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Gold Member
Hot Stuff 900

Nothing is illegal yet and if you really believe that shit you should go away and talk to like mided do gooders. Leave our ladies alone.

Where did you get the Idea that local working ladies do not pay tax.
My regular lady has mentioned the tax man on several occasions and their involvement with the sex industry.
They troll the advertising media and follow up on the Ladies that advertise anywhere.
It is a particularly easy occupation for the tax man to target.

If you are really so concerned about the improper use of your tax dollar go on a crusade about dole bludgers and especially illegal imigrants/asylum seekers.

Did you know that the average asylum seeker pulls close to $1000 tax free and they do not even have to comply with job search requirements.
That's about 60% more than an old age pensioner who has worked all their life in this country.

Juicy Lucy

Off course we pay tax its a job! Its up to you as being self employed to look after your tax and up to each and ever girl to do so!

Claudia Michaels

hot_stuff_900, your comments demonstrate a significant misperception of the sex industry.

The problem with registration of sex workers similar to other professions is that there is a stigma attached to it that doesn't apply to those professions; registration similar to other professions is only reasonable if that stigma is removed. I have no problem with people knowing I'm a sex worker and in fact the vast majority of my friends know, but society simply views it with too many stereotypes and an archaic judgmental attitude that no doctor, lawyer, plumber, teacher or electrician will ever have to contend with. That attitude has to change.

In any case, licenses are required in many states and territories to work privately and for establishments to operate so there is a registration system of sorts. Like any industry there is a dodgy underground element: there are many stories of unlicensed tradespeople and even doctors practicing unlisenced. Perhaps that is more extensive in this industry because in order to be able to work - without commenting on the success - a woman doesn't need special skills; also because the aforementioned stigma means that if patrons come across something dodgy they are unlikely to report it due to their own potential for exposure; plus there is an element of discrimination in that unfortunately the general population doesn't care that much about the welfare of people doing something they judge and illegal immigrants. Like everything, it is the people operating outside already-existing laws who are the problem.

As for taxes, sex workers are required to pay them as are all independent contractors. If they don't then they're breaking the law. This is no different to any other profession.

The issues are not with the sex industry as it currently exists, but with society's attitudes and the immoral and illegal behaviour of individuals. The former doesn't need to be changed; the latter matters very much need to be addressed. The focus of the laws should be about the underlying issues and cracking down on exploitation and illegal operators, not about conforming to outdated stereotypes and further hamstringing legitimate workers.


In the age of over control,why can the authorities just let things be!


Silver Member
Hot stuff 900

Your so wrong, what are you scared of, sex is what makes the world go round, it's the essence of life. What and how consenting adults carry out sex is none of your business. Not sure why you and your kind are so scared of sex ad though it will harm society, don't you get it everyone is doing it all the time even the most religious, making it dirty or trying to hide it is absolutely stupid, get over your own issues and look at this issue with common sense.

Illegal sex trade can be managed by current laws. The problem is that society as a whole has it's priorities wrong, brothel in the community is better than drug lab, wife bashers, animal haters, self serving zealots, old people bashers etc

Get your priorities right and look at the real harm because the law will affect not only prostitutes but all citizens as it is only the start of control human behavior for the greater need for greed.

Farm Boy

Register all Australian prostitutes. That would be a great move. Police need to crackdown on the illegal sex trade. Women and children are trafficked all around the world by criminal organisations. Global sex trade is a trillion dollar annual business.

Illegal immigrants working need to show passports and visa status. If not legitimate. Send them back to where they came. Asian massage parlous/brothels are popping up in every suburb on almost every Perth street. Time for Police to get tough on illegal sex trade in Perth. Asian brothels are even opening up next to schools and undesirables frequent the area. The punters of illegal sex shops are shady characters.

I believe Sex workers should be registered and electronically collared to keep them safe. The government needs to ensure they are paying taxes and not cheating Social Security system. Illegal sex workers need to be under police scrutiny to keep the sex workers safe and secure. Crackdown on illegal sex trade is needed. Most sex workers are often under the influence of drugs and they are property of under world figures. It is time for the government to get tough on crime.

Legal sex trade business turnover is adversely impacted by the illegal sex trade taking over the sex trade market.

Anyway the punters need to be kept away from illegal sex workers. Prosecute the punters and the illegal sex trade will slow down or go underground. Out of sight and out of mind.

Hot stuff the moment a Illegal immigrant shows up on a Gov register there attested and deported , and pay attention concerned feel good bleeding heart Lefty's I said illegal not boat.
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Foundation Member
The sad thing about Hot Stuff's attitude (assuming he is not just trolling) is that it is all too common in the wider community.


Because of years of repetition by bible-thumping religious zealots and those politicians who fall under their influence.

This is my real concern - I don't care what a pollie does in his own time - if he feels comfortable communing with his invisible friend that is his right. But when he uses his elected position to further the aims of whatever church he supports that is WRONG WRONG WRONG and no different from the guy who steers Government business towards his friends and relatives.

I fear there are too many bible thumpers and wowsers in Government and it is high time they were required to reveal religious leanings along with their financial interests.


Full Member
Foundation Member
An interesting article on page 14 of today's West (link below too).

Doctors fear brothel laws a health risk - The West Australian

The bit that just underpinned Porter's ignorance of the industry was this gem at the end of the article:

"....the reality that prostitution is presently a clandestine and unregulated industry."

