I too have been discussing these issues with clients and they appeared to be alittle perplexed,didnt have much understanding of the consequences or implications this bill carries.
The Bill will not be presented until after Christmas.
This means we have time to organise ourselves and campaign properly.
Is possible to do an online survey ? Would that hold any value,
maybe something similar to the profile form, Saige constructed ?
In the last 24hrs I have spoken to many worker's and clients about
this proposal and the implications it will have and there are
many who haven't fully comprehended the impact it will have
on the industry.
Keep talking about it ! (If you can, I understand, it can be hard in
some circles to discuss this issue without judgement)
But if you can - please do !!
That is the best news I've heard all week.
Having more time is awesome !
Hi Vanessa
I urge and your friends to not let this news and the additional time it gives to you, to slip through your fingers. Most of us are good at deadlines but terrible when we have too much time on our side. You need to maximise your usage of the respite that has been given so that you can make an impression on the powers that be. Good luck.
Just a question??..hot_stuff_900
.....are you a punter luv?
Hi Vanessa
I urge and your friends to not let this news and the additional time it gives to you, to slip through your fingers. Most of us are good at deadlines but terrible when we have too much time on our side. You need to maximise your usage of the respite that has been given so that you can make an impression on the powers that be. Good luck.
....interesting......if that is the case, the first sitting date of the Legislative Assembly after Xmas is 21 Feb 2012.
I've now read the Amended Bill. It is actually far worse than the original version. The serious issues have not been addressed and loopholes have been closed. The amendments that are made together work to the detriment of prostitutes completely and all but shut down the legitimate part of the industry. The supposed positive changes on closer reading are just spin designed to mislead those with concerns into thinking that problems have been rectified.
- The definition has not been amended. It technically catches any encounter where one party pays for things (the reward) and they have sex afterward. It also requires physical contact and therefore leaves loopholes with respect to visual stimulation and fetishes.
- There has been no change to the powers of enforcement officials. They can still go onto any premise they reasonably suspect of being a prostitution business and search anyone and anything, with reasonable suspicion not defined and no requirement of a suspicion of illegality. They can also effectively stop anyone in the street they suspect of thinking about engaging in act of prostitution, such as a man and woman behaving flirtatiously. This leaves open the door to harassment and intimidation, not to mention essentially getting 'stop, search and detain' laws in through the back door.
- There are no checks and balances on the powers of authority, such as the Minister, Police Commissioner, CEO of the Department or Governor.
Illegal sex operators with their unsafe sex practises and setting up shop in residential suburbs must be shut down. They offer very cheap rates that are too good to be true.
Beautiful companions is one the dodgiest website where nearly 100% of the sex workers look nothing like the pics ripped off from porn sites and model sites.
It is about time we see a crack down on illegal brothels and illegal sex workers trying to undercut legal brothels.
Claudia, if you haven't done so already, it may be worth forwarding your analysis to The West Australian and other media outlets. If the definitions are as vague as you indicate, then I could see them raising a lot of concerns with the general public.
These points in particular should raise concerns for everyone. If the definition is that vague, then pretty much any encounter between two people, were one person pays for something, then they proceed to go anywhere private would be grounds for the police to enter that location.
I mean I can just see it: "Yes your Honour. The young lady was, in our expert opinions, far too attractive be romantically involved with the defendant. As he paid for the meal and gave her a gift, we suspected it was an act of prostitution. We followed them back to his residence and executed a search, in accordance with the Act."
Something that confuses me is, if the whole purpose of this is to shut-down 'backyard brothels' that are causing problems for the neighbours and exploiting overseas girls, then shouldn't existing laws take care of it? If I was to start running any sort of business out of my home that had customers causing hassles for my neighbours, don't existing council by-laws cover that sort of thing? And shouldn't visa rules cover the illegal sex trade aspects?
....just by way of background, the WA Electoral Commission has announced that the next State elections must be held between the following date range:
Not before: 23 June 2012
Not after: 04 May 2013
If I was a betting man, I would bet on it being held sometime around Oct or Nov 2012.
I was perusing the WA Electoral Commission website and it seems Parliament has passed a Bill such that General Elections will be held on the second Saturday in March in 2013. So my understanding is that the next election is 9 March 2013.
...thanks for the heads up Claudia. I didn't spot that the Electoral and Constitutional Amendment Bill 2011 had only just been passed. At least we now know that we face a full state general election (both houses of parliament) on the second Saturday of every 4th year.