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WA Porter has made enough amendments to get this bill passed

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I have just finished the first reading of the bill...clients now can be fined $6000 first offence and two years jail second offence if they stay at a business or a private operator that does not have her license clearly displayed.can you imagine a horny Australian bloke looking and checking for a liscense?
All escort and escort agencies will be illegal.
Eve united states have never been able to stamp out escorts, they are just sending the industry underground.
Where the hell is a private operator going to find suitable affordable premises in a commercial or industrial zoning, and have the funds to wait 6 months to get council and government licenses?
I have always believed that government is made up of sensible people genuinely with the interest of people as there main criteria, after reading the 2nd draft and seeing they have included the gangster confiscation laws I can honestly see they do not have the interest of the public or the industry in this, it is about power control...hoping they can get this passed and then use it to sweet talk the voters to show them how wonderful they are.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Its pretty grim :(
I thought the Victorian laws were strict but they look
angelic in comparison, at least they allow escorting.

I also want to say Thank You Maryanne for firing us
to get vocal about this x


This is why Maryanne is right Ladies we need to put our vioces out there Mr Porter is only acting in his own bestinterests as Maryanne stated not in the publics or the sex industrys


Anymore news on how the questionare is doing ladies?Also hopefully we will have a great effect with some of us sending letters to the papers and pollies



Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ladies you are small in number at the moment but you give me faith, many an army has started with three, then 33 then 333.I urge the agency girls and the agency owners to join in , this new law is horrific


Its all thanks to you Maryanne and Im so excited at the prospect of the letters that will be published in the west in coming days cant wait to see the responsexxx


Gold Member
I honestly thought, that the Nazi time was gone for good, but reading the latest amendments of the bill, clearly indicate something different. It is also a smack in the face for all those ( including myself) who have spent numerous hours in dialogs with politicians, to gain a mutual understanding of this industry.

Welcome to Perth , the number 1 re-avenue police State !:BangHead::puke:

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Ok, I've written my letters and after some long
reflection, have decided I am ok with being part
of a group of worker's meeting with select politicians.
So long as no media is involved, a private meeting, I will
participate. I have a hectic week next week, so hopefully
between us our schedules will match up.
Saige - are you organising the meeting/s ?
Let me know what the plan is, and I'll do my best to
I have some goals, I haven't achieved yet, I only need a couple
more years and I can succeed, the timing and nature of this proposal
sucks :( so I'm prepared to do what I can to stop it, for my future
and many other worker's x


Girls if everyone is available on Tuesday at 12...happy to do at my house...I am hoping you can be there too MaryAnne???..your input obviously is invaluable.

What I would like you to bring to meeting is a letter of your work/life history (like what you sent inot west aust), points on what parts of the ammendments need to be changed and what we need as workers to haappen for us....do what you can...we will make a document as a group. I spoke to the West Australian today and I asked for a meeting with poiliticans with us girls and Wst australian to report on it..no photos, no names total, anon....they are happy...if girls are uncomfortable with this we can discuss.

Please comments.....

Ok, I've written my letters and after some long
reflection, have decided I am ok with being part
of a group of worker's meeting with select politicians.
So long as no media is involved, a private meeting, I will
participate. I have a hectic week next week, so hopefully
between us our schedules will match up.
Saige - are you organising the meeting/s ?
Let me know what the plan is, and I'll do my best to
I have some goals, I haven't achieved yet, I only need a couple
more years and I can succeed, the timing and nature of this proposal
sucks :( so I'm prepared to do what I can to stop it, for my future
and many other worker's x


I cant make tuesday at 12pm sorry but I will write my letter and submissions and forward to you by email happy to be at the pollie meeting if you can let me know details please


Silver Member
...there are 59 seats in the WA Legislative Assembly (the Lower House of the WA Parliament). At the moment, it comprises:

Labour 26 seats
Liberal 24 Seats
National 5 seats
Indep 3 seats
Green Indep 1 seat.

For the Bill to proceed, the government will require 30 votes. Assuming that all of the members from the Liberal & National parties will vote for it, it only needs 1 more vote......and here is the kicker. Liz Constable is an independent but was a liberal party member. She is also a current minister in the Barnett government. I doubt that she would vote against the Bill given that she is a minister.

