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The time has come to ban marijuana!



I got expelled from school at 14 for dealing in marijuana. My next cone was when I was 34.
My biggest issue is buying it. I hate loathe and despise drug dealers.
Apart from that I quite like smoking it which is not very often and usually in moderation. Makes my cock rock hard and extra horny


I don't drink or smoke and until recently didn't do drugs either. But I know understand the reason why people like to get tipsy or high. I think everything in moderation is the key.


I can be insomniac at times and this is one of those nights. I was just reading this and even though this thread is about 7 years old, I can't help but reflect how sobering it is in the light of more recent news today - looking at Ben Cousins and how far he's gone and Chris Yarran sentenced to 5 years jail.

The fight against drugs should be on all fronts but marijuana really is a bad gateway drug that needs to be tackled aggressively.

Surprised no one expressed more opinions about this.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
In Australia we are seeing a change in attitudes towards cannabis especially in it benefits for medical purpose. It's been legalized medical cannabis for set medical conditions and chef Pete Evans has been advocating it. We saw last week in Canberra changes to some laws around it. In many countries CBD oil is widely used to treat many conditions including those with chronic pain

Since I developed my spinal problems my eyes have been opened and some of my views towards medical cannabis has changed.


Alley W

Must follow this to understand different type of marijuana and how they work.

I'm personally in favor of having it legal and make it legal where its not been legal yet as it helps to calm down your stress and get you chilled. Not only this but also in the medical terms it has achieved great reviews and still there are many experiments are being done on this.

Neptune 68

Gold Member
Must follow this to understand different type of marijuana and how they work.

I'm personally in favor of having it legal and make it legal where its not been legal yet as it helps to calm down your stress and get you chilled. Not only this but also in the medical terms it has achieved great reviews and still there are many experiments are being done on this.
And road safety?

Mint mint

Active Member
Alecia, marijuana is technically banned as in it's illegal. But the governments past in the state have flirted with things ranging from allowing plants for personal use and erasing past records of criminal use after a certain time. Even now, the fines are relatively light.

As Dylan testifies and enough research has proven, it's the start of graduating to harder use for many people and with that comes the damage to society ranging from home invasions to wrecked family lives. If WRXR knows for certain from credible research that casual users can moderate their habit, I'm happy for him. Personally, I think Amy Winehouse was a victim.

I seriously wonder whether a stronger stand has to be taken against it. I certainly find it hypocritical that the agents who arrest people for it aren't stringently tested for drug use i.e. the cops. That's like saying police are allowed to arrest people for drink-driving but not required to undergo breathalyzer tests themselves.
Marajuana should not be banned because it helps some people with stress relief and pain relief. Some people cannot cope without it


Foundation Member
Medical research has uncovered a lot of benefits from cannabis oil, particularly in mitigating some of the worse side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients. There is limited and tightly controlled cultivation allowed and the drug can be legally prescribed but has not been enthusiastically embraced by the medical profession (yet.)

However, "recreational use" is another matter entirely and when people go there they are putting money into the pockets of some of the nastiest pieces of human garbage on the planet. People may think "it is just a cone or a couple of disco biscuits" (are they still called that??) but that purchase supports an industry which sucks people in and destroys their lives. Just ask Ben Cousins.

My preference would be to follow the Singapore method. People caught with illegal drugs and deemed to be users rather than dealers are sent to secured rehabilitation hospitals - like prisons with all the regulation that involves but no visitors allowed until they are cured. Dealers get a long drop and a short rope.

It seems harsh but so far as users (rather than addicts) are concerned it may just save their lives by yanking them back onto the straight and narrow and the dealers - well, let's just say they don't have any repeat offenders.

Dood Deleted 66783

Man, this has to be one of the best reads I've ever seen on this board!