard ( I care not about her politics etc) she was treated abominably by so many in parliament and media etc And I notice none of the sisterhood ever came to her defence
Now there was a chance for the downtrodden and their champions to rise to the defence of their own and say enough is enough but the silence was deafening


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
I just find it strange that when Julia Gillard ( I care not about her politics etc) she was treated abominably by so many in parliament and media etc And I notice none of the sisterhood ever came to her defence
Now there was a chance for the downtrodden and their champions to rise to the defence of their own and say enough is enough but the silence was deafening

I could confidently say that if you live for another 100 years, Australia will never have another female PM, Julie Bishop wont put up her hand and she even knows what she will cop in reverse, Its a male dominated arena is politics and in Australia we have a PM that his own mother walked out on him which I don't blame her imagine a son like Malcolm so he is getting his own back on the sisterhood, Merkle may have her issues right now but Germany has done well under her, The UK has its 2nd Female PM, There is just a pure hatred of successful women in Australia and women need to prove themselves on Merit to get a head, NOT like men that men go have a round of golf MEN only and give other men roles in backroom deals or in other c*cksucking, I just had a meeting all men it was one massive penis size competition what woman wants to enter that world, Male egos are whats is killing the place, but ironic thing is Women need to earn more and more cash to keep houses, families etc etc, WHY because men keep putting the price up and thinking people can magically make more money and can keep on absorbing higher costs etc etc, BUT then men keep women's wages lower which in turn impact the family home and family too, with an ever decreasing amount of extra cash, Men need to get with the time realize a woman's full potential let her be her own woman and lead like one, and give her equal pay, and the reason why women dont look busy as men at work is women get shit done and do it once, not have to have meeting after meeting for hours on end talking about the same issues, without results.... Women can multitask at work because they have to on the way to work, at work, on the way home women have to do this 24/7/365 men don't, Why does Westfield put lounges in shopping centres, so men can sit on there ass while the wife goes shopping, then they complain about what she spent, and what she bought, BUT hey its all okay for him to order a 350 Chev for his new speedboat for the boys to enjoy..... And we wonder why women dont want us, and are choosing to date other women over men........ ...


Legend Member
Well not only to many eostrogen pills but a double dose of testosterone as well
As they say methinks you dont know if you're Arthur or Martha
But I'd still open the door for you Even if it means getting shouted down for being a chauvanistic pig


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Well not only to many eostrogen pills but a double dose of testosterone as well
As they say methinks you dont know if you're Arthur or Martha
But I'd still open the door for you Even if it means getting shouted down for being a chauvanistic pig

You can open the door, but I may slam it in your face by slight of hand.....

Maybe I am just one sided too much....


Legend Member
Well your diatribes do put people offside and weaken the cause as people take you as a bad joke
Just good for a wry smile


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
Don't pick on the sheep
Besides you bleat enough for all of them

Just for maybe a bored farmer over summer..

Link is not working, so has been taken down
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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Talking Turkey Moderator
I suppose even folks in the twilight years can still learn, so the can't teach an old dog new tricks myth is busted....

Casey Delicious

Casey Delicious
Gold Member
have to admit I have not keep up to date with all the new changes. I have just downloaded the 45 pages New Laws and it will make interesting bedtime reading.
If any one wants to access the laws follow this link
Link for legislation is Link is not working, so has been taken downLook under bills. Hansard debate re this subject is available if you search.
Id love to know more on the prossess on enforcing the laws or having those breaking the laws how does it get reported as gangstalking a private special tho any WL there harrasment techieneqes sre extreamly dangerouse, iv have gone from making $1000 in 1day to nothing but harrassment enquiers the 1 cleint i do get rather talk mostly i talk and my client offerng to assist with helping me to get work, its out right sexual exhtuastion and wage theft, that just the start off it, il b doing a trip to perth in the next fortnight
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Foundation Member
Interesting walk down memory lane here. So much has changed since 2016 but not all of it for the better.

I believe the "boy's club" of parliament, both state and federal has changed for the better and our current Federal parliament actually has close to a fair representation of women in its ranks. There is also much more awareness of bullying and harassment in all workplaces and more willingness to call it out. There will be a clean out of the culture in Federal Parliament under Labor and even though it will be aimed mainly at shaming the previous Government it should be a good thing.

As regards the sex industry I think I got it right earlier. Most levels of Government have more important matters to deal with and this will continue to bubble away on the back burner.

Shae Demasi

VIP Companion
Legend Member
spent 2 hours reading the Sex Services Amendment Bill 2007 this evening.
If you wish to update your knwledge you will also have to read and understand tha Prostitution Act 2000
Overall I think the government have done a very efficient job and have garned a very good understanding of the sex industry in general.
There were a few matters of concern, that I felt went to far and will disadvantage the business's and give the private operators a unfair advantage.But then again private operators will have some disadvantages also. like not been able to work from hotels or motels that hold liquor liscenses.
I will list them individually as separate posts.
Very interesting, thank you for sharing.