The bottom line here is that if the Bill is to be defeated or modified, at least 3 of the Independents and at least 1 Lib/National party member would have to vote against it.

This could be a tall order.

Fudd :)

if your figures are correct then Liz Constable is the one to be Lobbying


I will try shifting tuesday around so I can make it please let me know meeting details


Illegal sex operators with their unsafe sex practises and setting up shop in residential suburbs must be shut down. They offer very cheap rates that are too good to be true.

Beautiful companions is one the dodgiest website where nearly 100% of the sex workers look nothing like the pics ripped off from porn sites and model sites.

It is about time we see a crack down on illegal brothels and illegal sex workers trying to undercut legal brothels.


Full Member
Foundation Member
The way I see it, this Bill will put this industry into 2 groups.

The first will be under strict controls and overseen by a handful of brothel operators. The second group will go underground and be overseen by dodgy operators who will not have the WLs interests, health etc at hand.

I'm not a smart person but the way I see the industry at the moment is that it is divided into 4 groups, namely:
1. brothel/massage parlour operators;
2. escort agencies;
3. private WLs; and
4. the dodgy/illegal agencies/operators.

It would appear that this Bill's will result in:
a. the industry will be run by a handful of operators who will call the shots;
b. groups 2 & 3 disappearing; and
c. group 4 going underground and be incapable of being regulated/policed.

It would appear that this government has not canvassed the players in this industry. They are either:
i. bowing to handfull of people who think they know the industry;
ii pandering to a group of power brokers; or
iii using this Bill as a political tool to help maximise their chances of being re-elected.

Fudd :)


We have good sex workers and we have bad sex workers. It is the bad sex workers that need to be eliminated. A consequence of the bad sex workers actions has forced the government and police to take action in the best interests of the community.

Bad sex workers are notorious for false advertising, stealing from their clients, using threats of violence, staying illegally in this country, extortion against their clients and other crimes are perpetrated by the bad sex workers.

I am fed up with all the illegal cheap bad sex workers taking over. They offer cheap rates and they offer bad services to their clients. The growing number of bad sex workers give good sex workers a bad reputation.

Good sex workers are usually worth what ever they charge their clients. Bad sex workers are undercutting good sex workers out of the market with their aggressive cheap rates.

The old saying you pay for what you get applies to the sex industry. Good sex workers should stay in the industry but the bad sex workers should be targeted and forced out of business.

Not all sex workers are bad, but the bad sex workers give most sex workers a bad reputation. Moralistic people and the Bible belt community are firmly against all sex workers and do not differentiate between good sex workers and bad sex workers.


An effective crackdown on demand approach has worked overseas can be used here:

Criminalise all clients seeking the services of the prostitutes. Target the clients/buyers and that should slow down the supply of the prostitution service. Heavy fines and imprisonment for clients who seek the services of the prostitute.

Reduce the demand of clients seeking the services of girls/women. Lower demand, lowers the supply of sex workers.


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OMG...read this....how sneaky!!!

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Ms Sue

Legend Member
Hi Honey,
Danni from Lts is happy to come along and support you all..... Danni is registered over in Melbourne as a private worker......Sue


MaryAanne correct me if I am wrong....Scarlett Alliance say on there website and FB page Friday was the last day to get all submissions, calls and emails in????

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
An effective crackdown on demand approach has worked overseas can be used here:

Criminalise all clients seeking the services of the prostitutes. Target the clients/buyers and that should slow down the supply of the prostitution service. Heavy fines and imprisonment for clients who seek the services of the prostitute.

Reduce the demand of clients seeking the services of girls/women. Lower demand, lowers the supply of sex workers.

Seeking sex services or providing sex should never be a criminal act !
This is the approach that needs to change.
This approach creates the underground of prostitution.
It doesn't limit anything - guys will still risk it and worker's will risk it,
its just not above board anymore and will seem like its been
reduced but under the surface its in full flight, the difference is,
there is an increase of dodgy clients and an increase of dodgy sex service operator's.

This angle is the exact approach, many advocates have worked
hard to change.

We need to put our energies into fair working conditions
and the new proposal's violate our human rights and fair trading
conditions x


Hi girls check out letters to the editor page 70 westaustralian today our letters are in there .Congratulations saige and the private lady whom wrote in absolutly subperb our army of 3 is getting the message out there keep it up ladiesxx