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WA Porter has made enough amendments to get this bill passed



Its high rise commercial residential and within 100 meters of river view church I did read in the amendments existing brothels will be subject to council and they may give me 5 years until the area starts to change.

hahaha I did notice this:laughing4 Someone asks "Oh well I'm just off to river view church, hopefully see some angles"


Sex workers should be officially registered as sex workers. Brothels belong in contained industrial areas & entertainment districts. Brothels are not wanted in residential areas or next to schools, child care centres or hospitals.

The sex worker law reforms do not go far enough. The Liberal Party are making the right decision for the best interests of the community. They will make more reforms when they win an increased majority at the next State election.

Just a question??.......are you a punter luv?


Is it a good idea for punters to do anything?

Absolutely ..if you go onto scarlett alliance and download a pak giving you instructions on how to assist

- WA

Section 2 – Where to send your letter/submission:
Send submissions by post or email.
Prostitution Reform Feedback
Department of the Attorney General
GPO Box F317, PERTH 6841

Thankyou SexNut.....your support is appreciated....mwahhhhh!!! x


Full Member
Foundation Member
Labor stated they wont support it and two back benchers are undecided. Don't they have to have full support to get it passed????????????

...there are 59 seats in the WA Legislative Assembly (the Lower House of the WA Parliament). At the moment, it comprises:

Labour 26 seats
Liberal 24 Seats
National 5 seats
Indep 3 seats
Green Indep 1 seat.

For the Bill to proceed, the government will require 30 votes. Assuming that all of the members from the Liberal & National parties will vote for it, it only needs 1 more vote......and here is the kicker. Liz Constable is an independent but was a liberal party member. She is also a current minister in the Barnett government. I doubt that she would vote against the Bill given that she is a minister.

If voting on the Bill goes along the above lines, then I cant see the Bill failing as the Government will have the required 30 votes to have the Bill read for a third and final time in the Legislative Assembly.

If the Bill gets through the Legislative Assembly then, in my opinion, it will fly through the Legislative Council (the Upper House of the WA Parliament). The reason being is that there are only 36 seats in the Legislative Council. Of these, the Libs/Nationals hold 21 seats with Labour & the Greens holding 15 seats. 19 seats would be enough to get the Bill enacted & the Libs/Nationals have that sewn up.

The bottom line here is that if the Bill is to be defeated or modified, at least 3 of the Independents and at least 1 Lib/National party member would have to vote against it.

This could be a tall order.

Fudd :)

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
I have been aware this proposal was on the cards since last year.
Magenta regularly mentioned that the government was working on a proposal
that concerned them, and no one in the industry was consulted, they believed it may include registeration.
And then the proposal appeared mid year - this year - far far worse than we anticipated :(
For as long as I was aware the proposal was looming, I have been writing
letters in oppostition.
As a private, I have been active in voicing myself, alongside many client's I know and other private worker's.
We have been actively voicing our concerns. It may not have been overt but it was constant.

Saige - count me in for signing a petition or contributing to written opposition to send to local member's.
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Thanks Vaness...Ill let you know!
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2. Write a Submission as Part of the Community Consultation Process
Submissions do not have to be long or time consuming, and are an important way to let the
government know you do not support what has been proposed.
Deadline Friday 29th July 2011
Send submissions by post or email.
Prostitution Reform Feedback
Department of the Attorney General
GPO Box F317, PERTH 6841

Can we still submit? Has the deadline pass or do we keep sending regardless? Hope many many many punters have support their w/ls:boxing:


Deadlines for when they were collecting data yes have closed however you an still show support by writing letters...so go ahead and ignore the dates!!

***Would be great for all punters to send in a letter.....show your support please!!!


...there are 59 seats in the WA Legislative Assembly (the Lower House of the WA Parliament). At the moment, it comprises:

Labour 26 seats
Liberal 24 Seats
National 5 seats
Indep 3 seats
Green Indep 1 seat.

For the Bill to proceed, the government will require 30 votes. Assuming that all of the members from the Liberal & National parties will vote for it, it only needs 1 more vote......and here is the kicker. Liz Constable is an independent but was a liberal party member. She is also a current minister in the Barnett government. I doubt that she would vote against the Bill given that she is a minister.

If voting on the Bill goes along the above lines, then I cant see the Bill failing as the Government will have the required 30 votes to have the Bill read for a third and final time in the Legislative Assembly.

If the Bill gets through the Legislative Assembly then, in my opinion, it will fly through the Legislative Council (the Upper House of the WA Parliament). The reason being is that there are only 36 seats in the Legislative Council. Of these, the Libs/Nationals hold 21 seats with Labour & the Greens holding 15 seats. 19 seats would be enough to get the Bill enacted & the Libs/Nationals have that sewn up.

The bottom line here is that if the Bill is to be defeated or modified, at least 3 of the Independents and at least 1 Lib/National party member would have to vote against it.

This could be a tall order.

Fudd :)

Liz then should be the one to approach first?????


Thanks Maryanne I have been busy doing my submissions tonight think I emailed alot of pollies putting my views across hopefully it all helps


I strongly believe that it is time for great change in the industry, I am not talking about just the laws it is time to empower ourselves and WE THE WORKERS need to stop sitting back and letting others determine the future for our businesses without our best interests in mind. If we want change and better conditions then we need to fight for it.

We are intelligent, strong and together we can make ALOT of noise, which is what we need....people to hear us.

I think we are past the poiint of just sending in submissions...we need more then paper.....though people keep sending them, but we need more!!!

