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Vic & Melbourne Crossdressers Thread

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chrissy hunt

Re: Crossdressers Thread

I'm new to the site and crossdress on regular occasions when i can.
my so/gf knows and doesn't approve but kinda tolerates me doing it and is slowly realising its part of me that isn't just a phase.....
long way to go before we go out as 'girls' though!


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

hey.. thanks cathy! The links are much appreciated ^-^

I've checked those sites (just then) and there wasn't much going on in the Chameleon society one.. most pages were under construction or coming soon or something..

But I've signed up to the Seahorse Yahoo Group.. so hopefully I'll gain a few friends or at least contacts through that.

What I've really been hoping for (I haven't put much effort in yet) is to have a female friend to help me and go shopping with etc.

To be honest.. I don't have ANY female friends :( I'm not good in social situations.. and as a result don't have many TRUE friends.
I find it hard to connect with people..

ANYWAYS... I've also realised, I never replied to fader (sorry!).. so here goes..

In terms of Lingerie.. almost nothing.
I have few pairs of panties and that's it.

For a while I was obsessed with eBay and bought lots of stuff... but I learnt a lesson.. that it's best to just (pay full price) and get things yourself or from trusted online shopping sites.
That's not to say eBay cannot be trusted, but I got alot of stuff that wasn't as good as I expected.

so.. of the good stuff I got and the stuff that I bought myself.. I have...
10 pairs of shoes! (I love shoes and legwear!!)
7 pairs of Ballet Flats (which are my favourite!) 4 Target, 2 American Eagle (from eBay) and one Lipstik brand.
2 pairs of Target boots.. both Mid Calf.
1 pair of Suede Black 4inch (or so) heels.

I am obsessed with tight legwear..
I have at least 50 pair of tights.. probably more
about 10-20 pairs of pantyhose
about 20-30 pairs of leggings
7 pairs of knee high or thigh socks.
4 pairs of stay-up stockings
and I intend to get some skinny jeans in different colours.

I have only 3-4 dresses, 3-4 skirts, about 5-6 tops.

plus other random stuff.. like a few leotards, gloves, a pair of rubber stockings.

this is a little embarrassing to say.. because most girls wouldn't have some of these items!

Very nice collection darksecret. Sorry for late reply, with the forum change (un-beknown to me) I just found this site again!!... Thought it got taken down or something!

You should check out my web site www.yourendlesspleasure.com

thanks for your post, tried the website, but it is down?

We have a great range of lingerie and toys..

chrissy hunt

Re: My hobby: Lingerie

sounds like quite a collection, pretty similar to my own :hello:
nothing like wearing some nice clothes to relax you is there x
i love satin stuff can't get enough of the soft feeling, very sexy material xx
i love to cd but don't tell the gf :nono:


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

Totally agree.

If i get a chance I'll have to put some photos up. Unfortunately havent had that chance yet.

but yer I love wearing them to bed, makes me have the best sleeps ever! :D

chrissy hunt

Re: My hobby: Lingerie

If you do get the chance go for it and i'll put some naughty ones up myself :police::police:


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

haha schweeet.
It was so hot last night, so out came the black satin thong! hahha

chrissy hunt

Re: My hobby: Lingerie

no such trouble here it will be my silk shorts or satin nightie 2night as its about -5/10 c here in the uk!
might wear a thong underneath though hmmmm:angel1:


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

I was bored.













Re: My hobby: Lingerie

I'm not gay but I like your bra and g set (in the first pic)

What size undies do you wear, fader?


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

usually size 10. though i have some 8s and 12s.


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

yea me too! (size10) ...I like the tight fit (even though it's not good for... "men's health")

I only have (women's) bonds undies.. the boyleg hipsters are good for tucking!!


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

just bought a crotchless bodystocking.

and hopefully a white silk thong :D


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

nothing better than dressing up in woman's lingerie.I have been c/ding for 10 years now. My wife buys lingerie for me or buy it off ebay (great bargains)


Gold Member
Re: My hobby: Lingerie

Gosh, i`m 44 & i`ve been cding since i was about 17. I love going to op shops semi dressed up. Not going the whole bit, just say 3/4 jeans, top, heels or flats, femmie earrings. Am avail for op shop trips Mons to Weds. I know em all. I go all the time.


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

Oh wow, you guys have been into it for a long time! :D

I might be going on another splurge tonight :)

Found some items I would like! :)

If i am luck enough to win them thats about $16. hehe bargain!

sorry for small pics.




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Re: My hobby: Lingerie

Awesome I won the garter belt / small thong and a teddy! :D




plus the two bottoms ones above! :D


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

lingerie is my fetish as a submissive....and Fader you look hot!


Re: My hobby: Lingerie

I'm crazy for lingerie and I'm really addicted to stockings... well all hosiery is aweshum.

Fader you have a nice collection. :) You also look hot in the bra and panties which are certainly nice looking themselves.


Crossdresser new to forum

Hi Everyone
I'm a 27yr old crossdresser in Melbourne. Hope I can have fun on here chatting to people about all sorts of things.


Horny Bugger
Gold Member
Re: Crossdresser new to forum

Hey SB, Welcome to the forum mate. Hope you have fun and find what you are looking for.

love to see some pics. I have to admit to being quite naieve in this area, but do you only xd on weekends and for events etc? or is it a private thing for you?

Anyway, please don't be offended by my ignorance, hope you have fun!!


Re: Crossdresser new to forum

I only crossdress in private at the moment, but hopefully I'll be changing that soon. Also looking to possibly meet a guy at some point in the future for some experimentation. Send me a private message if you'd like to see some pics.


Re: Crossdresser new to forum

Hi Sexybeth,

Good luck with the meet up and I hope you will enjoy it :)


Re: Crossdressers Thread

Hey, I'm new to this website.
At 26, I've been crossdressing since I was 11. Thought it was a phase and tried stopping but found the urge and excitement continues to evolve.
So now I have a number of clothes and unfortunately still only do it in my bedroom.
My two ex girlfriends knew I did it, the last one being the best as I could wear whatever around here and she was ok with it and fully supported it. But unfortunately now single though I love it but miss having someone know I do it and encourage me.
See you girls around :)


Re: Any TV,TS,CD parties in Melb.

Yeah I would love to know too!
I heard maybe The Commercial in South Yarra you might be able to as that is one of the biggest gay nightclubs there is apparently.
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