How is it obvious they are sex workers? I haven't come across any as yet, ie the ones that list their profile in English.
Most of the ones I have come across have usually been from fairly innocuous "normal" looking profiles (although there are/were certainly profiles where it was obvious - usually from the photos). The conversation usually goes: Hi - how are you? - where are you from? - (pleasant chit-chat) and then - what do you do here? - I do massage - oh really?? - and then an exchange of a few more photos and you're on your way if you wish.....as I said above I've had 6-7 that started just like this. So I guess I'm saying in these cases it was simply the luck of the draw, nothing more.
There were 2-3 who contacted me and it went from there. However, I agree it has been quieter compared to a year+ ago....