...there are 59 seats in the WA Legislative Assembly (the Lower House of the WA Parliament). At the moment, it comprises:
Labour 26 seats
Liberal 24 Seats
National 5 seats
Indep 3 seats
Green Indep 1 seat.
For the Bill to proceed, the government will require 30 votes. Assuming that all of the members from the Liberal & National parties will vote for it, it only needs 1 more vote......and here is the kicker. Liz Constable is an independent but was a liberal party member. She is also a current minister in the Barnett government. I doubt that she would vote against the Bill given that she is a minister.
If voting on the Bill goes along the above lines, then I cant see the Bill failing as the Government will have the required 30 votes to have the Bill read for a third and final time in the Legislative Assembly.
If the Bill gets through the Legislative Assembly then, in my opinion, it will fly through the Legislative Council (the Upper House of the WA Parliament). The reason being is that there are only 36 seats in the Legislative Council. Of these, the Libs/Nationals hold 21 seats with Labour & the Greens holding 15 seats. 19 seats would be enough to get the Bill enacted & the Libs/Nationals have that sewn up.
The bottom line here is that if the Bill is to be defeated or modified, at least 3 of the Independents and at least 1 Lib/National party member would have to vote against it.
This could be a tall order.