People my age that act like my age
Anyone who doesn't talk like a pirate and especially if they don't on "world talk like a pirate day - ooor aaarh!"
People that aren't w/l's - especially men
Men that are w/l's that don't tell you they're men
Men, you can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em (sorry just a random thought)
Traveling 3,750km for sex without any sleep for 24hrs then finding mini me doesn't live up to his end of the bargain (and I discussed this with him and everything!!)
People that get grumpy about things they have no control over (oh that's me in the previous comment)
People that get grumpy about things they do have control over but don't change
People that don't surf, skateboard or play computer games (Just because I have to wear a suit to work and pretend to be an adult isn't a reason to stop!)
People that don't like sex (It was so much fun at 15 so why stop?)
People with stinky bums
Guys that don't respect women especially their working girls
People that are serious when they don't need to be
People that don't like water slides or body slides (ok you should like both - preferably at the same time)
But most of all, people that can't be serious when they really need to be.