I want annonanimity too...but I want the ability to run my business and I want the rights of sex workers to be legitimised and community to change its views about us more...so I will stand up and meet these politicians ......anyone else???


Community won't change its views. Too influenced by religion and these backyard unsavoury bodge jobs types don't help. :(

We need to treat w/l more as goddesses and not take for granted her body. It is a thing of beauty and she has chosen to share it with us, see it more as a previledge rather than a commodity.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Sabrina that is a good start, but I advise you need to see them. I saw 25% of the politicians the first time around. Porter was well aware and because of this he has made substantial changes that will effect the industry girls.He has made no changes that will make it easier for the private girls because he promised to eradicate our industry from suburbia.
Now he will be working on the principle that the politicians will not be supportive of the private girl because they don't know who they are.
The only difference I can see is for the privates to meet the politicians. I did find the politicians interested in trying to understand the industry.
I did find from my first visits that Porter would not get the numbers, and Labor told me he would make no substantial changes.
He did make substantial changes and they will in effect be vote catching changes, and they were all at the cost of the private who represents 40% of our industry......I am thinking the only solution is to meet with these guys. Of the 18 politicians I visited only one had taken the time to read my submission, so I am sure the written word will not work too well at this stage.What these guys need is face to face, the 4 national and 4 independents hold the key.
The privates need to make some photo boards, of there kids, their husbands and their parents (these will be private) and you need to show the politicians that you are every day normal woman who happen to enjoy sex, you must remember at this stage they think you are all forced to do this job.
They will be thinking along these lines and you need to show them you are real.
I think anything less than 4 and you won't get an interview at this late stage...whereas 4 or over they will take the time. These guys are very busy individuals.
You don't need to waster time on labor, you need to get the 4 nationals together, and lobby the 4 independents. The Fremantle lady is supportive, but another two female independents that weren't so supportive and then we have John Bowler who is resigning next year. He has said he will make sure he protests Hay St, but he is likely to do a trade off with government on this bill.
I know this guy for years and couldn't get a reply from him when I was doing the canvassing.Joanna who is a private wrote my submission for me. She is back in Perth next week and speaks very well and very clearly. I am sure she will help and attend these meetings. What you need to do first is organise the meetings, later in afternoon is best, and do not take no for an answer...ring every day. I will put up correct names phone numbers and address later.


Count mi in Saigexx Let me know the details please pm me if you likexx


Thanks I am willing but need more numbers also if you could put those nubers up of the pollies would be gr8

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I have already asked for two appointments with liberal members that are open to listen...I hope to have two suitable times this afternoon.
The visiting group needs to be a cross section, young, mature, beautiful, not so beautiful etc.
You will get half an hour, a hour at the most, so how you use the time is also very important, at this stage I suggest get in touch with every private...no one will give you appointments before Monday of next week.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Liz then should be the one to approach first?????

.....as MAK stated in subsequent posts, the time has come to meet and talk to the politicians face-to-face. In my opinion, I wouldn't just target Liz Constable but all 4 Independents as they hold the key.

If they vote against the Bill then, assuming Labour votes as a block (ie all vote against the Bill), this should be sufficient to kill this Bill off or at least force Porter to re-visit it. At the very least, targetting these 4 Independents will give you an indication as to whether or not you will need the support from a Lib/National politician.

Timing is critical and I would urge the privates to approach these independents as soon as is possible. Below is a link that lists each policticians contact details.

The link is broken, so taken down

Fudd :)
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Thanks Fudd, I also think the 4 nationals are supportive and also pissed with the liberals which helps.
I think I read somewhere 5 nationals, I thought only 4 in the lower house...can you confirm.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Thanks Fudd, I also think the 4 nationals are supportive and also pissed with the liberals which helps.
I think I read somewhere 5 nationals, I thought only 4 in the lower house...can you confirm.

..I agree with approaching the Nationals as well, if you're sensing some tension between them and the Libs as this would make life a hell of a lot easier, but not at the expense of the Independents. I may be wrong but I still feel that the Independents hold the key as the Nationals can be a bit "flakey" and may crumble (tow the line) at the "death knock". Interesting to note that of the Independents, 3 are women and the solitary male happens to hold the seat of Kalgoorlie.

As for the number of Nationals in the Lower House, I confirm that there are 5 members there from the National Party.

Fudd :)

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
I have known John Bowler for years he is not sitting next election, and wouldn't even reply to my requests for an appointment. I think he is basically an OK guy so still worth working on.
The Green Independent has already declared she will vote against this bill.
The other two female independents were difficult to get hold of and both very conservative...so they need a lot of work.Remember the liberals will offer to support an issue of their choice in return for their vote.


Any privates who wish to express there views may do so the editor of west australian is willing to publish such letters and has assured us that the letters would not contain our identities or details his email is letters@wanews.com.au come on ladies lets have our say.
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does it have to be private ladies or can i as a lady of a house have a say on this stuff?????


These laws affect all of us in some way.I have posted editors details so all working ladies may send in the letters the more the merrier we need to get our points acrossxx


These laws affect all of us in some way.I have posted editors details so all working ladies may send in the letters the more the merrier we need to get our points acrossxx

awesome i am off to write some letters


Also any punters wishing to have a say it would be great if you could do so.....


I have also canvassed and emailed most of the pollies hopefully we will get our points across ladies


It would be great if you could do them today and email the editor as he has indicated they will be published in letters to the editor tomorrow or monday.Come on ladies we need to rally the troops this is our livelyhoodxx