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If you legalise a drug, the illigeal drug runners will simply jump to the challange and start creating different chemicl elements of cocain


If you legalise a drug, the illigeal drug runners will simply jump to the challange and start creating different chemicl elements of cocain

Why the hell would anyone maufacture a synthetic version of a drug that is already legal? I think you've had too much drugs mate.


Drug education is a complete and utter waste of time IMO.

Younger people (generally) simply want to try it and most of the time it's a pleasant experience (depending on what drug). They then see no problem with it, so they tell their mates and the cycle gains momentum.

Then you get these celebs who, have immense pulling power over the younger crowd, and go on 5 day benders to Vegas and party it up. Drugs are simply seen as cool. Smoking seems to be less common with younger people, not because we've been repeatedly "educated" that it causes cancer, but because it's not really "cool" any more. Movie stars 20 years ago probably all smoked but not these days.

What you are discussing is social acceptance. Therefore if we can infiltrate the mind of youths to have them believe it's socially unacceptable then perhaps a difference will be made. I do believe high profile celebrities such as Charlie, Ben Cousins, Amy Winehouse are perfect examples of how drug use can destroy lives.


They are definitely perfect examples (mental states, job loss, death) but you can't even come close to winning the "war on drugs" when people who are likely to use them still think those people are "cool". Goodness knows how you stop that but spending tax payers money on an advertising campaign stating that meth is bad is pointless. The government / teachers etc are all powerless when it comes to that.

The only thing that probably works is better parenting but that's a whole ball game.

I think heroin is a good example. Coke, E's, weed etc are all common socially but 95% of people are more than happy to steer clear of heroin. Not because of the seriousness of it but the "image" around it.

Farm Boy

When is the HON DR GEOFF GALLOP from Australia 21 going to tell the Saudi Arabians not to bother with suppression of the relational use of narcotics as it has no effect on the consumption of drugs by there young people and will only increase criminalisation .


Legend Member
How can (As someone has already said) Geoff Gallop A man who has had depression advocate Marijuana
Once people are ensconsed in the world of academia A different part of the brain must become active
The irreleventabellum


Diamond Member
Social conservative government policies to counter the war on drugs have never worked and have only lead to a booming black market drug industry to flourish globally. A European socially liberal approach to the deal with drugs would be to legalise drugs and regulate the industry and ensure tax revenue is collected for the government.

Instead of banning and forcing the drug industry underground. Controlling and regulating it through legalising the drug trade may result in dealing with the drug problem. When drugs are legalised they are not seen as being cool and against the establishment.


Gold Member
Totally agree with Stovo, Australia should follow Portugal's example and decriminalise the use and possession of all classified substances. The War on Drugs is a total failure


Legend Member
The biggest supporters of the illegal drugs staying illegal are the dealers. It is their business. The so called war has been going on for about 100 years. It is a health problem and social problem. Don't make it a legal problem, which hinders dealing with the social and health issues.

Prohibition of alcohol was tried in USA for about 12 years (1919 - 1931). Its only long term outcome was the success of organised crime. Al Capone, as one example, went from a small time criminal to a really rich criminal, and society became accustomed to breaking the law.

Prohibition does not work.

The logic of making drugs illegal is the same logic being applied to prostitution by the 'anti' group.