I have just finished the first reading of the bill...clients now can be fined $6000 first offence and two years jail second offence if they stay at a business or a private operator that does not have her license clearly displayed.can you imagine a horny Australian bloke looking and checking for a liscense?
All escort and escort agencies will be illegal.
Eve united states have never been able to stamp out escorts, they are just sending the industry underground.
Where the hell is a private operator going to find suitable affordable premises in a commercial or industrial zoning, and have the funds to wait 6 months to get council and government licenses?
I have always believed that government is made up of sensible people genuinely with the interest of people as there main criteria, after reading the 2nd draft and seeing they have included the gangster confiscation laws I can honestly see they do not have the interest of the public or the industry in this, it is about power control...hoping they can get this passed and then use it to sweet talk the voters to show them how wonderful they are.
All escort and escort agencies will be illegal.
Eve united states have never been able to stamp out escorts, they are just sending the industry underground.
Where the hell is a private operator going to find suitable affordable premises in a commercial or industrial zoning, and have the funds to wait 6 months to get council and government licenses?
I have always believed that government is made up of sensible people genuinely with the interest of people as there main criteria, after reading the 2nd draft and seeing they have included the gangster confiscation laws I can honestly see they do not have the interest of the public or the industry in this, it is about power control...hoping they can get this passed and then use it to sweet talk the voters to show them how wonderful they are.