Really???.....so does this mean that WLs, brothel owners & escort agencies are run by criminals???.......what a right wing idiot!!!!!!



An interesting article on page 14 of today's West (link below too).

Doctors fear brothel laws a health risk - The West Australian

The bit that just underpinned Porter's ignorance of the industry was this gem at the end of the article:

"....the reality that prostitution is presently a clandestine and unregulated industry."

Really???.....so does this mean that WLs, brothel owners & escort agencies are run by criminals???.......what a right wing idiot!!!!!!

Clandestine??? Terrorist camps are clandestine, Langtrees even advertise their location, I wish some of these fun police would grab as brain!!
Well pointed out Fudd!


Legend Member
Obviously Porter thinks it the same as politics. Candidates are chosen clandestinely. The Senate voting system, where voters are not able to vote their party preferences unless they fill in about 100 boxes (without making a single mistake) - it clandestine (no -corrupt).

And any corrupt and incompetent idiot can get into parliament - talent has a disadvantage as the parties will not nominate anyone who is more talented than the party hacks.

The taxpayer is forced to give millions of dollars to the current parties, so new parties and independents have almost no chance (snowball in hell has more chance).

What an insult that WLs are the same as politicians. Most WLs are honest, deliver what they promise, and are value for money.

Politicians just screw all of us - and we get no pleasure out of it. This applies to politicians of all parties.


Legend Member
I see in the west Australian today that the AMA have contacted
Porter to oppose the new prostitution laws On medical safety grounds


Full Member
Foundation Member
Have they acually decided yet?

....no, not as yet. The Bill that seeks to amend the current Prostitution Act was halted in the Lower House so it hasn't been read for a 2nd time yet. As the WA Parliament is currently in recess until 21 Feb, it is not known when that Bill will be presented to the chamber for its 2nd reading.

If it gets passed at that stage, it needs to be read and passed for a 3rd time before going to the Upper House for 3 readings. If the Bill passes all 3 readings in the Upper House, it then receives Royal assent and the proposed changes are implemented.


Farm Boy

I know members of a few parties. The candidates are chosen before the supposed members meetings.

"The fix is on" in all parties in all cases.

Maybe you should participate in this process and then you would have a more realistic Idea of what really happens .


Controlling sex/sexuality is the most subtle yet destructive form of oppression, usually carried out by zealots of all creeds. Usually under the guise of protecting the community.They know what is best for all? Of course they do!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Controlling sex/sexuality is the most subtle yet destructive form of oppression, usually carried out by zealots of all creeds. Usually under the guise of protecting the community.They know what is best for all? Of course they do!

I totally agree. In a world where the underlying intention is not to gain at the cost of others, people would monitor their own actions in order to benefit others rather than control or influence the behaviors and beliefs of others for their own gain in the name of whatever the campaign is.

In such a world.... All are winners.


Legend Member
Maybe you should participate in this process and then you would have a more realistic Idea of what really happens .

This is why the number of party members has fallen dramatically over the decades. Members have zero say.

I have been involved (attempted to) and quit.


Legend Member
This is why the number of party members has fallen dramatically over the decades. Members have zero say.

I have been involved (attempted to) and quit.

Your involvement Demon. A large party I take it ?
Would I be right in guessing it was a fairly safe seat I
would imagine a marginal would be more openly contested?
Or am I way off


Personally I dont think it will get through in this session and Porter knows it.
Just trying to make a name for himself.
He already has one in my mind "dickhead"


I think it is pretty stupid of the Australian Government.. I mean they are making it every working girl is paying Tax which I totally agree with, we should pay tax.. however, escorts will have to stop?? There goes most of the business and there goes less tax for the Government to take.. wat tha??

I worry also that it will make agencies harder to operate that the rate in rape will rise.

They want to make it hard for agencies to operate.. why? its the safest way for a working girl to work. The Industry is NOT going to disappear. All that will happen is it will all be pushed under ground. Its going to make matters soo much worse and they dont even realise.

I mean whats wrong with it?, Everybody has sex, just because a girl wants to put a value on herself and the client has enough respect to give the lady something in return to say "thanks, i appreciate you".. Its much better then picking up some poor drunk girl in a club and taking advantage of her, trading all kinds of sexually transmitted infections!!

Just needed to get that out.. that is all :)


An interesting article on page 14 of today's West (link below too).

Doctors fear brothel laws a health risk - The West Australian

The bit that just underpinned Porter's ignorance of the industry was this gem at the end of the article:

"....the reality that prostitution is presently a clandestine and unregulated industry."

Really???.....so does this mean that WLs, brothel owners & escort agencies are run by criminals???.......what a right wing idiot!!!!!!


Did they mean.. regulated in a health aspect? like keeping a close eye on WL's health? (STD's) etc etc


Full Member
Foundation Member
Did they mean.. regulated in a health aspect? like keeping a close eye on WL's health? (STD's) etc etc

...in that context, they mean regulated as in a licence, registration, personal details etc just like in some other states, eg Victoria. I'm sure the requirement for regular health checks would be included too.

Fudd :)


Silver Member
Could someone please provide advice on what is legal in WA from a customers perspective. It seems very confusing.

I would like to be clear about what is allowed and what is not. Ie What and Where?

It's seems that under the law, Brothels are illegal, but police have an arrangement to ignore them??

Don't want to get caught on the night police decide to enforce the law!

Thank you


Some interesting readings on this thread and good to look back at people's views